## # The YAML module is an alias of Psych, the YAML engine for ruby. begin require 'psych' rescue LoadError warn "#{caller[0]}:" warn "It seems your ruby installation is missing psych (for YAML output)." warn "To eliminate this warning, please install libyaml and reinstall your ruby." raise end YAML = Psych module Psych # :nodoc: # For compatibility, deprecated class EngineManager attr_reader :yamler # :nodoc: def initialize # :nodoc: @yamler = 'psych' end def syck? # :nodoc: false end # Psych is now always used and this method has no effect. # # This method is still present for compatibility. # # You may still use the Syck engine by installing # the 'syck' gem and using the Syck constant. def yamler= engine case engine when 'syck' then warn "syck has been removed, psych is used instead" when 'psych' then @yamler = 'psych' else raise(ArgumentError, "bad engine") end engine end end ENGINE = EngineManager.new # :nodoc: end # YAML Ain't Markup Language # # This module provides a Ruby interface for data serialization in YAML format. # # The underlying implementation is now always the libyaml wrapper Psych. # # See Psych::EngineManager#yamler= for details on using Syck. # # Working with YAML can be very simple, for example: # # require 'yaml' # STEP ONE, REQUIRE YAML! # # Parse a YAML string # YAML.load("--- foo") #=> "foo" # # # Emit some YAML # YAML.dump("foo") # => "--- foo\n...\n" # { :a => 'b'}.to_yaml # => "---\n:a: b\n" # # Do not use YAML to load untrusted data. Doing so is unsafe and could allow # malicious input to execute arbitrary code inside your application. Please see # doc/security.rdoc for more information. # # For more advanced details on the implementation see Psych, and also check out # http://yaml.org for spec details and other helpful information. module YAML end