=begin SOAP4R - SOAP EncodingStyle handler library Copyright (C) 2001, 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PRATICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. =end require 'soap/encodingstyle/handler' module SOAP module EncodingStyle class SOAPHandler < Handler Namespace = SOAP::EncodingNamespace add_handler def initialize(charset = nil) super(charset) @refpool = [] @idpool = [] @textbuf = '' @is_first_top_ele = true end ### ## encode interface. # def encode_data(generator, ns, qualified, data, parent) attrs = encode_attrs(generator, ns, data, parent) if parent && parent.is_a?(SOAPArray) && parent.position attrs[ns.name(AttrPositionName)] = '[' << parent.position.join(',') << ']' end name = nil if qualified and data.elename.namespace SOAPGenerator.assign_ns(attrs, ns, data.elename.namespace) name = ns.name(data.elename) else name = data.elename.name end case data when SOAPReference attrs['href'] = '#' << data.refid generator.encode_tag(name, attrs) when SOAPRawString generator.encode_tag(name, attrs) generator.encode_rawstring(data.to_s) when XSD::XSDString generator.encode_tag(name, attrs) generator.encode_string(@charset ? XSD::Charset.encoding_to_xml(data.to_s, @charset) : data.to_s) when XSD::XSDAnySimpleType generator.encode_tag(name, attrs) generator.encode_string(data.to_s) when SOAPStruct generator.encode_tag(name, attrs) data.each do |key, value| yield(value, false) end when SOAPArray generator.encode_tag(name, attrs) data.traverse do |child, *rank| data.position = data.sparse ? rank : nil yield(child, false) end else raise EncodingStyleError.new( "Unknown object:#{ data } in this encodingStyle.") end end def encode_data_end(generator, ns, qualified, data, parent) name = if qualified and data.elename.namespace ns.name(data.elename) else data.elename.name end cr = data.is_a?(SOAPCompoundtype) generator.encode_tag_end(name, cr) end ### ## decode interface. # class SOAPTemporalObject attr_accessor :parent attr_accessor :position attr_accessor :id attr_accessor :root def initialize @parent = nil @position = nil @id = nil @root = nil end end class SOAPUnknown < SOAPTemporalObject attr_reader :type attr_accessor :definedtype attr_reader :extraattr def initialize(handler, elename, type, extraattr) super() @handler = handler @elename = elename @type = type @extraattr = extraattr @definedtype = nil end def as_struct o = SOAPStruct.decode(@elename, @type) o.id = @id o.root = @root o.parent = @parent o.position = @position o.extraattr.update(@extraattr) @handler.decode_parent(@parent, o) o end def as_string o = SOAPString.decode(@elename) o.id = @id o.root = @root o.parent = @parent o.position = @position o.extraattr.update(@extraattr) @handler.decode_parent(@parent, o) o end def as_nil o = SOAPNil.decode(@elename) o.id = @id o.root = @root o.parent = @parent o.position = @position o.extraattr.update(@extraattr) @handler.decode_parent(@parent, o) o end end def decode_tag(ns, elename, attrs, parent) # ToDo: check if @textbuf is empty... @textbuf = '' is_nil, type, arytype, root, offset, position, href, id, extraattr = decode_attrs(ns, attrs) o = nil if is_nil o = SOAPNil.decode(elename) elsif href o = SOAPReference.decode(elename, href) @refpool << o elsif @decode_typemap && (parent.node.class != SOAPBody || @is_first_top_ele) # multi-ref element should be parsed by decode_tag_by_type. @is_first_top_ele = false o = decode_tag_by_wsdl(ns, elename, type, parent.node, arytype, extraattr) else o = decode_tag_by_type(ns, elename, type, parent.node, arytype, extraattr) end if o.is_a?(SOAPArray) if offset o.offset = decode_arypos(offset) o.sparse = true else o.sparse = false end end o.parent = parent o.id = id o.root = root o.position = position unless o.is_a?