# -*- mode: ruby; ruby-indent-level: 4; tab-width: 4 -*- vim: sw=4 ts=4 # $Id$ # # YAML.rb # # Loads the parser/loader and emitter/writer. # module YAML begin require 'yaml/syck' @@parser = YAML::Syck::Parser @@loader = YAML::Syck::DefaultLoader @@emitter = YAML::Syck::Emitter rescue LoadError require 'yaml/parser' @@parser = YAML::Parser @@loader = YAML::DefaultLoader require 'yaml/emitter' @@emitter = YAML::Emitter end require 'yaml/loader' require 'yaml/stream' # # Load a single document from the current stream # def YAML.dump( obj, io = nil ) io ||= "" io << obj.to_yaml io end # # Load a single document from the current stream # def YAML.load( io ) yp = @@parser.new.load( io ) end # # Parse a single document from the current stream # def YAML.parse( io ) yp = @@parser.new( :Model => :Generic ).load( io ) end # # Load all documents from the current stream # def YAML.each_document( io, &doc_proc ) yp = @@parser.new.load_documents( io, &doc_proc ) end # # Identical to each_document # def YAML.load_documents( io, &doc_proc ) YAML.each_document( io, &doc_proc ) end # # Parse all documents from the current stream # def YAML.each_node( io, &doc_proc ) yp = @@parser.new( :Model => :Generic ).load_documents( io, &doc_proc ) end # # Parse all documents from the current stream # def YAML.parse_documents( io, &doc_proc ) YAML.each_node( io, &doc_proc ) end # # Load all documents from the current stream # def YAML.load_stream( io ) yp = @@parser.new d = nil yp.load_documents( io ) { |doc| d = YAML::Stream.new( yp.options ) if not d d.add( doc ) } return d end # # Dump documents to a stream # def YAML.dump_stream( *objs ) d = YAML::Stream.new objs.each do |doc| d.add( doc ) end d.emit end # # Add a transfer method to a domain # def YAML.add_domain_type( domain, type_re, &transfer_proc ) @@loader.add_domain_type( domain, type_re, &transfer_proc ) end # # Add a transfer method for a builtin type # def YAML.add_builtin_type( type_re, &transfer_proc ) @@loader.add_builtin_type( type_re, &transfer_proc ) end # # Add a transfer method for a builtin type # def YAML.add_ruby_type( type, &transfer_proc ) @@loader.add_ruby_type( type, &transfer_proc ) end # # Add a private document type # def YAML.add_private_type( type_re, &transfer_proc ) @@loader.add_private_type( type_re, &transfer_proc ) end # # Detect typing of a string # def YAML.detect_implicit( val ) @@loader.detect_implicit( val ) end # # Apply a transfer method to a Ruby object # def YAML.transfer( type_id, obj ) @@loader.transfer( type_id, obj ) end # # Apply any implicit a node may qualify for # def YAML.try_implicit( obj ) YAML.transfer( YAML.detect_implicit( obj ), obj ) end # # Method to extract colon-seperated type and class, returning # the type and the constant of the class # def YAML.read_type_class( type, obj_class ) scheme, domain, type, tclass = type.split( ':', 4 ) tclass.split( "::" ).each { |c| obj_class = obj_class.const_get( c ) } if tclass return [ type, obj_class ] end # # Allocate blank object # def YAML.object_maker( obj_class, val, is_attr = false ) if Hash === val name = obj_class.name ostr = sprintf( "%c%co:%c%s\000", Marshal::MAJOR_VERSION, Marshal::MINOR_VERSION, name.length + 5, name ) if is_attr ostr[ -1, 1 ] = Marshal.dump( val ).sub( /^[^{]+\{/, '' ) end o = ::Marshal.load( ostr ) unless is_attr val.each_pair { |k,v| o.instance_variable_set("@#{k}", v) } end o else raise YAML::Error, "Invalid object explicitly tagged !ruby/Object: " + val.inspect end end # # Allocate an Emitter if needed # def YAML.quick_emit( oid, opts = {}, &e ) old_opt = nil if opts[:Emitter].is_a? @@emitter out = opts.delete( :Emitter ) old_opt = out.options.dup out.options.update( opts ) else out = @@emitter.new( opts ) end aidx = out.start_object( oid ) if aidx out.simple( "*#{ aidx }" ) else e.call( out ) end if old_opt.is_a? Hash out.options = old_opt end out.end_object end end require 'yaml/rubytypes' require 'yaml/types' module Kernel # # ryan:: You know how Kernel.p is a really convenient way to dump ruby # structures? The only downside is that it's not as legible as # YAML. # # _why:: (listening) # # ryan:: I know you don't want to urinate all over your users' namespaces. # But, on the other hand, convenience of dumping for debugging is, # IMO, a big YAML use case. # # _why:: Go nuts! Have a pony parade! # # ryan:: Either way, I certainly will have a pony parade. # def y( *x ) puts( if x.length == 1 YAML::dump( *x ) else YAML::dump_stream( *x ) end ) end private :y end