# # tkfont.rb - the class to treat fonts on Ruby/Tk # # by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp) # require 'tk' class TkFont include Tk extend TkCore Tk_FontID = [0] Tk_FontNameTBL = {} Tk_FontUseTBL = {} DEFAULT_LATIN_FONT_NAME = 'a14'.freeze DEFAULT_KANJI_FONT_NAME = 'k14'.freeze ################################### # class methods ################################### def TkFont.families(window=nil) case (Tk::TK_VERSION) when /^4\.*/ ['fixed'] when /^8\.*/ if window list(tk_call('font', 'families', '-displayof', window)) else list(tk_call('font', 'families')) end end end def TkFont.names case (Tk::TK_VERSION) when /^4\.*/ r = ['fixed'] r += ['a14', 'k14'] if JAPANIZED_TK Tk_FontNameTBL.each_value{|obj| r.push(obj)} r | [] when /^8\.*/ list(tk_call('font', 'names')) end end def TkFont.create_copy(font) keys = {} font.configure.each{|key,value| keys[key] = value } new_font = TkFont.new(font.latin_font, font.kanji_font, keys) end def TkFont.get_obj(name) if name =~ /^(@font[0-9]+)(|c|l|k)$/ Tk_FontNameTBL[$1] else nil end end def TkFont.init_widget_font(path, *args) case (Tk::TK_VERSION) when /^4\.*/ conf = tk_split_list(tk_call(*args)) if font_inf = conf.assoc('-font') ltn = font_inf[4] ltn = nil if ltn == [] else #ltn = nil raise RuntimeError, "unknown option '-font'" end if font_inf = conf.assoc('-kanjifont') knj = font_inf[4] knj = nil if knj == [] else knj = nil end TkFont.new(ltn, knj).call_font_configure(path, *(args + [{}])) when /^8\.*/ conf = tk_split_list(tk_call(*args)) unless font_inf = conf.assoc('-font') raise RuntimeError, "unknown option '-font'" end fnt = font_inf[4] if fnt == [] TkFont.new(nil, nil).call_font_configure(path, *(args + [{}])) else compound = Hash[*list(tk_call('font', 'configure', fnt))].collect{|key,value| [key[1..-1], value] }.assoc('compound')[1] if compound == [] TkFont.new(fnt, DEFAULT_KANJI_FONT_NAME) \ .call_font_configure(path, *(args + [{}])) else TkFont.new(compound[0], compound[1]) \ .call_font_configure(path, *(args + [{}])) end end end end def TkFont.used_on(path=nil) if path Tk_FontUseTBL[path] else Tk_FontUseTBL.values | [] end end ################################### private ################################### def initialize(ltn=nil, knj=nil, keys=nil) @id = format("@font%.4d", Tk_FontID[0]) Tk_FontID[0] += 1 Tk_FontNameTBL[@id] = self ltn = DEFAULT_LATIN_FONT_NAME unless ltn create_latinfont(ltn) knj = DEFAULT_KANJI_FONT_NAME unless knj create_kanjifont(knj) create_compoundfont(keys) end def _get_font_info_from_hash(font) foundry = (info = font['foundry'] .to_s)? info: '*' family = (info = font['family'] .to_s)? info: '*' weight = (info = font['weight'] .to_s)? info: '*' slant = (info = font['slant'] .to_s)? info: '*' swidth = (info = font['swidth'] .to_s)? info: '*' adstyle = (info = font['adstyle'] .to_s)? info: '*' pixels = (info = font['pixels'] .to_s)? info: '*' points = (info = font['points'] .to_s)? info: '*' resx = (info = font['resx'] .to_s)? info: '*' resy = (info = font['resy'] .to_s)? info: '*' space = (info = font['space'] .to_s)? info: '*' avgWidth = (info = font['avgWidth'].to_s)? info: '*' charset = (info = font['charset'] .to_s)? info: '*' encoding = (info = font['encoding'].to_s)? info: '*' Array([foundry, family, weight, slant, swidth, adstyle, pixels, points, resx, resy, space, avgWidth, charset, encoding]) end def create_latinfont_tk4x(font) if font.kind_of? Hash @latinfont = '-' + _get_font_info_from_hash(font).join('-') + '-' elsif font.kind_of? Array finfo = {} finfo['family'] = font[0].to_s if font[1] && font[1] != '0' && font[1] =~ /^(|\+|-)([0-9]+)$/ if $1 == '-' finfo['pixels'] = font[1].to_s else finfo['points'] = font[1].to_s end end finfo[2..