=begin SOAP4R - CGI stub library Copyright (C) 2001, 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PRATICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. =end require 'soap/streamHandler' require 'webrick/httpresponse' require 'webrick/httpstatus' require 'logger' require 'soap/rpc/router' module SOAP module RPC ### # SYNOPSIS # CGIStub.new # # DESCRIPTION # To be written... # class CGIStub < Logger::Application include SOAP # There is a client which does not accept the media-type which is defined in # SOAP spec. attr_accessor :mediatype class CGIError < Error; end class SOAPRequest ALLOWED_LENGTH = 1024 * 1024 def initialize(stream = $stdin) @method = ENV['REQUEST_METHOD'] @size = ENV['CONTENT_LENGTH'].to_i || 0 @contenttype = ENV['CONTENT_TYPE'] @charset = nil @soapaction = ENV['HTTP_SOAPAction'] @source = stream @body = nil end def init validate @charset = StreamHandler.parse_media_type(@contenttype) @body = @source.read(@size) self end def dump @body.dup end def soapaction @soapaction end def charset @charset end def to_s "method: #{ @method }, size: #{ @size }" end private def validate # raise CGIError if @method != 'POST' raise CGIError.new("Method '#{ @method }' not allowed.") end if @size > ALLOWED_LENGTH raise CGIError.new("Content-length too long.") end end end def initialize(appname, default_namespace) super(appname) set_log(STDERR) self.level = ERROR @default_namespace = default_namespace @router = SOAP::RPC::Router.new(appname) @remote_user = ENV['REMOTE_USER'] || 'anonymous' @remote_host = ENV['REMOTE_HOST'] || ENV['REMOTE_ADDR'] || 'unknown' @request = nil @response = nil @mediatype = MediaType on_init end def add_servant(obj, namespace = @default_namespace, soapaction = nil) RPC.defined_methods(obj).each do |name| qname = XSD::QName.new(namespace, name) param_size = obj.method(name).arity.abs params = (1..param_size).collect { |i| "p#{ i }" } param_def = SOAP::RPC::SOAPMethod.create_param_def(params) @router.add_method(obj, qname, soapaction, name, param_def) end end def on_init # Override this method in derived class to call 'add_method' to add methods. end def mapping_registry @router.mapping_registry end def mapping_registry=(value) @router.mapping_registry = value end def add_method(receiver, name, *param) add_method_with_namespace_as(@default_namespace, receiver, name, name, *param) end def add_method_as(receiver, name, name_as, *param) add_method_with_namespace_as(@default_namespace, receiver, name, name_as, *param) end def add_method_with_namespace(namespace, receiver, name, *param) add_method_with_namespace_as(namespace, receiver, name, name, *param) end def add_method_with_namespace_as(namespace, receiver, name, name_as, *param) param_def = if param.size == 1 and param[0].is_a?(Array) param[0] else SOAP::RPC::SOAPMethod.create_param_def(param) end qname = XSD::QName.new(namespace, name_as) @router.add_method(receiver, qname, nil, name, param_def) end def route(request_string, charset) @router.route(request_string, charset) end def create_fault_response(e) @router.create_fault_response(e) end private def run prologue httpversion = WEBrick::HTTPVersion.new('1.0') @response = WEBrick::HTTPResponse.new({:HTTPVersion => httpversion}) begin log(INFO) { "Received a request from '#{ @remote_user }@#{ @remote_host }'." } # SOAP request parsing. @request = SOAPRequest.new.init @response['Status'] = 200 req_charset = @request.charset req_string = @request.dump log(DEBUG) { "XML Request: #{req_string}" } res_string, is_fault = route(req_string, req_charset) log(DEBUG) { "XML Response: #{res_string}" } @response['Cache-Control'] = 'private' if req_charset @response['content-type'] = "#{@mediatype}; charset=\"#{req_charset}\"" else @response['content-type'] = @mediatype end if is_fault @response['Status'] = 500 end @response.body = res_string rescue Exception res_string = create_fault_response($!) @response['Cache-Control'] = 'private' @response['content-type'] = @mediatype @response['Status'] = 500 ensure buf = '' @response.send_response(buf) buf.sub!(/^[^\r]+\r\n/, '') # Trim status line. log(DEBUG) { "SOAP CGI Response:\n#{ buf }" } print buf epilogue end 0 end def prologue; end def epilogue; end end end end