=begin SOAP4R - Ruby type mapping utility. Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2003 NAKAMURA Hiroshi. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PRATICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. =end module SOAP module Mapping RubyTypeNamespace = 'http://www.ruby-lang.org/xmlns/ruby/type/1.6' RubyTypeInstanceNamespace = 'http://www.ruby-lang.org/xmlns/ruby/type-instance' RubyCustomTypeNamespace = 'http://www.ruby-lang.org/xmlns/ruby/type/custom' ApacheSOAPTypeNamespace = 'http://xml.apache.org/xml-soap' # TraverseSupport breaks Thread.current[:SOAPMarshalDataKey]. module TraverseSupport def mark_marshalled_obj(obj, soap_obj) Thread.current[:SOAPMarshalDataKey][obj.__id__] = soap_obj end def mark_unmarshalled_obj(node, obj) # node.id is not Object#id but SOAPReference#id Thread.current[:SOAPMarshalDataKey][node.id] = obj end end def self.obj2soap(obj, registry = nil, type = nil) registry ||= Mapping::DefaultRegistry Thread.current[:SOAPMarshalDataKey] = {} soap_obj = _obj2soap(obj, registry, type) Thread.current[:SOAPMarshalDataKey] = nil soap_obj end def self.soap2obj(node, registry = nil) registry ||= Mapping::DefaultRegistry Thread.current[:SOAPMarshalDataKey] = {} obj = _soap2obj(node, registry) Thread.current[:SOAPMarshalDataKey] = nil obj end def self.ary2soap(ary, type_ns = XSD::Namespace, typename = XSD::AnyTypeLiteral, registry = nil) registry ||= Mapping::DefaultRegistry type = XSD::QName.new(type_ns, typename) soap_ary = SOAPArray.new(ValueArrayName, 1, type) Thread.current[:SOAPMarshalDataKey] = {} ary.each do |ele| soap_ary.add(_obj2soap(ele, registry, type)) end Thread.current[:SOAPMarshalDataKey] = nil soap_ary end def self.ary2md(ary, rank, type_ns = XSD::Namespace, typename = XSD::AnyTypeLiteral, registry = nil) registry ||= Mapping::DefaultRegistry type = XSD::QName.new(type_ns, typename) md_ary = SOAPArray.new(ValueArrayName, rank, type) Thread.current[:SOAPMarshalDataKey] = {} add_md_ary(md_ary, ary, [], registry) Thread.current[:SOAPMarshalDataKey] = nil md_ary end def self.fault2exception(e, registry = nil) registry ||= Mapping::DefaultRegistry detail = if e.detail soap2obj(e.detail, registry) || "" else "" end if detail.is_a?(Mapping::SOAPException) begin raise detail.to_e rescue Exception => e2 detail.set_backtrace(e2) raise end else e.detail = detail e.set_backtrace( if detail.is_a?(Array) detail else [detail.to_s] end ) raise end end def self._obj2soap(obj, registry, type = nil) if referent = Thread.current[:SOAPMarshalDataKey][obj.__id__] soap_obj = SOAPReference.new soap_obj.__setobj__(referent) soap_obj else registry.obj2soap(obj.class, obj, type) end end def self._soap2obj(node, registry) if node.is_a?(SOAPReference) target = node.__getobj__ # target.id is not Object#id but SOAPReference#id if referent = Thread.current[:SOAPMarshalDataKey][target.id] return referent else return _soap2obj(target, registry) end end return registry.soap2obj(node.class, node) end def self.set_instance_vars(obj, values) values.each do |name, value| setter = name + "=" if obj.respond_to?(setter) obj.__send__(setter, value) else obj.instance_eval("@#{ name } = value") end end end # Allow only (Letter | '_') (Letter | Digit | '-' | '_')* here. # Caution: '.' is not allowed here. # To follow XML spec., it should be NCName. # (denied chars) => .[0-F][0-F] # ex. a.b => a.2eb # def self.name2elename(name) name.gsub(/([^a-zA-Z0-9:_\-]+)/n) { '.' << $1.unpack('H2' * $1.size).join('.') }.gsub(/::/n, '..') end def self.elename2name(name) name.gsub(/\.\./n, '::').gsub(/((?:\.[0-9a-fA-F]{2})+)/n) { [$1.delete('.')].pack('H*') } end def self.class_from_name(name) if /^[A-Z]/ !~ name return nil end klass = ::Object name.split('::').each do |klass_str| if klass.const_defined?(klass_str) klass = klass.const_get(klass_str) else return nil end end klass end def self.class2qname(klass) name = if klass.class_variables.include?("@@schema_type") klass.class_eval("@@schema_type") else nil end namespace = if klass.class_variables.include?("@@schema_ns") klass.class_eval("@@schema_ns") else nil end XSD::QName.new(namespace, name) end def self.class2element(klass) type = Mapping.class2qname(klass) type.name ||= Mapping.name2elename(klass.name) type.namespace ||= RubyCustomTypeNamespace type end def self.obj2element(obj) name = namespace = nil ivars = obj.instance_variables if ivars.include?("@schema_type") name = obj.instance_eval("@schema_type") end if ivars.include?("@schema_ns") namespace = obj.instance_eval("@schema_ns") end if !name or !namespace class2qname(obj.class) else XSD::QName.new(namespace, name) end end class << Mapping private def add_md_ary(md_ary, ary, indices, registry) for idx in 0..(ary.size - 1) if ary[idx].is_a?(Array) add_md_ary(md_ary, ary[idx], indices + [idx], registry) else md_ary[*(indices + [idx])] = _obj2soap(ary[idx], registry) end end end end end end