-1].each{|style| case (style) when 'normal' finfo['weight'] = style when 'bold' finfo['weight'] = style when 'roman' finfo['slant'] = 'r' when 'italic' finfo['slant'] = 'i' end } @latinfont = '-' + _get_font_info_from_hash(finfo).join('-') + '-' elsif font.kind_of? TkFont @latinfont = font.latin_font else @latinfont = font end end def create_kanjifont_tk4x(font) unless JAPANIZED_TK @kanjifont = "" return end if font.kind_of? Hash @kanjifont = '-' + _get_font_info_from_hash(font).join('-') + '-' elsif font.kind_of? Array finfo = {} finfo['family'] = font[0].to_s if font[1] && font[1] != '0' && font[1] =~ /^(|\+|-)([0-9]+)$/ if $1 == '-' finfo['pixels'] = $2 else finfo['points'] = $2 end else finfo['points'] = '13' end finfo[2..-1].each{|style| case (style) when 'normal' finfo['weight'] = style when 'bold' finfo['weight'] = style when 'roman' finfo['slant'] = 'r' when 'italic' finfo['slant'] = 'i' end } @kanjifont = '-' + _get_font_info_from_hash(finfo).join('-') + '-' elsif font.kind_of? TkFont @kanjifont = font.kanji_font else @kanjifont = font end end def create_compoundfont_tk4x(keys) if JAPANIZED_TK @compoundfont = [[@latinfont], [@kanjifont]] @fontslot = {'font'=>@latinfont, 'kanjifont'=>@kanjifont} else @compoundfont = @latinfont @fontslot = {'font'=>@latinfont} end end def create_latinfont_tk8x(font) @latinfont = @id + 'l' if JAPANIZED_TK if font.kind_of? Hash tk_call('font', 'create', @latinfont, *hash_kv(font)) elsif font.kind_of? Array tk_call('font', 'create', @latinfont, '-copy', array2tk_list(font)) elsif font.kind_of? TkFont tk_call('font', 'create', @latinfont, '-copy', font.latin_font) else tk_call('font', 'create', @latinfont, '-copy', font) end else if font.kind_of? Hash tk_call('font', 'create', @latinfont, *hash_kv(font)) else keys = {} if font.kind_of? Array actual_core(array2tk_list(font)).each{|key,val| keys[key] = val} elsif font.kind_of? TkFont actual_core(font.latin_font).each{|key,val| keys[key] = val} else actual_core(font).each{|key,val| keys[key] = val} end tk_call('font', 'create', @latinfont, *hash_kv(keys)) end end end def create_kanjifont_tk80(font) unless JAPANIZED_TK @kanjifont = "" return end @kanjifont = @id + 'k' if font.kind_of? Hash if font['charset'] tk_call('font', 'create', @kanjifont, *hash_kv(font)) else tk_call('font', 'create', @kanjifont, '-charset', 'jisx0208.1983', *hash_kv(font)) end elsif font.kind_of? Array tk_call('font', 'create', @kanjifont, '-copy', array2tk_list(font)) tk_call('font', 'configure', @kanjifont, '-charset', 'jisx0208.1983') elsif font.kind_of? TkFont tk_call('font', 'create', @kanjifont, '-copy', font.kanji_font) else tk_call('font', 'create', @kanjifont, '-copy', font, '-charset', 'jisx0208.1983') end end def create_kanjifont_tk81(font) @kanjifont = @id + 'k' if font.kind_of? Hash tk_call('font', 'create', @kanjifont, *hash_kv(font)) else keys = {} if font.kind_of? Array actual_core(array2tk_list(font)).each{|key,val| keys[key] = val} elsif font.kind_of? TkFont actual_core(font.kanji_font).each{|key,val| keys[key] = val} else actual_core(font).each{|key,val| keys[key] = val} end tk_call('font', 'create', @kanjifont, *hash_kv(keys)) end keys = {} actual_core(@kanjifont).each{|key,val| keys[key] = val} begin tk_call('font', 'configure', @compoundfont, *hash_kv(keys)) rescue end end def create_compoundfont_tk80(keys) @compoundfont = @id + 'c' if JAPANIZED_TK @fontslot = {'font'=>@compoundfont} tk_call('font', 'create', @compoundfont, '-compound', "#{@latinfont} #{@kanjifont}", *hash_kv(keys)) else tk_call('font', 'create', @compoundfont) latinkeys = {} begin actual_core(@latinfont).each{|key,val| latinkeys[key] = val} rescue latinkeys {} end if latinkeys != {} tk_call('font', 'configure', @compoundfont, *hash_kv(latinkeys)) end @fontslot = {'font'=>@compoundfont} tk_call('font', 'configure', @compoundfont, *hash_kv(keys)) end