/********************************************************************** range.c - $Author$ $Date$ created at: Thu Aug 19 17:46:47 JST 1993 Copyright (C) 1993-2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto **********************************************************************/ #include "ruby.h" VALUE rb_cRange; static ID id_cmp, id_succ, id_beg, id_end, id_excl; #define EXCL(r) RTEST(rb_ivar_get((r), id_excl)) #define SET_EXCL(r,v) rb_ivar_set((r), id_excl, (v)?Qtrue:Qfalse) static VALUE range_check(args) VALUE *args; { rb_funcall(args[0], id_cmp, 1, args[1]); if (!FIXNUM_P(args[0]) && !rb_obj_is_kind_of(args[0], rb_cNumeric)) { rb_funcall(args[0], id_succ, 0, 0); } return Qnil; } static VALUE range_failed() { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "bad value for range"); return Qnil; /* dummy */ } static void range_init(obj, beg, end, exclude_end) VALUE obj, beg, end; int exclude_end; { VALUE args[2]; args[0] = beg; args[1] = end; if (!FIXNUM_P(beg) || !FIXNUM_P(end)) { rb_rescue2(range_check, (VALUE)args, range_failed, 0); } SET_EXCL(obj, exclude_end); rb_ivar_set(obj, id_beg, beg); rb_ivar_set(obj, id_end, end); } VALUE rb_range_new(beg, end, exclude_end) VALUE beg, end; int exclude_end; { VALUE obj = rb_obj_alloc(rb_cRange); range_init(obj, beg, end, exclude_end); return obj; } static VALUE range_initialize(argc, argv, obj) int argc; VALUE *argv; VALUE obj; { VALUE beg, end, flags; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "21", &beg, &end, &flags); /* Ranges are immutable, so that they should be initialized only once. */ if (rb_ivar_defined(obj, id_beg)) { rb_name_error(rb_intern("initialized"), "`initialize' called twice"); } range_init(obj, beg, end, RTEST(flags)); return Qnil; } static VALUE range_exclude_end_p(range) VALUE range; { return EXCL(range)?Qtrue:Qfalse; } static VALUE range_eq(range, obj) VALUE range, obj; { if (range == obj) return Qtrue; if (!rb_obj_is_kind_of(obj, rb_cRange)) return Qfalse; if (!rb_equal(rb_ivar_get(range, id_beg), rb_ivar_get(obj, id_beg))) return Qfalse; if (!rb_equal(rb_ivar_get(range, id_end), rb_ivar_get(obj, id_end))) return Qfalse; if (EXCL(range) != EXCL(obj)) return Qfalse; return Qtrue; } static int r_eq(a,b) VALUE a, b; { VALUE r; if (a == b) return Qtrue; if (rb_funcall(a, id_cmp, 1, b) == INT2FIX(0)) return Qtrue; return Qfalse; } static int r_lt(a,b) VALUE a, b; { VALUE r = rb_funcall(a, id_cmp, 1, b); if (NUM2LONG(r) < 0) return Qtrue; return Qfalse; } static int r_le(a,b) VALUE a, b; { VALUE r = rb_funcall(a, id_cmp, 1, b); if (NUM2LONG(r) <= 0) return Qtrue; return Qfalse; } static int r_gt(a,b) VALUE a, b; { VALUE r = rb_funcall(a, id_cmp, 1, b); if (NUM2LONG(r) > 0) return Qtrue; return Qfalse; } static VALUE range_eqq(range, obj) VALUE range, obj; { VALUE beg, end; beg = rb_ivar_get(range, id_beg); end = rb_ivar_get(range, id_end); if (FIXNUM_P(beg) && FIXNUM_P(obj) && FIXNUM_P(end)) { if (FIX2LONG(beg) <= FIX2LONG(obj)) { if (EXCL(range)) { if (FIX2LONG(obj) < FIX2LONG(end)) return Qtrue; } else { if (FIX2LONG(obj) <= FIX2LONG(end)) return Qtrue; } } return Qfalse; } else if (r_le(beg, obj)) { if (EXCL(range)) { if (r_lt(obj, end)) return Qtrue; } else { if (r_le(obj, end)) return Qtrue; } } return Qfalse; } static VALUE range_each(range) VALUE range; { VALUE b, e; b = rb_ivar_get(range, id_beg); e = rb_ivar_get(range, id_end); if (FIXNUM_P(b) && FIXNUM_P(e)) { /* fixnums are special */ long end = FIX2LONG(e); long i; if (!EXCL(range)) end += 1; for (i=FIX2LONG(b); i len) goto out_of_range; if (end > len || (!EXCL(range) && end == len)) end = len; } if (end < 0) { end += len; if (end < 0) { if (beg == 0 && end == -1 && !EXCL(range)) { len = 0; goto length_set; } goto out_of_range; } } len = end - beg; if (!EXCL(range)) len++; /* include end point */ if (len < 0) goto out_of_range; length_set: *begp = beg; *lenp = len; return Qtrue; out_of_range: if (err) { rb_raise(rb_eRangeError, "%d..