# XSD4R - XML Instance parser library. # Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi . # This program is copyrighted free software by NAKAMURA, Hiroshi. You can # redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms of Ruby's license; # either the dual license version in 2003, or any later version. require 'xsd/qname' require 'xsd/ns' require 'xsd/charset' module XSD module XMLParser class Parser class ParseError < Error; end class FormatDecodeError < ParseError; end class UnknownElementError < FormatDecodeError; end class UnknownAttributeError < FormatDecodeError; end class UnexpectedElementError < FormatDecodeError; end class ElementConstraintError < FormatDecodeError; end @@parser_factory = nil def self.factory @@parser_factory end def self.create_parser(host, opt = {}) @@parser_factory.new(host, opt) end def self.add_factory(factory) if $DEBUG puts "Set #{ factory } as XML processor." end @@parser_factory = factory end public attr_accessor :charset def initialize(host, opt = {}) @host = host @charset = opt[:charset] || nil end def parse(string_or_readable) @textbuf = '' prologue do_parse(string_or_readable) epilogue end private def do_parse(string_or_readable) raise NotImplementError.new( 'Method do_parse must be defined in derived class.') end def start_element(name, attrs) @host.start_element(name, attrs) end def characters(text) @host.characters(text) end def end_element(name) @host.end_element(name) end def prologue end def epilogue end def xmldecl_encoding=(charset) if @charset.nil? @charset = charset else # Definition in a stream (like HTTP) has a priority. p "encoding definition: #{ charset } is ignored." if $DEBUG end end end end end