end def create_compoundfont_tk81(keys) @compoundfont = @id + 'c' tk_call('font', 'create', @compoundfont) latinkeys = {} begin actual_core(@latinfont).each{|key,val| latinkeys[key] = val} rescue latinkeys {} end if latinkeys != {} tk_call('font', 'configure', @compoundfont, *hash_kv(latinkeys)) end kanjikeys = {} begin actual_core(@kanjifont).each{|key,val| kanjikeys[key] = val} rescue kanjikeys {} end if kanjikeys != {} tk_call('font', 'configure', @compoundfont, *hash_kv(kanjikeys)) end @fontslot = {'font'=>@compoundfont} tk_call('font', 'configure', @compoundfont, *hash_kv(keys)) end def actual_core_tk4x(font, window=nil, option=nil) # dummy if option "" else Array([ ['family',[]], ['size',[]], ['weight',[]], ['slant',[]], ['underline',[]], ['overstrike',[]], ['charset',[]], ['pointadjust',[]] ]) end end def actual_core_tk8x(font, window=nil, option=nil) if option == 'compound' "" elsif option if window tk_call('font', 'actual', font, "-#{option}") else tk_call('font', 'actual', font, "-displayof", window, "-#{option}") end else l = tk_split_list(if window tk_call('font', 'actual', font, "-displayof", window) else tk_call('font', 'actual', font) end) r = [] while key=l.shift if key == '-compound' l.shift else r.push [key[1..-1], l.shift] end end r end end def configure_core_tk4x(font, slot, value=None) "" end def configinfo_core_tk4x(font, option=nil) # dummy if option "" else Array([ ['family',[]], ['size',[]], ['weight',[]], ['slant',[]], ['underline',[]], ['overstrike',[]], ['charset',[]], ['pointadjust',[]] ]) end end def configure_core_tk8x(font, slot, value=None) if slot.kind_of? Hash tk_call 'font', 'configure', font, *hash_kv(slot) else tk_call 'font', 'configure', font, "-#{slot}", value end end def configinfo_core_tk8x(font, option=nil) if option == 'compound' "" elsif option tk_call('font', 'configure', font, "-#{option}") else l = tk_split_list(tk_call('font', 'configure', font)) r = [] while key=l.shift if key == '-compound' l.shift else r.push [key[1..-1], l.shift] end end r end end def delete_core_tk4x Tk_FontNameTBL[@id] = nil Tk_FontUseTBL.delete_if{|key,value| value == self} end def delete_core_tk8x begin tk_call('font', 'delete', @latinfont) rescue end begin tk_call('font', 'delete', @kanjifont) rescue end begin tk_call('font', 'delete', @compoundfont) rescue end Tk_FontNameTBL[@id] = nil Tk_FontUseTBL.delete_if{|key,value| value == self} end def latin_replace_core_tk4x(ltn) create_latinfont_tk4x(ltn) @compoundfont[0] = [@latinfont] if JAPANIZED_TK @fontslot['font'] = @latinfont Tk_FontUseTBL.dup.each{|w, fobj| if self == fobj begin if w.include?(';') win, tag = w.split(';') winobj = tk_tcl2ruby(win) # winobj.tagfont_configure(tag, {'font'=>@latinfont}) if winobj.kind_of? TkText tk_call(win, 'tag', 'configure', tag, '-font', @latinfont) elsif winobj.kind_of? TkCanvas tk_call(win, 'itemconfigure', tag, '-font', @latinfont) else raise RuntimeError, "unknown widget type" end else # tk_tcl2ruby(w).font_configure('font'=>@latinfont) tk_call(w, 'configure', '-font', @latinfont) end rescue Tk_FontUseTBL[w] = nil end end } self end def kanji_replace_core_tk4x(knj) return self unless JAPANIZED_TK create_kanjifont_tk4x(knj) @compoundfont[1] = [@kanjifont] @fontslot['kanjifont'] = @kanjifont Tk_FontUseTBL.dup.each{|w, fobj| if self == fobj begin if w.include?