# = timeout.rb # # execution timeout # # = Synopsis # # require 'timeout' # status = Timeout::timeout(5) { # # Something that should be interrupted if it takes too much time... # } # # = Description # # A way of performing a potentially long-running operation in a thread, and terminating # it's execution if it hasn't finished by a fixed amount of time. # # Previous versions of timeout didn't provide use a module for namespace. This version # provides both Timeout.timeout, and a backwards-compatible #timeout. # # = Copyright # # Copyright:: (C) 2000 Network Applied Communication Laboratory, Inc. # Copyright:: (C) 2000 Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan module Timeout # Raised by Timeout#timeout when the block times out. class Error < Interrupt end # Executes the method's block. If the block execution terminates before +sec+ # seconds has passed, it returns true. If not, it terminates the execution # and raises +exception+ (which defaults to Timeout::Error). # # Note that this is both a method of module Timeout, so you can 'include Timeout' # into your classes so they have a #timeout method, as well as a module method, # so you can call it directly as Timeout.timeout(). def timeout(sec, exception=Error) return yield if sec == nil or sec.zero? begin x = Thread.current y = Thread.start { sleep sec x.raise exception, "execution expired" if x.alive? } yield sec return true ensure y.kill if y and y.alive? end end module_function :timeout end # Identical to: # # Timeout::timeout(n, e, &block). # # Defined for backwards compatibility with earlier versions of timeout.rb, see # Timeout#timeout. def timeout(n, e = Timeout::Error, &block) Timeout::timeout(n, e, &block) end # Another name for Timeout::Error, defined for backwards compatibility with # earlier versions of timeout.rb. TimeoutError = Timeout::Error if __FILE__ == $0 p timeout(5) { 45 } p timeout(5, TimeoutError) { 45 } p timeout(nil) { 54 } p timeout(0) { 54 } p timeout(5) { loop { p 10 sleep 1 } } end