(SOAPTemporalObject) @idpool << o if o.id decode_parent(parent, o) end o end def decode_tag_end(ns, node) o = node.node if o.is_a?(SOAPUnknown) newnode = if /\A\s*\z/ =~ @textbuf o.as_struct else o.as_string end if newnode.id @idpool << newnode end node.replace_node(newnode) o = node.node end if o.is_a?(SOAPCompoundtype) o.definedtype = nil end decode_textbuf(o) @textbuf = '' end def decode_text(ns, text) # @textbuf is set at decode_tag_end. @textbuf << text end def decode_prologue @refpool.clear @idpool.clear @is_first_top_ele = true end def decode_epilogue decode_resolve_id end def decode_parent(parent, node) case parent.node when SOAPUnknown newparent = parent.node.as_struct node.parent = newparent if newparent.id @idpool << newparent end parent.replace_node(newparent) decode_parent(parent, node) when SOAPStruct parent.node.add(node.elename.name, node) node.parent = parent.node when SOAPArray if node.position parent.node[*(decode_arypos(node.position))] = node parent.node.sparse = true else parent.node.add(node) end node.parent = parent.node when SOAPBasetype raise EncodingStyleError.new("SOAP base type must not have a child.") else raise EncodingStyleError.new("Illegal parent: #{ parent.node }.") end end private def content_ranksize(typename) typename.scan(/\[[\d,]*\]$/)[0] end def content_typename(typename) typename.sub(/\[,*\]$/, '') end def create_arytype(ns, data) XSD::QName.new(data.arytype.namespace, content_typename(data.arytype.name) << '[' << data.size.join(',') << ']') end def encode_attrs(generator, ns, data, parent) return {} if data.is_a?(SOAPReference) attrs = {} if !parent || parent.encodingstyle != EncodingNamespace if @generate_explicit_type SOAPGenerator.assign_ns(attrs, ns, EnvelopeNamespace) SOAPGenerator.assign_ns(attrs, ns, EncodingNamespace) attrs[ns.name(AttrEncodingStyleName)] = EncodingNamespace end data.encodingstyle = EncodingNamespace end if data.is_a?(SOAPNil) attrs[ns.name(XSD::AttrNilName)] = XSD::NilValue elsif @generate_explicit_type if data.type.namespace SOAPGenerator.assign_ns(attrs, ns, data.type.namespace) end if data.is_a?(SOAPArray) if data.arytype.namespace SOAPGenerator.assign_ns(attrs, ns, data.arytype.namespace) end attrs[ns.name(AttrArrayTypeName)] = ns.name(create_arytype(ns, data)) if data.type.name attrs[ns.name(XSD::AttrTypeName)] = ns.name(data.type) end elsif parent && parent.is_a?(SOAPArray) && (parent.arytype == data.type) # No need to add. elsif !data.type.namespace # No need to add. else attrs[ns.name(XSD::AttrTypeName)] = ns.name(data.type) end end data.extraattr.each do |key, value| SOAPGenerator.assign_ns(attrs, ns, key.namespace) attrs[ns.name(key)] = encode_attr_value(generator, ns, key, value) end if data.id attrs['id'] = data.id end attrs end def encode_attr_value(generator, ns, qname, value) if value.is_a?(SOAPType) refid = SOAPReference.create_refid(value) value.id = refid generator.add_reftarget(qname.name, value) '#' + refid else value.to_s end end def decode_tag_by_wsdl(ns, elename, typestr, parent, arytypestr, extraattr) if parent.class == SOAPBody # Unqualified name is allowed here. type = @decode_typemap[elename] || @decode_typemap.find_name(elename.name) unless type raise EncodingStyleError.new("Unknown operation '#{ elename }'.") end o = SOAPStruct.new(elename) o.definedtype = type return o end if parent.type == XSD::AnyTypeName return decode_tag_by_type(ns, elename, typestr, parent, arytypestr, extraattr) end # parent.definedtype is nil means the parent is SOAPUnknown. SOAPUnknown is # generated by decode_tag_by_type when its type is anyType. parenttype = parent.definedtype || @decode_typemap[parent.type] unless parenttype raise