%s%d out of range", b, EXCL(range)?".":"", e); } return Qnil; } static VALUE range_to_s(range) VALUE range; { VALUE str, str2; str = rb_obj_as_string(rb_ivar_get(range, id_beg)); str2 = rb_obj_as_string(rb_ivar_get(range, id_end)); str = rb_str_dup(str); rb_str_cat(str, "...", EXCL(range)?3:2); rb_str_append(str, str2); OBJ_INFECT(str, str2); return str; } static VALUE range_inspect(range) VALUE range; { VALUE str, str2; str = rb_inspect(rb_ivar_get(range, id_beg)); str2 = rb_inspect(rb_ivar_get(range, id_end)); str = rb_str_dup(str); rb_str_cat(str, "...", EXCL(range)?3:2); rb_str_append(str, str2); OBJ_INFECT(str, str2); return str; } static VALUE length_i(i, length) VALUE i; int *length; { (*length)++; return Qnil; } VALUE rb_length_by_each(obj) VALUE obj; { int length = 0; rb_iterate(rb_each, obj, length_i, (VALUE)&length); return INT2FIX(length); } static VALUE range_length(range) VALUE range; { VALUE beg, end; long size; beg = rb_ivar_get(range, id_beg); end = rb_ivar_get(range, id_end); if (r_gt(beg, end)) { return INT2FIX(0); } if (FIXNUM_P(beg) && FIXNUM_P(end)) { if (EXCL(range)) { return INT2NUM(NUM2LONG(end) - NUM2LONG(beg)); } else { return INT2NUM(NUM2LONG(end) - NUM2LONG(beg) + 1); } } if (!rb_obj_is_kind_of(beg, rb_cInteger)) { return rb_length_by_each(range); } size = rb_funcall(end, '-', 1, beg); if (!EXCL(range)) { size = rb_funcall(size, '+', 1, INT2FIX(1)); } if (TYPE(size) == T_FLOAT) { size = rb_funcall(size, rb_intern("floor"), 0); } return size; } static VALUE range_member(range, val) VALUE range, val; { VALUE beg, end; beg = rb_ivar_get(range, id_beg); end = rb_ivar_get(range, id_end); if (r_lt(beg, val)) return Qtrue; if (EXCL(range)) { if (r_lt(val, end)) return Qtrue; } else { if (r_le(val, end)) return Qtrue; } return Qfalse; } void Init_Range() { rb_cRange = rb_define_class("Range", rb_cObject); rb_include_module(rb_cRange, rb_mEnumerable); rb_define_method(rb_cRange, "initialize", range_initialize, -1); rb_define_method(rb_cRange, "==", range_eq, 1); rb_define_method(rb_cRange, "===", range_eqq, 1); rb_define_method(rb_cRange, "each", range_each, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cRange, "first", range_first, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cRange, "last", range_last, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cRange, "begin", range_first, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cRange, "end", range_last, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cRange, "to_s", range_to_s, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cRange, "inspect", range_inspect, 0); rb_define_alias(rb_cRange, "to_ary", "to_a"); rb_define_method(rb_cRange, "exclude_end?", range_exclude_end_p, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cRange, "length", range_length, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cRange, "size", range_length, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cRange, "member?", range_member, 1); rb_define_method(rb_cRange, "include?", range_member, 1); id_cmp = rb_intern("<=>"); id_succ = rb_intern("succ"); id_beg = rb_intern("begin"); id_end = rb_intern("end"); id_excl = rb_intern("excl"); }