#!/usr/bin/env python #coding: utf-8 # # Usage: run `command script import -r misc/lldb_cruby.py` on LLDB # # Test: misc/test_lldb_cruby.rb # from __future__ import print_function import lldb import os import shlex HEAP_PAGE_ALIGN_LOG = 14 HEAP_PAGE_ALIGN_MASK = (~(~0 << HEAP_PAGE_ALIGN_LOG)) def lldb_init(debugger): target = debugger.GetSelectedTarget() global SIZEOF_VALUE SIZEOF_VALUE = target.FindFirstType("VALUE").GetByteSize() value_types = [] g = globals() for enum in target.FindFirstGlobalVariable('ruby_dummy_gdb_enums'): enum = enum.GetType() members = enum.GetEnumMembers() for i in range(0, members.GetSize()): member = members.GetTypeEnumMemberAtIndex(i) name = member.GetName() value = member.GetValueAsUnsigned() g[name] = value if name.startswith('RUBY_T_'): value_types.append(name) g['value_types'] = value_types def string2cstr(rstring): """Returns the pointer to the C-string in the given String object""" if rstring.TypeIsPointerType(): rstring = rstring.Dereference() flags = rstring.GetValueForExpressionPath(".basic->flags").unsigned if flags & RUBY_T_MASK != RUBY_T_STRING: raise TypeError("not a string") if flags & RUBY_FL_USER1: cptr = int(rstring.GetValueForExpressionPath(".as.heap.ptr").value, 0) clen = int(rstring.GetValueForExpressionPath(".as.heap.len").value, 0) else: cptr = int(rstring.GetValueForExpressionPath(".as.ary").location, 0) clen = (flags & RSTRING_EMBED_LEN_MASK) >> RSTRING_EMBED_LEN_SHIFT return cptr, clen def output_string(debugger, result, rstring): cptr, clen = string2cstr(rstring) expr = "print *(const char (*)[%d])%0#x" % (clen, cptr) append_command_output(debugger, expr, result) def fixnum_p(x): return x & RUBY_FIXNUM_FLAG != 0 def flonum_p(x): return (x&RUBY_FLONUM_MASK) == RUBY_FLONUM_FLAG def static_sym_p(x): return (x&~(~0<> 1, file=result) elif flonum_p(num): append_command_output(debugger, "print rb_float_value(%0#x)" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned(), result) elif static_sym_p(num): if num < 128: print("T_SYMBOL: %c" % num, file=result) else: print("T_SYMBOL: (%x)" % num, file=result) append_command_output(debugger, "p rb_id2name(%0#x)" % (num >> 8), result) elif num & RUBY_IMMEDIATE_MASK: print('immediate(%x)' % num, file=result) else: tRBasic = target.FindFirstType("struct RBasic").GetPointerType() val = val.Cast(tRBasic) flags = val.GetValueForExpressionPath("->flags").GetValueAsUnsigned() flaginfo = "" if (flags & RUBY_FL_PROMOTED) == RUBY_FL_PROMOTED: flaginfo += "[PROMOTED] " if (flags & RUBY_FL_FREEZE) == RUBY_FL_FREEZE: flaginfo += "[FROZEN] " flType = flags & RUBY_T_MASK if flType == RUBY_T_NONE: print('T_NONE: %s%s' % (flaginfo, val.Dereference()), file=result) elif flType == RUBY_T_NIL: print('T_NIL: %s%s' % (flaginfo, val.Dereference()), file=result) elif flType == RUBY_T_OBJECT: result.write('T_OBJECT: %s' % flaginfo) append_command_output(debugger, "print *(struct RObject*)%0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned(), result) elif flType == RUBY_T_CLASS or flType == RUBY_T_MODULE or flType == RUBY_T_ICLASS: result.write('T_%s: %s' % ('CLASS' if flType == RUBY_T_CLASS else 'MODULE' if flType == RUBY_T_MODULE else 'ICLASS', flaginfo)) append_command_output(debugger, "print *(struct RClass*)%0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned(), result) elif flType == RUBY_T_STRING: result.write('T_STRING: %s' % flaginfo) tRString = target.FindFirstType("struct RString").GetPointerType() ptr, len = string2cstr(val.Cast(tRString)) if len == 0: result.write("(empty)\n") else: append_command_output(debugger, "print *(const char (*)[%d])%0#x" % (len, ptr), result) elif flType == RUBY_T_SYMBOL: result.write('T_SYMBOL: %s' % flaginfo) tRSymbol = target.FindFirstType("struct RSymbol").GetPointerType() val = val.Cast(tRSymbol) append_command_output(debugger, 'print (ID)%0#x ' % val.GetValueForExpressionPath("->id").GetValueAsUnsigned(), result) tRString = target.FindFirstType("struct RString").GetPointerType() output_string(debugger, result, val.GetValueForExpressionPath("->fstr").Cast(tRString)) elif flType == RUBY_T_ARRAY: tRArray = target.FindFirstType("struct RArray").GetPointerType() val = val.Cast(tRArray) if flags & RUBY_FL_USER1: len = ((flags & (RUBY_FL_USER3|RUBY_FL_USER4)) >> (RUBY_FL_USHIFT+3)) ptr = val.GetValueForExpressionPath("->as.ary") else: len = val.GetValueForExpressionPath("->as.heap.len").GetValueAsSigned() ptr = val.GetValueForExpressionPath("->as.heap.ptr") #print(val.GetValueForExpressionPath("->as.heap"), file=result) result.write("T_ARRAY: %slen=%d" % (flaginfo, len)) if flags & RUBY_FL_USER1: result.write(" (embed)") elif flags & RUBY_FL_USER2: shared = val.GetValueForExpressionPath("->as.heap.aux.shared").GetValueAsUnsigned() result.write(" (shared) shared=%016x" % shared) else: capa = val.GetValueForExpressionPath("->as.heap.aux.capa").GetValueAsSigned() result.write(" (ownership) capa=%d" % capa) if len == 0: result.write(" {(empty)}\n") else: result.write("\n") if ptr.GetValueAsSigned() == 0: append_command_output(debugger, "expression -fx -- ((struct RArray*)%0#x)->as.ary" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned(), result) else: append_command_output(debugger, "expression -Z %d -fx -- (const VALUE*)%0#x" % (len, ptr.GetValueAsUnsigned()), result) elif flType == RUBY_T_HASH: result.write("T_HASH: %s" % flaginfo) append_command_output(debugger, "p *(struct RHash *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned(), result) elif flType == RUBY_T_BIGNUM: tRBignum = target.FindFirstType("struct RBignum").GetPointerType() val = val.Cast(tRBignum) sign = '+' if (flags & RUBY_FL_USER1) != 0 else '-' if flags & RUBY_FL_USER2: len = ((flags & (RUBY_FL_USER3|RUBY_FL_USER4|RUBY_FL_USER5)) >> (RUBY_FL_USHIFT+3)) print("T_BIGNUM: sign=%s len=%d (embed)" % (sign, len), file=result) append_command_output(debugger, "print ((struct RBignum *) %0#x)->as.ary" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned(), result) else: len = val.GetValueForExpressionPath("->as.heap.len").GetValueAsSigned() print("T_BIGNUM: sign=%s len=%d" % (sign, len), file=result) print(val.Dereference(), file=result) append_command_output(debugger, "expression -Z %x -fx -- (const BDIGIT*)((struct RBignum*)%d)->as.heap.digits" % (len, val.GetValueAsUnsigned()), result) # append_command_output(debugger, "x ((struct RBignum *) %0#x)->as.heap.digits / %d" % (val.GetValueAsUnsigned(), len), result) elif flType == RUBY_T_FLOAT: tRFloat = target.FindFirstType("struct RFloat").GetPointerType() val = val.Cast(tRFloat) append_command_output(debugger, "p *(double *)%0#x" % val.GetValueForExpressionPath("->float_value").GetAddress(), result) elif flType == RUBY_T_RATIONAL: tRRational = target.FindFirstType("struct RRational").GetPointerType() val = val.Cast(tRRational) lldb_inspect(debugger, target, result, val.GetValueForExpressionPath("->num")) output = result.GetOutput() result.Clear() result.write("(Rational) " + output.rstrip() + " / ") lldb_inspect(debugger, target, result, val.GetValueForExpressionPath("->den")) elif flType == RUBY_T_COMPLEX: tRComplex = target.FindFirstType("struct RComplex").GetPointerType() val = val.Cast(tRComplex) lldb_inspect(debugger, target, result, val.GetValueForExpressionPath("->real")) real = result.GetOutput().rstrip() result.Clear() lldb_inspect(debugger, target, result, val.GetValueForExpressionPath("->imag")) imag = result.GetOutput().rstrip() result.Clear() if not imag.startswith("-"): imag = "+" + imag print("(Complex) " + real + imag + "i", file=result) elif flType == RUBY_T_REGEXP: tRRegex = target.FindFirstType("struct RRegexp").GetPointerType() val = val.Cast(tRRegex) print("(Regex) ->src {", file=result) lldb_inspect(debugger, target, result, val.GetValueForExpressionPath("->src")) print("}", file=result) elif flType == RUBY_T_DATA: tRTypedData = target.FindFirstType("struct RTypedData").GetPointerType() val = val.Cast(tRTypedData) flag = val.GetValueForExpressionPath("->typed_flag") if flag.GetValueAsUnsigned() == 1: print("T_DATA: %s" % val.GetValueForExpressionPath("->type->wrap_struct_name"), file=result) append_command_output(debugger, "p *(struct RTypedData *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned(), result) else: print("T_DATA:", file=result) append_command_output(debugger, "p *(struct RData *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned(), result) elif flType == RUBY_T_NODE: tRTypedData = target.FindFirstType("struct RNode").GetPointerType() nd_type = (flags & RUBY_NODE_TYPEMASK) >> RUBY_NODE_TYPESHIFT append_command_output(debugger, "p (node_type) %d" % nd_type, result) val = val.Cast(tRTypedData) append_command_output(debugger, "p *(struct RNode *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned(), result) elif flType == RUBY_T_MOVED: tRTypedData = target.FindFirstType("struct RMoved").GetPointerType() val = val.Cast(tRTypedData) append_command_output(debugger, "p *(struct RMoved *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned(), result) elif flType == RUBY_T_MATCH: tRTypedData = target.FindFirstType("struct RMatch").GetPointerType() val = val.Cast(tRTypedData) append_command_output(debugger, "p *(struct RMatch *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned(), result) elif flType == RUBY_T_IMEMO: # I'm not sure how to get IMEMO_MASK out of lldb. It's not in globals() imemo_type = (flags >> RUBY_FL_USHIFT) & 0x0F # IMEMO_MASK print("T_IMEMO: ", file=result) append_command_output(debugger, "p (enum imemo_type) %d" % imemo_type, result) append_command_output(debugger, "p *(struct MEMO *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned(), result) elif flType == RUBY_T_ZOMBIE: tRZombie = target.FindFirstType("struct RZombie").GetPointerType() val = val.Cast(tRZombie) append_command_output(debugger, "p *(struct RZombie *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned(), result) else: print("Not-handled type %0#x" % flType, file=result) print(val, file=result) def count_objects(debugger, command, ctx, result, internal_dict): objspace = ctx.frame.EvaluateExpression("ruby_current_vm->objspace") num_pages = objspace.GetValueForExpressionPath(".heap_pages.allocated_pages").unsigned counts = {} total = 0 for t in range(0x00, RUBY_T_MASK+1): counts[t] = 0 for i in range(0, num_pages): print("\rcounting... %d/%d" % (i, num_pages), end="") page = objspace.GetValueForExpressionPath('.heap_pages.sorted[%d]' % i) p = page.GetChildMemberWithName('start') num_slots = page.GetChildMemberWithName('total_slots').unsigned for j in range(0, num_slots): obj = p.GetValueForExpressionPath('[%d]' % j) flags = obj.GetValueForExpressionPath('.as.basic.flags').unsigned obj_type = flags & RUBY_T_MASK counts[obj_type] += 1 total += num_slots print("\rTOTAL: %d, FREE: %d" % (total, counts[0x00])) for sym in value_types: print("%s: %d" % (sym, counts[globals()[sym]])) def stack_dump_raw(debugger, command, ctx, result, internal_dict): ctx.frame.EvaluateExpression("rb_vmdebug_stack_dump_raw_current()") def heap_page(debugger, command, ctx, result, internal_dict): target = debugger.GetSelectedTarget() process = target.GetProcess() thread = process.GetSelectedThread() frame = thread.GetSelectedFrame() val = frame.EvaluateExpression(command) page = get_page(lldb, target, val) page_type = target.FindFirstType("struct heap_page").GetPointerType() page.Cast(page_type) append_command_output(debugger, "p (struct heap_page *) %0#x" % page.GetValueAsUnsigned(), result) append_command_output(debugger, "p *(struct heap_page *) %0#x" % page.GetValueAsUnsigned(), result) def heap_page_body(debugger, command, ctx, result, internal_dict): target = debugger.GetSelectedTarget() process = target.GetProcess() thread = process.GetSelectedThread() frame = thread.GetSelectedFrame() val = frame.EvaluateExpression(command) page = get_page_body(lldb, target, val) print("Page body address: ", page.GetAddress(), file=result) print(page, file=result) def get_page_body(lldb, target, val): tHeapPageBody = target.FindFirstType("struct heap_page_body") addr = val.GetValueAsUnsigned() page_addr = addr & ~(HEAP_PAGE_ALIGN_MASK) address = lldb.SBAddress(page_addr, target) return target.CreateValueFromAddress("page", address, tHeapPageBody) def get_page(lldb, target, val): body = get_page_body(lldb, target, val) return body.GetValueForExpressionPath("->header.page") def dump_node(debugger, command, ctx, result, internal_dict): args = shlex.split(command) if not args: return node = args[0] dump = ctx.frame.EvaluateExpression("(struct RString*)rb_parser_dump_tree((NODE*)(%s), 0)" % node) output_string(ctx, result, dump) def __lldb_init_module(debugger, internal_dict): debugger.HandleCommand("command script add -f lldb_cruby.lldb_rp rp") debugger.HandleCommand("command script add -f lldb_cruby.count_objects rb_count_objects") debugger.HandleCommand("command script add -f lldb_cruby.stack_dump_raw SDR") debugger.HandleCommand("command script add -f lldb_cruby.dump_node dump_node") debugger.HandleCommand("command script add -f lldb_cruby.heap_page heap_page") debugger.HandleCommand("command script add -f lldb_cruby.heap_page_body heap_page_body") lldb_init(debugger) print("lldb scripts for ruby has been installed.")