# # $Id$ # # The class for temporary files. # o creates a temporary file, which name is "basename.pid.n" with mode "w+". # o Tempfile objects can be used like IO object. # o with tmpfile.close(true) created temporary files are removed. # o created files are also removed on script termination. # o with Tempfile#open, you can reopen the temporary file. # o file mode of the temporary files are 0600. require 'delegate' require 'final' class Tempfile < SimpleDelegator Max_try = 10 def Tempfile.callback(path, data) lambda{ print "removing ", path, "..." if $DEBUG data[0].close if data[0] if File.exist?(path) File.unlink(path) end if File.exist?(path + '.lock') Dir.rmdir(path + '.lock') end print "done\n" if $DEBUG } end def initialize(basename, tmpdir=ENV['TMPDIR']||ENV['TMP']||ENV['TEMP']||'/tmp') umask = File.umask(0177) begin n = 0 while true begin tmpname = sprintf('%s/%s%d.%d', tmpdir, basename, $$, n) lock = tmpname + '.lock' unless File.exist?(tmpname) or File.exist?(lock) Dir.mkdir(lock) break end rescue raise "cannot generate tmpfile `%s'" % tmpname if n >= Max_try #sleep(1) end n += 1 end @protect = [] @clean_files = Tempfile.callback(tmpname, @protect) ObjectSpace.define_finalizer(self, @clean_files) @tmpfile = File.open(tmpname, File::RDWR|File::CREAT|File::EXCL) @protect[0] = @tmpfile @tmpname = tmpname super(@tmpfile) Dir.rmdir(lock) ensure File.umask(umask) end end def Tempfile.open(*args) Tempfile.new(*args) end def open @tmpfile.close if @tmpfile @tmpfile = File.open(@tmpname, 'r+') @protect[0] = @tmpfile __setobj__(@tmpfile) end def close(real=false) @tmpfile.close if @tmpfile @protect[0] = @tmpfile = nil if real @clean_files.call ObjectSpace.undefine_finalizer(self) end end def path @tmpname end end if __FILE__ == $0 # $DEBUG = true f = Tempfile.new("foo") f.print("foo\n") f.close f.open p f.gets # => "foo\n" f.close(true) end