(';') win, tag = w.split(';') winobj = tk_tcl2ruby(win) # winobj.tagfont_configure(tag, {'kanjifont'=>@kanjifont}) if winobj.kind_of? TkText tk_call(win, 'tag', 'configure', tag, '-kanjifont', @kanjifont) elsif winobj.kind_of? TkCanvas tk_call(win, 'itemconfigure', tag, '-kanjifont', @kanjifont) else raise RuntimeError, "unknown widget type" end else # tk_tcl2ruby(w).font_configure('kanjifont'=>@kanjifont) tk_call(w, 'configure', '-kanjifont', @kanjifont) end rescue Tk_FontUseTBL[w] = nil end end } self end def latin_replace_core_tk8x(ltn) begin tk_call('font', 'delete', @latinfont) rescue end create_latinfont(ltn) self end def kanji_replace_core_tk80(knj) return self unless JAPANIZED_TK begin tk_call('font', 'delete', @kanjifont) rescue end create_kanjifont(knj) self end def kanji_replace_core_tk81(knj) if font.kind_of? Hash tk_call('font', 'configure', @compoundfont, *hash_kv(font)) else keys = {} if font.kind_of? Array actual_core(array2tk_list(font)).each{|key,val| keys[key] = val} elsif font.kind_of? TkFont actual_core(font.latin_font).each{|key,val| keys[key] = val} else actual_core(font).each{|key,val| keys[key] = val} end tk_call('font', 'configure', @compoundfont, *hash_kv(keys)) end self end def measure_core_tk4x(window, text) 0 end def measure_core_tk8x(window, text) if window number(tk_call('font', 'measure', @compoundfont, '-displayof', window, text)) else number(tk_call('font', 'measure', @compoundfont, text)) end end def metrics_core_tk4x(font, window, option=nil) # dummy if option "" else Array([ ['ascent',[]], ['descent',[]], ['linespace',[]], ['fixed',[]] ]) end end def metrics_core_tk8x(font, window, option=nil) if option if window number(tk_call('font', 'metrics', font, "-#{option}")) else number(tk_call('font', 'metrics', font, "-displayof", window, "-#{option}")) end else l = tk_split_list(if window tk_call('font','metrics',font,"-displayof",window) else tk_call('font','metrics',font) end) r = [] while key=l.shift r.push [key[1..-1], l.shift.to_i] end r end end ################################### # private alias ################################### case (Tk::TK_VERSION) when /^4\.*/ alias create_latinfont create_latinfont_tk4x alias create_kanjifont create_kanjifont_tk4x alias create_compoundfont create_compoundfont_tk4x alias actual_core actual_core_tk4x alias configure_core configure_core_tk4x alias configinfo_core configinfo_core_tk4x alias delete_core delete_core_tk4x alias latin_replace_core latin_replace_core_tk4x alias kanji_replace_core kanji_replace_core_tk4x alias measure_core measure_core_tk4x alias metrics_core metrics_core_tk4x when /^8\.0/ alias create_latinfont create_latinfont_tk8x alias create_kanjifont create_kanjifont_tk80 alias create_compoundfont create_compoundfont_tk80 alias actual_core actual_core_tk8x alias configure_core configure_core_tk8x alias configinfo_core configinfo_core_tk8x alias delete_core delete_core_tk8x alias latin_replace_core latin_replace_core_tk8x alias kanji_replace_core kanji_replace_core_tk80 alias measure_core measure_core_tk8x alias metrics_core metrics_core_tk8x when /^8\.1/ alias create_latinfont create_latinfont_tk8x alias create_kanjifont create_kanjifont_tk81 alias create_compoundfont create_compoundfont_tk81 alias actual_core actual_core_tk8x alias configure_core configure_core_tk8x alias configinfo_core configinfo_core_tk8x alias delete_core delete_core_tk8x alias latin_replace_core latin_replace_core_tk8x alias kanji_replace_core kanji_replace_core_tk81 alias measure_core measure_core_tk8x alias metrics_core metrics_core_tk8x end ################################### public ################################### def call_font_configure(path, *args) args += hash_kv(args.pop.update(@fontslot)) tk_call *args Tk_FontUseTBL[path] = self self end def used ret = [] Tk_FontUseTBL.each{|key,value| if key.include?