=begin SOAP4R - Stream handler. Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PRATICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. =end require 'soap/soap' module SOAP class StreamHandler Client = begin require 'http-access2' if HTTPAccess2::VERSION < "2.0" raise LoadError.new("http-access/2.0 or later is required.") end HTTPAccess2::Client rescue LoadError STDERR.puts "Loading http-access2 failed. Net/http is used." if $DEBUG require 'soap/netHttpClient' SOAP::NetHttpClient end RUBY_VERSION_STRING = "ruby #{ RUBY_VERSION } (#{ RUBY_RELEASE_DATE }) [#{ RUBY_PLATFORM }]" %q$Id$ =~ /: (\S+),v (\S+)/ RCS_FILE, RCS_REVISION = $1, $2 class ConnectionData attr_accessor :send_string attr_accessor :send_contenttype attr_accessor :receive_string attr_accessor :receive_contenttype def initialize @send_string = nil @send_contenttype = nil @receive_string = nil @receive_contenttype = nil @bag = {} end def [](idx) @bag[idx] end def []=(idx, value) @bag[idx] = value end end attr_accessor :endpoint_url def initialize(endpoint_url) @endpoint_url = endpoint_url end def self.parse_media_type(str) if /^#{ MediaType }(?:\s*;\s*charset=([^"]+|"[^"]+"))?$/i !~ str raise StreamError.new("Illegal media type."); end charset = $1 charset.gsub!(/"/, '') if charset charset end def self.create_media_type(charset) "#{ MediaType }; charset=#{ charset }" end end class HTTPPostStreamHandler < StreamHandler include SOAP public attr_accessor :wiredump_dev attr_accessor :wiredump_file_base attr_accessor :charset NofRetry = 10 # [times] ConnectTimeout = 20 # [sec] SendTimeout = 60 # [sec] ReceiveTimeout = 60 # [sec] def initialize(endpoint_url, proxy = nil, charset = nil) super(endpoint_url) @proxy = proxy || ENV['http_proxy'] || ENV['HTTP_PROXY'] @charset = charset || XSD::Charset.charset_label($KCODE) @wiredump_dev = nil # Set an IO to get wiredump. @wiredump_file_base = nil @client = Client.new(@proxy, "SOAP4R/#{ Version }") @client.session_manager.connect_timeout = ConnectTimeout @client.session_manager.send_timeout = SendTimeout @client.session_manager.receive_timeout = ReceiveTimeout end def proxy=(proxy) @proxy = proxy @client.proxy = @proxy end def send(soap_string, soapaction = nil, charset = @charset) send_post(soap_string, soapaction, charset) end def reset @client.reset(@endpoint_url) end private def send_post(soap_string, soapaction, charset) data = ConnectionData.new data.send_string = soap_string data.send_contenttype = StreamHandler.create_media_type(charset) wiredump_dev = if @wiredump_dev && @wiredump_dev.respond_to?("<<") @wiredump_dev else nil end @client.debug_dev = wiredump_dev if @wiredump_file_base filename = @wiredump_file_base + '_request.xml' f = File.open(filename, "w") f << soap_string f.close end extra = {} extra['Content-Type'] = data.send_contenttype extra['SOAPAction'] = "\"#{ soapaction }\"" wiredump_dev << "Wire dump:\n\n" if wiredump_dev begin res = @client.post(@endpoint_url, soap_string, extra) rescue @client.reset(@endpoint_url) raise end wiredump_dev << "\n\n" if wiredump_dev receive_string = res.content if @wiredump_file_base filename = @wiredump_file_base + '_response.xml' f = File.open(filename, "w") f << receive_string f.close end case res.status when 405 raise PostUnavailableError.new("#{ res.status }: #{ res.reason }") when 200, 500 # Nothing to do. else raise HTTPStreamError.new("#{ res.status }: #{ res.reason }") end data.receive_string = receive_string data.receive_contenttype = res.contenttype return data end CRLF = "\r\n" end end