# # telnet.rb # ver0.141 1998/09/22 # Wakou Aoyama # # ver0.141 1998/09/22 # change default prompt # /[$%#>] $/ --> /[$%#>] \Z/ # # ver0.14 1998/09/01 # IAC WILL SGA send EOL --> CR+NULL # IAC WILL SGA IAC DO BIN send EOL --> CR # NONE send EOL --> LF # add Dump_log option. # # ver0.13 1998/08/25 # add print method. # # ver0.122 1998/08/05 # support for HP-UX 10.20 thanks to WATANABE Tetsuya # socket.<< --> socket.write # # ver0.121 1998/07/15 # string.+= --> string.concat # # ver0.12 1998/06/01 # add timeout, waittime. # # ver0.11 1998/04/21 # add realtime output. # # ver0.10 1998/04/13 # first release. # # == make new Telnet object # host = Telnet.new({"Binmode" => TRUE, default: TRUE # "Host" => "localhost", default: "localhost" # "Output_log" => "output_log", default: not output # "Dump_log" => "dump_log", default: not output # "Port" => 23, default: 23 # "Prompt" => /[$%#>] \Z/, default: /[$%#>] \Z/ # "Telnetmode" => TRUE, default: TRUE # "Timeout" => 10, default: 10 # "Waittime" => 0}) default: 0 # # if set "Telnetmode" option FALSE. not TELNET command interpretation. # "Waittime" is time to confirm "Prompt". There is a possibility that # the same character as "Prompt" is included in the data, and, when # the network or the host is very heavy, the value is enlarged. # # == wait for match # line = host.waitfor(/match/) # line = host.waitfor({"Match" => /match/, # "String" => "string", # "Timeout" => secs}) # if set "String" option. Match = Regexp.new(quote(string)) # # realtime output. of cource, set sync=TRUE or flush is necessary. # host.waitfor(/match/){|c| print c } # host.waitfor({"Match" => /match/, # "String" => "string", # "Timeout" => secs}){|c| print c} # # == send string and wait prompt # line = host.cmd("string") # line = host.cmd({"String" => "string", # "Prompt" => /[$%#>] \Z/, # "Timeout" => 10}) # # realtime output. of cource, set sync=TRUE or flush is necessary. # host.cmd("string"){|c| print c } # host.cmd({"String" => "string", # "Prompt" => /[$%#>] \Z/, # "Timeout" => 10}){|c| print c } # # == send string # host.print("string") # # == login # host.login("username", "password") # host.login({"Name" => "username", # "Password" => "password", # "Prompt" => /[$%#>] \Z/, # "Timeout" => 10}) # # realtime output. of cource, set sync=TRUE or flush is necessary. # host.login("username", "password"){|c| print c } # host.login({"Name" => "username", # "Password" => "password", # "Prompt" => /[$%#>] \Z/, # "Timeout" => 10}){|c| print c } # # and Telnet object has socket class methods # # == sample # localhost = Telnet.new({"Host" => "localhost", # "Timeout" => 10, # "Prompt" => /[$%#>] \Z/}) # localhost.login("username", "password"){|c| print c } # localhost.cmd("command"){|c| print c } # localhost.close # # == sample 2 # checks a POP server to see if you have mail. # # pop = Telnet.new({"Host" => "your_destination_host_here", # "Port" => 110, # "Telnetmode" => FALSE, # "Prompt" => /^\+OK/}) # pop.cmd("user " + "your_username_here"){|c| print c} # pop.cmd("pass " + "your_password_here"){|c| print c} # pop.cmd("list"){|c| print c} require "socket" require "delegate" require "thread" class TimeOut < Exception end class Telnet < SimpleDelegator def timeout(sec) is_timeout = FALSE begin x = Thread.current y = Thread.start { sleep sec if x.alive? #print "timeout!