EncodingStyleError.new("Unknown type '#{ parent.type }'.") end typename = parenttype.child_type(elename) if typename if (klass = TypeMap[typename]) return klass.decode(elename) elsif typename == XSD::AnyTypeName return decode_tag_by_type(ns, elename, typestr, parent, arytypestr, extraattr) end end type = if typename @decode_typemap[typename] else parenttype.child_defined_complextype(elename) end unless type raise EncodingStyleError.new("Unknown type '#{ typename }'.") end case type.compoundtype when :TYPE_STRUCT o = SOAPStruct.decode(elename, typename) o.definedtype = type return o when :TYPE_ARRAY expected_arytype = type.find_arytype actual_arytype = if arytypestr XSD::QName.new(expected_arytype.namespace, content_typename(expected_arytype.name) << content_ranksize(arytypestr)) else expected_arytype end o = SOAPArray.decode(elename, typename, actual_arytype) o.definedtype = type return o end return nil end def decode_tag_by_type(ns, elename, typestr, parent, arytypestr, extraattr) if arytypestr type = typestr ? ns.parse(typestr) : ValueArrayName node = SOAPArray.decode(elename, type, ns.parse(arytypestr)) node.extraattr.update(extraattr) return node end type = nil if typestr type = ns.parse(typestr) elsif parent.is_a?(SOAPArray) type = parent.arytype else # Since it's in dynamic(without any type) encoding process, # assumes entity as its type itself. # => type Array in SOAP-ENC. # => type Country in foo. type = elename end if (klass = TypeMap[type]) node = klass.decode(elename) node.extraattr.update(extraattr) return node end # Unknown type... Struct or String SOAPUnknown.new(self, elename, type, extraattr) end def decode_textbuf(node) case node when XSD::XSDHexBinary, XSD::XSDBase64Binary node.set_encoded(@textbuf) when XSD::XSDString if @charset node.set(XSD::Charset.encoding_from_xml(@textbuf, @charset)) else node.set(@textbuf) end when SOAPNil # Nothing to do. when SOAPBasetype node.set(@textbuf) else # Nothing to do... end end NilLiteralMap = { 'true' => true, '1' => true, 'false' => false, '0' => false } RootLiteralMap = { '1' => 1, '0' => 0 } def decode_attrs(ns, attrs) is_nil = false type = nil arytype = nil root = nil offset = nil position = nil href = nil id = nil extraattr = {} attrs.each do |key, value| qname = ns.parse(key) case qname.namespace when XSD::InstanceNamespace case qname.name when XSD::NilLiteral is_nil = NilLiteralMap[value] or raise EncodingStyleError.new("Cannot accept attribute value: #{ value } as the value of xsi:#{ XSD::NilLiteral } (expected 'true', 'false', '1', or '0').") next when XSD::AttrType type = value next end when EncodingNamespace case qname.name when AttrArrayType arytype = value next when AttrRoot root = RootLiteralMap[value] or raise EncodingStyleError.new( "Illegal root attribute value: #{ value }.") next when AttrOffset offset = value next when AttrPosition position = value next end end if key == 'href' href = value next elsif key == 'id' id = value next end extraattr[qname] = decode_attr_value(ns, qname, value) end return is_nil, type, arytype, root, offset, position, href, id, extraattr end def decode_attr_value(ns, qname, value) if /\A#/ =~ value o = SOAPReference.new(value) @refpool << o o else value end end def decode_arypos(position) /^\[(.+)\]$/ =~ position $1.split(',').collect { |s| s.to_i } end def decode_resolve_id count = @refpool.length # To avoid infinite loop while !@refpool.empty? && count > 0 @refpool = @refpool.find_all { |ref| o = @idpool.find { |item| '#' + item.id == ref.refid } unless o raise EncodingStyleError.new("Unresolved reference: #{ ref.refid }.") end if o.is_a?(SOAPReference) true else ref.__setobj__(o) false end } count -= 1 end end end SOAPHandler.new end end