## # Gem::StubSpecification reads the stub: line from the gemspec. This prevents # us having to eval the entire gemspec in order to find out certain # information. class Gem::StubSpecification < Gem::BasicSpecification # :nodoc: PREFIX = "# stub: " OPEN_MODE = # :nodoc: if Object.const_defined? :Encoding then 'r:UTF-8:-' else 'r' end class StubLine # :nodoc: all attr_reader :name, :version, :platform, :require_paths def initialize(data) parts = data[PREFIX.length..-1].split(" ") @name = parts[0].freeze @version = Gem::Version.new parts[1] @platform = Gem::Platform.new parts[2] @require_paths = parts.drop(3).join(" ").split("\0") end end def self.default_gemspec_stub filename new filename, true end def self.gemspec_stub filename new filename, false end def initialize filename, default_gem filename.untaint self.loaded_from = filename @data = nil @extensions = nil @name = nil @spec = nil @default_gem = default_gem end ## # True when this gem has been activated def activated? @activated ||= begin loaded = Gem.loaded_specs[name] loaded && loaded.version == version end end def default_gem? @default_gem end def build_extensions # :nodoc: return if default_gem? return if extensions.empty? to_spec.build_extensions end ## # If the gemspec contains a stubline, returns a StubLine instance. Otherwise # returns the full Gem::Specification. def data unless @data @extensions = [] begin saved_lineno = $. open loaded_from, OPEN_MODE do |file| begin file.readline # discard encoding line stubline = file.readline.chomp if stubline.start_with?(PREFIX) then @data = StubLine.new stubline @extensions = $'.split "\0" if /\A#{PREFIX}/ =~ file.readline.chomp end rescue EOFError end end ensure $. = saved_lineno end end @data ||= to_spec end private :data ## # Extensions for this gem def extensions return @extensions if @extensions data # load @extensions end ## # If a gem has a stub specification it doesn't need to bother with # compatibility with original_name gems. It was installed with the # normalized name. def find_full_gem_path # :nodoc: path = File.expand_path File.join gems_dir, full_name path.untaint path end ## # Full paths in the gem to add to $LOAD_PATH when this gem is # activated. def full_require_paths @require_paths ||= data.require_paths super end def missing_extensions? return false if default_gem? return false if extensions.empty? to_spec.missing_extensions? end ## # Name of the gem def name data.name end ## # Platform of the gem def platform data.platform end ## # Require paths of the gem def require_paths @require_paths ||= data.require_paths super end ## # The full Gem::Specification for this gem, loaded from evalling its gemspec def to_spec @spec ||= if @data then Gem.loaded_specs.values.find { |spec| spec.name == name and spec.version == version } end @spec ||= Gem::Specification.load(loaded_from) @spec.ignored = @ignored if instance_variable_defined? :@ignored @spec end ## # Is this StubSpecification valid? i.e. have we found a stub line, OR does # the filename contain a valid gemspec? def valid? data end ## # Version of the gem def version @version ||= data.version end ## # Is there a stub line present for this StubSpecification? def stubbed? data.is_a? StubLine end end