\n" x.raise TimeOut, "timeout" end } begin yield rescue TimeOut is_timeout = TRUE end ensure Thread.kill y if y && y.alive? end is_timeout end IAC = 255.chr # interpret as command: DONT = 254.chr # you are not to use option DO = 253.chr # please, you use option WONT = 252.chr # I won't use option WILL = 251.chr # I will use option SB = 250.chr # interpret as subnegotiation GA = 249.chr # you may reverse the line EL = 248.chr # erase the current line EC = 247.chr # erase the current character AYT = 246.chr # are you there AO = 245.chr # abort output--but let prog finish IP = 244.chr # interrupt process--permanently BREAK = 243.chr # break DM = 242.chr # data mark--for connect. cleaning NOP = 241.chr # nop SE = 240.chr # end sub negotiation EOR = 239.chr # end of record (transparent mode) ABORT = 238.chr # Abort process SUSP = 237.chr # Suspend process EOF = 236.chr # End of file SYNCH = 242.chr # for telfunc calls OPT_BINARY = 0.chr # Binary Transmission OPT_ECHO = 1.chr # Echo OPT_RCP = 2.chr # Reconnection OPT_SGA = 3.chr # Suppress Go Ahead OPT_NAMS = 4.chr # Approx Message Size Negotiation OPT_STATUS = 5.chr # Status OPT_TM = 6.chr # Timing Mark OPT_RCTE = 7.chr # Remote Controlled Trans and Echo OPT_NAOL = 8.chr # Output Line Width OPT_NAOP = 9.chr # Output Page Size OPT_NAOCRD = 10.chr # Output Carriage-Return Disposition OPT_NAOHTS = 11.chr # Output Horizontal Tab Stops OPT_NAOHTD = 12.chr # Output Horizontal Tab Disposition OPT_NAOFFD = 13.chr # Output Formfeed Disposition OPT_NAOVTS = 14.chr # Output Vertical Tabstops OPT_NAOVTD = 15.chr # Output Vertical Tab Disposition OPT_NAOLFD = 16.chr # Output Linefeed Disposition OPT_XASCII = 17.chr # Extended ASCII OPT_LOGOUT = 18.chr # Logout OPT_BM = 19.chr # Byte Macro OPT_DET = 20.chr # Data Entry Terminal OPT_SUPDUP = 21.chr # SUPDUP OPT_SUPDUPOUTPUT = 22.chr # SUPDUP Output OPT_SNDLOC = 23.chr # Send Location OPT_TTYPE = 24.chr # Terminal Type OPT_EOR = 25.chr # End of Record OPT_TUID = 26.chr # TACACS User Identification OPT_OUTMRK = 27.chr # Output Marking OPT_TTYLOC = 28.chr # Terminal Location Number OPT_3270REGIME = 29.chr # Telnet 3270 Regime OPT_X3PAD = 30.chr # X.3 PAD OPT_NAWS = 31.chr # Negotiate About Window Size OPT_TSPEED = 32.chr # Terminal Speed OPT_LFLOW = 33.chr # Remote Flow Control OPT_LINEMODE = 34.chr # Linemode OPT_XDISPLOC = 35.chr # X Display Location OPT_OLD_ENVIRON = 36.chr # Environment Option OPT_AUTHENTICATION = 37.chr # Authentication Option OPT_ENCRYPT = 38.chr # Encryption Option OPT_NEW_ENVIRON = 39.chr # New Environment Option NULL = "\000" CR = "\015" LF = "\012" EOL = CR + LF def initialize(options) @options = options @options["Binmode"] = TRUE if not @options.include?("Binmode") @options["Host"] = "localhost" if not @options.include?("Host") @options["Port"] = 23 if not @options.include?("Port") @options["Prompt"] = /[$%#>] \Z/ if not @options.include?("Prompt") @options["Telnetmode"] = TRUE if not @options.include?("Telnetmode") @options["Timeout"] = 10 if not @options.include?("Timeout") @options["Waittime"] = 0 if not @options.include?("Waittime") @telnet_option = { "SGA" => FALSE, "BINARY" => FALSE } if @options.include?("Output_log") @log = File.open(@options["Output_log"], 'a+') @log.sync = TRUE @log.binmode if @options["Binmode"] end if @options.include?("Dump_log") @dumplog = File.open(@options["Dump_log"], 'a+') @dumplog.sync = TRUE @dumplog.binmode end message = "Trying " + @options["Host"] + "...\n" STDOUT.write(message) @log.write(message) if @options.include?("Output_log") @dumplog.write(message) if @options.include?("Dump_log") is_timeout = timeout(@options["Timeout"]){ begin @sock = TCPsocket.open(@options["Host"], @options["Port"]) rescue @log.write($! + "\n") if @options.include?