## # The YAML module allows you to use one of the two YAML engines that ship with # ruby. By default Psych is used but the old and unmaintained Syck may be # chosen. begin require 'psych' rescue LoadError warn "#{caller[0]}:" warn "It seems your ruby installation is missing psych (for YAML output)." warn "To eliminate this warning, please install libyaml and reinstall your ruby." raise end module Psych class EngineManager # Returns the YAML engine in use. # # By default Psych is used but the old and unmaintained Syck may be chosen. # # See #yamler= for more information. attr_reader :yamler def initialize # :nodoc: @yamler = 'psych' end def syck? # :nodoc: false end # By default Psych is used but the old and unmaintained Syck may be chosen. # # After installing the 'syck' gem, you can set the YAML engine to syck: # # YAML::ENGINE.yamler = 'syck' # # To set the YAML engine back to psych: # # YAML::ENGINE.yamler = 'psych' def yamler= engine case engine when 'syck' then warn "syck has been removed" when 'psych' then @yamler = 'psych' else raise(ArgumentError, "bad engine") end engine end end ENGINE = EngineManager.new # :nodoc: end YAML = Psych