(';') win, tag = key.split(';') winobj = tk_tcl2ruby(win) if winobj.kind_of? TkText ret.push([winobj, winobj.tagid2obj(tag)]) elsif winobj.kind_of? TkCanvas if (tagobj = TkcTag.id2obj(tag)).kind_of? TkcTag ret.push([winobj, tagobj]) elsif (tagobj = TkcItem.id2obj(tag)).kind_of? TkcItem ret.push([winobj, tagobj]) else ret.push([winobj, tag]) end else ret.push([win, tag]) end else ret.push(tk_tcl2ruby(key)) if value == self end } ret end def id @id end def to_eval font end def font @compoundfont end def latin_font @latinfont end def kanji_font @kanjifont end def actual(option=nil) actual_core(@compoundfont, nil, option) end def actual_displayof(window, option=nil) window = '.' unless window actual_core(@compoundfont, window, option) end def latin_actual(option=nil) actual_core(@latinfont, nil, option) end def latin_actual_displayof(window, option=nil) window = '.' unless window actual_core(@latinfont, window, option) end def kanji_actual(option=nil) #if JAPANIZED_TK if @kanjifont != "" actual_core(@kanjifont, nil, option) else actual_core_tk4x(nil, nil, option) end end def kanji_actual_displayof(window, option=nil) #if JAPANIZED_TK if @kanjifont != "" window = '.' unless window actual_core(@kanjifont, window, option) else actual_core_tk4x(nil, window, option) end end def [](slot) configinfo slot end def []=(slot, val) configure slot, val end def configure(slot, value=None) configure_core(@compoundfont, slot, value) end def configinfo(slot=nil) configinfo_core(@compoundfont, slot) end def delete delete_core end def latin_configure(slot, value=None) if JAPANIZED_TK configure_core(@latinfont, slot, value) else configure(slot, value) end end def latin_configinfo(slot=nil) if JAPANIZED_TK configinfo_core(@latinfont, slot) else configure(slot, value) end end def kanji_configure(slot, value=None) #if JAPANIZED_TK if @kanjifont != "" configure_core(@kanjifont, slot, value) else #"" configure(slot, value) end end def kanji_configinfo(slot=nil) #if JAPANIZED_TK if @kanjifont != "" configinfo_core(@kanjifont, slot) else #[] configinfo(slot) end end def replace(ltn, knj) latin_replace(ltn) kanji_replace(knj) self end def latin_replace(ltn) latin_replace_core(ltn) end def kanji_replace(knj) kanji_replace_core(knj) end def measure(text) measure_core(nil, text) end def measure_displayof(window, text) window = '.' unless window measure_core(window, text) end def metrics(option=nil) metrics_core(@compoundfont, nil, option) end def metrics_displayof(window, option=nil) window = '.' unless window metrics_core(@compoundfont, window, option) end def latin_metrics(option=nil) metrics_core(@latinfont, nil, option) end def latin_metrics_displayof(window, option=nil) window = '.' unless window metrics_core(@latinfont, window, option) end def kanji_metrics(option=nil) if JAPANIZED_TK metrics_core(@kanjifont, nil, option) else metrics_core_tk4x(nil, nil, option) end end def kanji_metrics_displayof(window, option=nil) if JAPANIZED_TK window = '.' unless window metrics_core(@kanjifont, window, option) else metrics_core_tk4x(nil, window, option) end end ################################### # public alias ################################### alias ascii_font latin_font alias create_asciifont create_latinfont alias ascii_actual latin_actual alias ascii_actual_displayof latin_actual_displayof alias ascii_configure latin_configure alias ascii_configinfo latin_configinfo alias ascii_replace latin_replace alias ascii_metrics latin_metrics end module TkTreatTagFont def font_configinfo @parent.tagfont_configinfo(@id) end alias font font_configinfo def font_configure(slot) @parent.tagfont_configure(@id, slot) end def latinfont_configure(ltn, keys=nil) @parent.latintagfont_configure(@id, ltn, keys) end alias asciifont_configure latinfont_configure def kanjifont_configure(knj, keys=nil) @parent.kanjitagfont_configure(@id, ltn, keys) end def font_copy(window, wintag=nil) @parent.tagfont_copy(@id, window, wintag) end def latinfont_copy(window, wintag=nil) @parent.latintagfont_copy(@id, window, wintag) end alias asciifont_copy latinfont_copy def kanjifont_copy(window, wintag=nil) @parent.kanjitagfont_copy(@id, window, wintag) end end