("Output_log") @dumplog.write($! + "\n") if @options.include?("Dump_log") raise end } raise TimeOut, "timed-out; opening of the host" if is_timeout @sock.sync = TRUE @sock.binmode if @options["Binmode"] message = "Connected to " + @options["Host"] + ".\n" STDOUT.write(message) @log.write(message) if @options.include?("Output_log") @dumplog.write(message) if @options.include?("Dump_log") super(@sock) end def preprocess(str) str.gsub!(/#{CR}#{NULL}/no, CR) # combine CR+NULL into CR str.gsub!(/#{EOL}/no, "\n") # combine EOL into "\n" # respond to "IAC DO x" str.gsub!(/([^#{IAC}])?#{IAC}#{DO}(.|\n)/no){ if OPT_BINARY == $2 @telnet_option["BINARY"] = TRUE @sock.write(IAC + WILL + OPT_BINARY) $1 else @sock.write(IAC + WONT + $2) $1 end } # respond to "IAC DON'T x" with "IAC WON'T x" str.gsub!(/([^#{IAC}])?#{IAC}#{DONT}(.|\n)/no){ @sock.write(IAC + WONT + $2) $1 } # respond to "IAC WILL x" str.gsub!(/([^#{IAC}])?#{IAC}#{WILL}(.|\n)/no){ if OPT_SGA == $2 @telnet_option["SGA"] = TRUE @sock.write(IAC + DO + OPT_SGA) $1 else $1 end } # ignore "IAC WON'T x" str.gsub!(/([^#{IAC}])?#{IAC}#{WONT}(.|\n)/no, '\1') # respond to "IAC AYT" (are you there) str.gsub!(/([^#{IAC}])?#{IAC}#{AYT}/no){ @sock.write("nobody here but us pigeons" + EOL) $1 } str.gsub(/#{IAC}#{IAC}/no, IAC) # handle escaped IAC characters end def waitfor(options) timeout = @options["Timeout"] waittime = @options["Waittime"] if options.kind_of?(Hash) prompt = options["Prompt"] if options.include?("Prompt") timeout = options["Timeout"] if options.include?("Timeout") waittime = options["Waittime"] if options.include?("Waittime") prompt = Regexp.new( Regexp.quote(options["String"]) ) if options.include?("String") else prompt = options end line = '' until(not select([@sock], nil, nil, waittime) and prompt === line) raise TimeOut, "timed-out; wait for the next data" if not select([@sock], nil, nil, timeout) buf = '' begin buf = @sock.sysread(1024 * 1024) @dumplog.print(buf) if @options.include?("Dump_log") buf = preprocess(buf) if @options["Telnetmode"] rescue EOFError # End of file reached break ensure @log.print(buf) if @options.include?("Output_log") yield buf if iterator? line.concat(buf) end end line end def print(string) if @telnet_option["BINARY"] and @telnet_option["SGA"] # IAC WILL SGA IAC DO BIN send EOL --> CR @sock.write(string.gsub(/\n/, CR) + CR) elsif @telnet_option["SGA"] # IAC WILL SGA send EOL --> CR+NULL @sock.write(string.gsub(/\n/, CR + NULL) + CR + NULL) else # NONE send EOL --> LF @sock.write(string.gsub(/\n/, LF) + LF) end end def cmd(options) match = @options["Prompt"] timeout = @options["Timeout"] if options.kind_of?(Hash) string = options["String"] match = options["Match"] if options.include?("Match") timeout = options["Timeout"] if options.include?("Timeout") else string = options end select(nil, [@sock]) print(string) if iterator? waitfor({"Prompt" => match, "Timeout" => timeout}){|c| yield c } else waitfor({"Prompt" => match, "Timeout" => timeout}) end end def login(options, password = '') if options.kind_of?(Hash) username = options["Name"] password = options["Password"] else username = options end if iterator? line = waitfor(/login[: ]*\Z/){|c| yield c } line.concat( cmd({"String" => username, "Match" => /Password[: ]*\Z/}){|c| yield c } ) line.concat( cmd(password){|c| yield c } ) else line = waitfor(/login[: ]*\Z/) line.concat( cmd({"String" => username, "Match" => /Password[: ]*\Z/}) ) line.concat( cmd(password) ) end line end end