require 'optparse' require 'set' # Number of iterations to test num_iters = 10_000 # Parse the command-line options do |opts| opts.on("--num-iters=N") do |n| num_iters = n.to_i end end.parse! # Format large numbers with comma separators for readability def format_number(pad, number) s = number.to_s i = s.index('.') || s.size s.insert(i -= 3, ',') while i > 3 s.rjust(pad, ' ') end # Wrap an integer to pass as argument # We use this so we can have some object arguments class IntWrapper def initialize(v) # Force the object to have a random shape if rand() < 50 @v0 = 1 end if rand() < 50 @v1 = 1 end if rand() < 50 @v2 = 1 end if rand() < 50 @v3 = 1 end if rand() < 50 @v4 = 1 end if rand() < 50 @v5 = 1 end if rand() < 50 @v6 = 1 end @value = v end attr_reader :value end # Generate a random argument value, integer or string or object def sample_arg() c = ['int', 'string', 'object'].sample() if c == 'int' return rand(0...100) end if c == 'string' return 'f' * rand(0...100) end if c == 'object' return end raise "should not get here" end # Evaluate the value of an argument with respect to the checksum def arg_val(arg) if arg.kind_of? Integer return arg end if arg.kind_of? String return arg.length end if arg.kind_of? Object return arg.value end raise "unknown arg type" end # List of parameters/arguments for a method class ParamList def initialize() self.sample_params() self.sample_args() end # Sample/generate a random set of parameters for a method def sample_params() # Choose how many positional arguments to use, and how many are optional num_pargs = rand(10) @opt_parg_idx = rand(num_pargs) @num_opt_pargs = rand(num_pargs + 1 - @opt_parg_idx) @num_pargs_req = num_pargs - @num_opt_pargs @pargs = (0...num_pargs).map do |i| { :name => "p#{i}", :optional => (i >= @opt_parg_idx && i < @opt_parg_idx + @num_opt_pargs) } end # Choose how many kwargs to use, and how many are optional num_kwargs = rand(10) @kwargs = (0...num_kwargs).map do |i| { :name => "k#{i}", :optional => rand() < 0.5 } end # Choose whether to have rest parameters or not @has_rest = @num_opt_pargs == 0 && rand() < 0.5 @has_kwrest = rand() < 0.25 # Choose whether to have a named block parameter or not @has_block_param = rand() < 0.25 end # Sample/generate a random set of arguments corresponding to the parameters def sample_args() # Choose how many positional args to pass num_pargs_passed = rand(@num_pargs_req..@pargs.size) # How many optional arguments will be filled opt_pargs_filled = num_pargs_passed - @num_pargs_req @pargs.each_with_index do |parg, i| if parg[:optional] parg[:default] = rand(100) end if !parg[:optional] || i < @opt_parg_idx + opt_pargs_filled parg[:argval] = rand(100) end end @kwargs.each_with_index do |kwarg, i| if kwarg[:optional] kwarg[:default] = rand(100) end if !kwarg[:optional] || rand() < 0.5 kwarg[:argval] = rand(100) end end # Randomly pass a block or not @block_arg = nil if rand() < 0.5 @block_arg = rand(100) end end # Compute the expected checksum of arguments ahead of time def compute_checksum() checksum = 0 @pargs.each_with_index do |arg, i| value = (arg.key? :argval)? arg[:argval]:arg[:default] checksum += (i+1) * arg_val(value) end @kwargs.each_with_index do |arg, i| value = (arg.key? :argval)? arg[:argval]:arg[:default] checksum += (i+1) * arg_val(value) end if @block_arg if @has_block_param checksum += arg_val(@block_arg) end checksum += arg_val(@block_arg) end checksum end # Generate code for the method signature and method body def gen_method_str() m_str = "def m(" @pargs.each do |arg| if !m_str.end_with?("(") m_str += ", " end m_str += arg[:name] # If this has a default value if arg[:optional] m_str += " = #{arg[:default]}" end end if @has_rest if !m_str.end_with?("(") m_str += ", " end m_str += "*rest" end @kwargs.each do |arg| if !m_str.end_with?("(") m_str += ", " end m_str += "#{arg[:name]}:" # If this has a default value if arg[:optional] m_str += " #{arg[:default]}" end end if @has_kwrest if !m_str.end_with?("(") m_str += ", " end m_str += "**kwrest" end if @has_block_param if !m_str.end_with?("(") m_str += ", " end m_str += "&block" end m_str += ")\n" # Add some useless locals rand(0...16).times do |i| m_str += "local#{i} = #{i}\n" end # Add some useless if statements @pargs.each_with_index do |arg, i| if rand() < 50 m_str += "if #{arg[:name]} > 4; end\n" end end m_str += "checksum = 0\n" @pargs.each_with_index do |arg, i| m_str += "checksum += #{i+1} * arg_val(#{arg[:name]})\n" end @kwargs.each_with_index do |arg, i| m_str += "checksum += #{i+1} * arg_val(#{arg[:name]})\n" end if @has_block_param m_str += "if block; r =; checksum += arg_val(r); end\n" end m_str += "if block_given?; r = yield; checksum += arg_val(r); end\n" if @has_rest m_str += "raise 'rest is not array' unless rest.kind_of?(Array)\n" m_str += "raise 'rest size not integer' unless rest.size.kind_of?(Integer)\n" end if @has_kwrest m_str += "raise 'kwrest is not a hash' unless kwrest.kind_of?(Hash)\n" m_str += "raise 'kwrest size not integer' unless kwrest.size.kind_of?(Integer)\n" end m_str += "checksum\n" m_str += "end" m_str end # Generate code to call into the method and pass the arguments def gen_call_str() c_str = "m(" @pargs.each_with_index do |arg, i| if !arg.key? :argval next end if !c_str.end_with?("(") c_str += ", " end c_str += "#{arg[:argval]}" end @kwargs.each_with_index do |arg, i| if !arg.key? :argval next end if !c_str.end_with?("(") c_str += ", " end c_str += "#{arg[:name]}: #{arg[:argval]}" end c_str += ")" # Randomly pass a block or not if @block_arg c_str += " { #{@block_arg} }" end c_str end end iseqs_compiled_start = RubyVM::YJIT.runtime_stats[:compiled_iseq_entry] start_time = num_iters.times do |i| puts "Iteration #{i}" lst = m_str = lst.gen_method_str() c_str = lst.gen_call_str() checksum = lst.compute_checksum() f = # Define the method on f puts "Defining" p m_str f.instance_eval(m_str) #puts RubyVM::InstructionSequence.disasm(f.method(:m)) #exit 0 puts "Calling" c_str = "f.#{c_str}" p c_str r = eval(c_str) puts "checksum=#{r}" if r != checksum raise "return value #{r} doesn't match checksum #{checksum}" end puts "" end # Make sure that YJIT actually compiled the tests we ran # Should be run with --yjit-call-threshold=1 iseqs_compiled_end = RubyVM::YJIT.runtime_stats[:compiled_iseq_entry] if iseqs_compiled_end - iseqs_compiled_start < num_iters raise "YJIT did not compile enough ISEQs" end puts "Code region size: #{ format_number(0, RubyVM::YJIT.runtime_stats[:code_region_size]) }" end_time = itrs_per_sec = num_iters / (end_time - start_time) itrs_per_hour = 3600 * itrs_per_sec puts "#{'%.1f' % itrs_per_sec} iterations/s" puts "#{format_number(0, itrs_per_hour.round)} iterations/hour"