BUNDLE-SHOW(1) BUNDLE-SHOW(1) 1mNAME0m 1mbundle-show 22m- Shows all the gems in your bundle, or the path to a gem 1mSYNOPSIS0m 1mbundle show 22m[GEM] [--paths] 1mDESCRIPTION0m Without the [GEM] option, 1mshow 22mwill print a list of the names and ver- sions of all gems that are required by your [1mGemfile(5)22m][Gemfile(5)], sorted by name. Calling show with [GEM] will list the exact location of that gem on your machine. 1mOPTIONS0m 1m--paths0m List the paths of all gems that are required by your [1mGem-0m 1mfile(5)22m][Gemfile(5)], sorted by gem name. November 2018 BUNDLE-SHOW(1)