# :nodoc: # # Author:: Nathaniel Talbott. # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Nathaniel Talbott. All rights reserved. # License:: Ruby license. require 'fox' require 'test/unit/ui/testrunnermediator' require 'test/unit/ui/testrunnerutilities' include Fox module Test module Unit module UI module Fox # :nodoc: # Runs a Test::Unit::TestSuite in a Fox UI. Obviously, # this one requires you to have Fox # (http://www.fox-toolkit.org/fox.html) and the Ruby # Fox extension (http://fxruby.sourceforge.net/) # installed. class TestRunner extend TestRunnerUtilities RED_STYLE = FXRGBA(0xFF,0,0,0xFF) #0xFF000000 GREEN_STYLE = FXRGBA(0,0xFF,0,0xFF) #0x00FF0000 # Creates a new TestRunner and runs the suite. def self.run(suite) new(suite).start end # Creates a new TestRunner for running the passed # suite. def initialize(suite) if (suite.respond_to?(:suite)) @suite = suite.suite else @suite = suite end @result = nil @red = false end # Begins the test run. def start setup_ui setup_mediator attach_to_mediator start_ui @result end def setup_mediator # :nodoc: @mediator = TestRunnerMediator.new(@suite) suite_name = @suite.to_s if ( @suite.kind_of?(Module) ) suite_name = @suite.name end @suite_name_entry.text = suite_name end def attach_to_mediator # :nodoc: @mediator.add_listener(TestRunnerMediator::RESET, &method(:reset_ui)) @mediator.add_listener(TestResult::FAULT, &method(:add_fault)) @mediator.add_listener(TestResult::CHANGED, &method(:result_changed)) @mediator.add_listener(TestRunnerMediator::STARTED, &method(:started)) @mediator.add_listener(TestCase::STARTED, &method(:test_started)) @mediator.add_listener(TestRunnerMediator::FINISHED, &method(:finished)) end def start_ui # :nodoc: @application.create @window.show(PLACEMENT_SCREEN) @application.addTimeout(1) do @mediator.run_suite end @application.run end def stop # :nodoc: @application.exit(0) end def reset_ui(count) # :nodoc: @test_progress_bar.barColor = GREEN_STYLE @test_progress_bar.total = count @test_progress_bar.progress = 0 @red = false @test_count_label.text = "0" @assertion_count_label.text = "0" @failure_count_label.text = "0" @error_count_label.text = "0" @fault_list.clearItems end def add_fault(fault) # :nodoc: if ( ! @red ) @test_progress_bar.barColor = RED_STYLE @red = true end item = FaultListItem.new(fault) @fault_list.appendItem(item) end def show_fault(fault) # :nodoc: raw_show_fault(fault.long_display) end def raw_show_fault(string) # :nodoc: @detail_text.setText(string) end def clear_fault # :nodoc: raw_show_fault("") end def result_changed(result) # :nodoc: @test_progress_bar.progress = result.run_count @test_count_label.text = result.run_count.to_s @assertion_count_label.text = result.assertion_count.to_s @failure_count_label.text = result.failure_count.to_s @error_count_label.text = result.error_count.to_s # repaint now! @info_panel.repaint @application.flush end def started(result) # :nodoc: @result = result output_status("Started...") end def test_started(test_name) output_status("Running #{test_name}...") end def finished(elapsed_time) output_status("Finished in #{elapsed_time} seconds") end def output_status(string) @status_entry.text = string @status_entry.repaint end def setup_ui # :nodoc: @application = create_application create_tooltip(@application) @window = create_window(@application) @status_entry = create_entry(@window) main_panel = create_main_panel(@window) suite_panel = create_suite_panel(main_panel) create_label(suite_panel, "Suite:") @suite_name_entry = create_entry(suite_panel) create_button(suite_panel, "&Run\tRun the current suite", proc { @mediator.run_suite }) @test_progress_bar = create_progress_bar(main_panel) @info_panel = create_info_panel(main_panel) create_label(@info_panel, "Tests:") @test_count_label = create_label(@info_panel, "0") create_label(@info_panel, "Assertions:") @assertion_count_label = create_label(@info_panel, "0") create_label(@info_panel, "Failures:") @failure_count_label = create_label(@info_panel, "0") create_label(@info_panel, "Errors:") @error_count_label = create_label(@info_panel, "0") list_panel = create_list_panel(main_panel) @fault_list = create_fault_list(list_panel) detail_panel = create_detail_panel(main_panel) @detail_text = create_text(detail_panel) end def create_application # :nodoc: app = FXApp.new("TestRunner", "Test::Unit") app.init([]) app end def create_window(app) FXMainWindow.new(app, "Test::Unit TestRunner", nil, nil, DECOR_ALL, 0, 0, 450) end def create_tooltip(app) FXTooltip.new(app) end def create_main_panel(parent) # :nodoc: panel = FXVerticalFrame.new(parent, LAYOUT_FILL_X | LAYOUT_FILL_Y) panel.vSpacing = 10 panel end def create_suite_panel(parent) # :nodoc: FXHorizontalFrame.new(parent, LAYOUT_SIDE_LEFT | LAYOUT_FILL_X) end def create_button(parent, text, action) # :nodoc: FXButton.new(parent, text).connect(SEL_COMMAND, &action) end def create_progress_bar(parent) # :nodoc: FXProgressBar.new(parent, nil, 0, PROGRESSBAR_NORMAL | LAYOUT_FILL_X) end def create_info_panel(parent) # :nodoc: FXMatrix.new(parent, 1, MATRIX_BY_ROWS | LAYOUT_FILL_X) end def create_label(parent, text) FXLabel.new(parent, text, nil, JUSTIFY_CENTER_X | LAYOUT_FILL_COLUMN) end def create_list_panel(parent) # :nodoc: FXHorizontalFrame.new(parent, LAYOUT_FILL_X | FRAME_SUNKEN | FRAME_THICK) end def create_fault_list(parent) # :nodoc: list = FXList.new(parent, 10, nil, 0, LIST_SINGLESELECT | LAYOUT_FILL_X) #, 0, 0, 0, 150) list.connect(SEL_COMMAND) do |sender, sel, ptr| if sender.retrieveItem(sender.currentItem).selected? show_fault(sender.retrieveItem(sender.currentItem).fault) else clear_fault end end list end def create_detail_panel(parent) # :nodoc: FXHorizontalFrame.new(parent, LAYOUT_FILL_X | LAYOUT_FILL_Y | FRAME_SUNKEN | FRAME_THICK) end def create_text(parent) # :nodoc: FXText.new(parent, nil, 0, TEXT_READONLY | LAYOUT_FILL_X | LAYOUT_FILL_Y) end def create_entry(parent) # :nodoc: entry = FXTextField.new(parent, 30, nil, 0, TEXTFIELD_NORMAL | LAYOUT_SIDE_BOTTOM | LAYOUT_FILL_X) entry.disable entry end end class FaultListItem < FXListItem # :nodoc: all attr_reader(:fault) def initialize(fault) super(fault.short_display) @fault = fault end end end end end end if __FILE__ == $0 Test::Unit::UI::Fox::TestRunner.start_command_line_test end