#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import sys from collections import Counter, defaultdict import os.path # Aggregating cycles per symbol and dso total_cycles = 0 category_cycles = Counter() detailed_category_cycles = defaultdict(Counter) categories = set() def truncate_symbol(symbol, max_length=50): """ Truncate the symbol name to a maximum length """ return symbol if len(symbol) <= max_length else symbol[:max_length-3] + '...' def categorize_symbol(dso, symbol): """ Categorize the symbol based on the defined criteria """ if dso == 'sqlite3_native.so': return '[sqlite3]' elif 'SHA256' in symbol: return '[sha256]' elif symbol.startswith('[JIT] gen_send'): return '[JIT send]' elif symbol.startswith('[JIT]'): return '[JIT code]' elif '::' in symbol or symbol.startswith('yjit::') or symbol.startswith('_ZN4yjit'): return '[YJIT compile]' elif symbol.startswith('rb_vm_') or symbol.startswith('vm_') or symbol in { "rb_call0", "callable_method_entry_or_negative", "invoke_block_from_c_bh", "rb_funcallv_scope", "setup_parameters_complex", "rb_yield"}: return '[interpreter]' elif symbol.startswith('rb_hash_') or symbol.startswith('hash_'): return '[rb_hash_*]' elif symbol.startswith('rb_ary_') or symbol.startswith('ary_'): return '[rb_ary_*]' elif symbol.startswith('rb_str_') or symbol.startswith('str_'): return '[rb_str_*]' elif symbol.startswith('rb_sym') or symbol.startswith('sym_'): return '[rb_sym_*]' elif symbol.startswith('rb_st_') or symbol.startswith('st_'): return '[rb_st_*]' elif symbol.startswith('rb_ivar_') or 'shape' in symbol: return '[ivars]' elif 'match' in symbol or symbol.startswith('rb_reg') or symbol.startswith('onig'): return '[regexp]' elif 'alloc' in symbol or 'free' in symbol or 'gc' in symbol: return '[GC]' elif 'pthread' in symbol and 'lock' in symbol: return '[pthread lock]' else: return symbol # Return the symbol itself for uncategorized symbols def process_event(event): global total_cycles, category_cycles, detailed_category_cycles, categories full_dso = event.get("dso", "Unknown_dso") dso = os.path.basename(full_dso) symbol = event.get("symbol", "[unknown]") cycles = event["sample"]["period"] total_cycles += cycles category = categorize_symbol(dso, symbol) category_cycles[category] += cycles detailed_category_cycles[category][(dso, symbol)] += cycles if category.startswith('[') and category.endswith(']'): categories.add(category) def trace_end(): if total_cycles == 0: return print("Aggregated Event Data:") print("{:<20} {:<50} {:>20} {:>15}".format("[dso]", "[symbol or category]", "[top-most cycle ratio]", "[num cycles]")) for category, cycles in category_cycles.most_common(): ratio = (cycles / total_cycles) * 100 dsos = {dso for dso, _ in detailed_category_cycles[category]} dso_display = next(iter(dsos)) if len(dsos) == 1 else "Multiple DSOs" print("{:<20} {:<50} {:>20.2f}% {:>15}".format(dso_display, truncate_symbol(category), ratio, cycles)) # Category breakdown for category in categories: symbols = detailed_category_cycles[category] category_total = sum(symbols.values()) category_ratio = (category_total / total_cycles) * 100 print(f"\nCategory: {category} ({category_ratio:.2f}%)") print("{:<20} {:<50} {:>20} {:>15}".format("[dso]", "[symbol]", "[top-most cycle ratio]", "[num cycles]")) for (dso, symbol), cycles in symbols.most_common(): symbol_ratio = (cycles / category_total) * 100 print("{:<20} {:<50} {:>20.2f}% {:>15}".format(dso, truncate_symbol(symbol), symbol_ratio, cycles)) # There are two ways to use this script: # 1) perf script -s misc/yjit_perf.py -- native interface # 2) perf script > perf.txt && misc/yjit_perf.py perf.txt -- hack, which doesn't require perf with Python support # # In both cases, __name__ is "__main__". The following code implements (2) when sys.argv is 2. if __name__ == "__main__" and len(sys.argv) == 2: if len(sys.argv) != 2: print("Usage: yjit_perf.py ") sys.exit(1) with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as file: for line in file: # [Example] # ruby 78207 3482.848465: 1212775 cpu_core/cycles:P/: 5c0333f682e1 [JIT] getlocal_WC_0+0x0 (/tmp/perf-78207.map) row = line.split(maxsplit=6) period = row[3] # "1212775" symbol, dso = row[6].split(" (") # "[JIT] getlocal_WC_0+0x0", "/tmp/perf-78207.map)\n" symbol = symbol.split("+")[0] # "[JIT] getlocal_WC_0" dso = dso.split(")")[0] # "/tmp/perf-78207.map" process_event({"dso": dso, "symbol": symbol, "sample": {"period": int(period)}}) trace_end()