# SOAP4R - RPC Proxy library. # Copyright (C) 2000, 2003, 2004 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi . # This program is copyrighted free software by NAKAMURA, Hiroshi. You can # redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms of Ruby's license; # either the dual license version in 2003, or any later version. require 'soap/soap' require 'soap/processor' require 'soap/mapping' require 'soap/rpc/rpc' require 'soap/rpc/element' require 'soap/streamHandler' require 'soap/mimemessage' module SOAP module RPC class Proxy include SOAP public attr_accessor :soapaction attr_accessor :mandatorycharset attr_accessor :allow_unqualified_element attr_accessor :default_encodingstyle attr_accessor :generate_explicit_type attr_reader :headerhandler attr_reader :streamhandler attr_accessor :mapping_registry attr_accessor :literal_mapping_registry attr_reader :operation def initialize(endpoint_url, soapaction, options) @endpoint_url = endpoint_url @soapaction = soapaction @options = options @streamhandler = HTTPStreamHandler.new( @options["protocol.http"] ||= ::SOAP::Property.new) @operation = {} @mandatorycharset = nil @allow_unqualified_element = true @default_encodingstyle = nil @generate_explicit_type = true @headerhandler = Header::HandlerSet.new @mapping_registry = nil @literal_mapping_registry = ::SOAP::Mapping::WSDLLiteralRegistry.new end def inspect "#<#{self.class}:#{@endpoint_url}>" end def endpoint_url @endpoint_url end def endpoint_url=(endpoint_url) @endpoint_url = endpoint_url reset_stream end def reset_stream @streamhandler.reset(@endpoint_url) end def set_wiredump_file_base(wiredump_file_base) @streamhandler.wiredump_file_base = wiredump_file_base end def test_loopback_response @streamhandler.test_loopback_response end def add_rpc_method(qname, soapaction, name, param_def, opt = {}) opt[:request_style] ||= :rpc opt[:response_style] ||= :rpc opt[:request_use] ||= :encoded opt[:response_use] ||= :encoded @operation[name] = Operation.new(qname, soapaction, name, param_def, opt) end def add_document_method(qname, soapaction, name, param_def, opt = {}) opt[:request_style] ||= :document opt[:response_style] ||= :document opt[:request_use] ||= :literal opt[:response_use] ||= :literal @operation[name] = Operation.new(qname, soapaction, name, param_def, opt) end # add_method is for shortcut of typical rpc/encoded method definition. alias add_method add_rpc_method def invoke(req_header, req_body, opt = create_options) req_env = SOAPEnvelope.new(req_header, req_body) opt[:external_content] = nil conn_data = marshal(req_env, opt) if ext = opt[:external_content] mime = MIMEMessage.new ext.each do |k, v| mime.add_attachment(v.data) end mime.add_part(conn_data.send_string + "\r\n") mime.close conn_data.send_string = mime.content_str conn_data.send_contenttype = mime.headers['content-type'].str end conn_data = @streamhandler.send(@endpoint_url, conn_data, opt[:soapaction]) if conn_data.receive_string.empty? return nil end unmarshal(conn_data, opt) end def call(name, *params) unless op_info = @operation[name] raise MethodDefinitionError, "Method: #{name} not defined." end req_header = create_request_header req_body = op_info.create_request_body(params, @mapping_registry, @literal_mapping_registry) opt = create_options({ :soapaction => op_info.soapaction || @soapaction, :default_encodingstyle => op_info.response_default_encodingstyle}) env = invoke(req_header, req_body, opt) receive_headers(env.header) raise EmptyResponseError.new("Empty response.") unless env begin check_fault(env.body) rescue ::SOAP::FaultError => e Mapping.fault2exception(e) end op_info.create_response_obj(env, @mapping_registry, @literal_mapping_registry) end def check_fault(body) if body.fault raise SOAP::FaultError.new(body.fault) end end private def create_request_header headers = @headerhandler.on_outbound if headers.empty? nil else h = ::SOAP::SOAPHeader.new headers.each