# SOAP4R - RPC Routing library # Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi . # This program is copyrighted free software by NAKAMURA, Hiroshi. You can # redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms of Ruby's license; # either the dual license version in 2003, or any later version. require 'soap/soap' require 'soap/processor' require 'soap/mapping' require 'soap/rpc/rpc' require 'soap/rpc/element' require 'soap/streamHandler' require 'soap/mimemessage' module SOAP module RPC class Router include SOAP attr_reader :actor attr_accessor :allow_unqualified_element attr_accessor :default_encodingstyle attr_accessor :mapping_registry def initialize(actor) @actor = actor @receiver = {} @method_name = {} @method = {} @allow_unqualified_element = false @default_encodingstyle = nil @mapping_registry = nil end def add_method(receiver, qname, soapaction, name, param_def) fqname = fqname(qname) @receiver[fqname] = receiver @method_name[fqname] = name @method[fqname] = RPC::SOAPMethodRequest.new(qname, param_def, soapaction) end def add_header_handler raise NotImplementedError.new end # Routing... #def route(soap_string, charset = nil) def route(conn_data) soap_response = nil begin env = unmarshal(conn_data) if env.nil? raise ArgumentError.new("Illegal SOAP marshal format.") end # So far, header is omitted... soap_request = env.body.request unless soap_request.is_a?(SOAPStruct) raise RPCRoutingError.new("Not an RPC style.") end soap_response = dispatch(soap_request) rescue Exception soap_response = fault($!) conn_data.is_fault = true end opt = options opt[:external_content] = nil header = SOAPHeader.new body = SOAPBody.new(soap_response) env = SOAPEnvelope.new(header, body) response_string = Processor.marshal(env, opt) conn_data.send_string = response_string if ext = opt[:external_content] mime = MIMEMessage.new ext.each do |k, v| mime.add_attachment(v.data) end mime.add_part(conn_data.send_string + "\r\n") mime.close conn_data.send_string = mime.content_str conn_data.send_contenttype = mime.headers['content-type'].str end conn_data end # Create fault response string. def create_fault_response(e, charset = nil) header = SOAPHeader.new body = SOAPBody.new(fault(e)) env = SOAPEnvelope.new(header, body) opt = options opt[:external_content] = nil opt[:charset] = charset response_string = Processor.marshal(env, opt) conn_data = StreamHandler::ConnectionData.new(response_string) conn_data.is_fault = true if ext = opt[:external_content] mime = MIMEMessage.new ext.each do |k, v| mime.add_attachment(v.data) end mime.add_part(conn_data.send_string + "\r\n") mime.close conn_data.send_string = mime.content_str conn_data.send_contenttype = mime.headers['content-type'].str end conn_data end private def unmarshal(conn_data) opt = options contenttype = conn_data.receive_contenttype if /#{MIMEMessage::MultipartContentType}/i =~ contenttype opt[:external_content] = {} mime = MIMEMessage.parse("Content-Type: " + contenttype, conn_data.receive_string) mime.parts.each do |part| value = Attachment.new(part.content) value.contentid = part.contentid obj = SOAPAttachment.new(value) opt[:external_content][value.contentid] = obj if value.contentid end opt[:charset] = StreamHandler.parse_media_type(mime.root.headers['content-type'].str) env = Processor.unmarshal(mime.root.content, opt) else opt[:charset] = ::SOAP::StreamHandler.parse_media_type(contenttype) env = Processor.unmarshal(conn_data.receive_string, opt) end charset = opt[:charset] conn_data.send_contenttype = "text/xml; charset=\"#{charset}\"" env end # Create new response. def create_response(qname, result) name = fqname(qname) if (@method.key?(name)) method = @method[name] else raise RPCRoutingError.new("Method: #{ name } not defined.") end soap_response = method.create_method_response if soap_response.have_outparam? unless result.is_a?(Array) raise RPCRoutingError.new("Out parameter was not returned.") end outparams = {} i = 1 soap_response.each_param_name('out', 'inout') do |outparam| outparams[outparam] = Mapping.obj2soap(result[i], @mapping_registry) i += 1 end soap_response.set_outparam(outparams) soap_response.retval = Mapping.obj2soap(result[0], @mapping_registry) else soap_response.retval = Mapping.obj2soap(result, @mapping_registry) end soap_response end # Create fault response. def fault(e) detail = Mapping::SOAPException.new(e) SOAPFault.new( SOAPString.new('Server'), SOAPString.new(e.to_s), SOAPString.new(@actor), Mapping.obj2soap(detail, @mapping_registry)) end # Dispatch to defined method. def dispatch(soap_method) request_struct = Mapping.soap2obj(soap_method, @mapping_registry) values = soap_method.collect { |key, value| request_struct[key] } method = lookup(soap_method.elename, values) unless method raise RPCRoutingError.new( "Method: #{ soap_method.elename } not supported.") end result = method.call(*values) create_response(soap_method.elename, result) end # Method lookup def lookup(qname, values) name = fqname(qname) # It may be necessary to check all part of method signature... if @method.member?(name) @receiver[name].method(@method_name[name].intern) else nil end end def fqname(qname) "#{ qname.namespace }:#{ qname.name }" end def options opt = {} opt[:default_encodingstyle] = @default_encodingstyle if @allow_unqualified_element opt[:allow_unqualified_element] = true end opt end end end end