do |header| h.add(header.elename.name, header) end h end end def receive_headers(headers) @headerhandler.on_inbound(headers) if headers end def marshal(env, opt) send_string = Processor.marshal(env, opt) StreamHandler::ConnectionData.new(send_string) end def unmarshal(conn_data, opt) contenttype = conn_data.receive_contenttype if /#{MIMEMessage::MultipartContentType}/i =~ contenttype opt[:external_content] = {} mime = MIMEMessage.parse("Content-Type: " + contenttype, conn_data.receive_string) mime.parts.each do |part| value = Attachment.new(part.content) value.contentid = part.contentid obj = SOAPAttachment.new(value) opt[:external_content][value.contentid] = obj if value.contentid end opt[:charset] = @mandatorycharset || StreamHandler.parse_media_type(mime.root.headers['content-type'].str) env = Processor.unmarshal(mime.root.content, opt) else opt[:charset] = @mandatorycharset || ::SOAP::StreamHandler.parse_media_type(contenttype) env = Processor.unmarshal(conn_data.receive_string, opt) end env end def create_header(headers) header = SOAPHeader.new() headers.each do |content, mustunderstand, encodingstyle| header.add(SOAPHeaderItem.new(content, mustunderstand, encodingstyle)) end header end def create_options(hash = nil) opt = {} opt[:default_encodingstyle] = @default_encodingstyle opt[:allow_unqualified_element] = @allow_unqualified_element opt[:generate_explicit_type] = @generate_explicit_type opt.update(hash) if hash opt end class Operation attr_reader :soapaction attr_reader :request_style attr_reader :response_style attr_reader :request_use attr_reader :response_use def initialize(qname, soapaction, name, param_def, opt) @soapaction = soapaction @request_style = opt[:request_style] @response_style = opt[:response_style] @request_use = opt[:request_use] @response_use = opt[:response_use] @rpc_method_factory = @document_method_name = nil check_style(@request_style) check_style(@response_style) if @request_style == :rpc @rpc_method_factory = SOAPMethodRequest.new(qname, param_def, @soapaction) else @document_method_name = {} param_def.each do |inout, paramname, typeinfo| klass, namespace, name = typeinfo case inout.to_s when "input" @document_method_name[:input] = ::XSD::QName.new(namespace, name) when "output" @document_method_name[:output] = ::XSD::QName.new(namespace, name) else raise MethodDefinitionError, "unknown type: " + inout end end end end def request_default_encodingstyle (@request_style == :rpc) ? EncodingNamespace : LiteralNamespace end def response_default_encodingstyle (@response_style == :rpc) ? EncodingNamespace : LiteralNamespace end # for rpc def each_param_name(*target) if @request_style == :rpc @rpc_method_factory.each_param_name(*target) do |name| yield(name) end else yield(@document_method_name[:input].name) end end def create_request_body(values, mapping_registry, literal_mapping_registry) if @request_style == :rpc values = Mapping.obj2soap(values, mapping_registry).to_a method = @rpc_method_factory.dup params = {} idx = 0 method.each_param_name(::SOAP::RPC::SOAPMethod::IN, ::SOAP::RPC::SOAPMethod::INOUT) do |name| params[name] = values[idx] || SOAPNil.new idx += 1 end method.set_param(params) SOAPBody.new(method) else name = @document_method_name[:input] document = literal_mapping_registry.obj2soap(values[0], name) SOAPBody.new(document) end end def create_response_obj(env, mapping_registry, literal_mapping_registry) if @response_style == :rpc ret = env.body.response ? Mapping.soap2obj(env.body.response, mapping_registry) : nil if env.body.outparams outparams = env.body.outparams.collect { |outparam| Mapping.soap2obj(outparam) } [ret].concat(outparams) else ret end else Mapping.soap2obj(env.body.root_node, literal_mapping_registry) end end private ALLOWED_STYLE = [:rpc, :document] def check_style(style) unless ALLOWED_STYLE.include?(style) raise MethodDefinitionError, "unknown style: " + style end end end end end end