class Gem::Source::SpecificFile < Gem::Source def initialize(file) @uri = nil @path = ::File.expand_path(file) @package = @path @spec = @package.spec @name = @spec.name_tuple end attr_reader :spec def load_specs(*a) [@name] end def fetch_spec(name) return @spec if name == @name raise Gem::Exception, "Unable to find '#{name}'" @spec end def download(spec, dir=nil) return @path if spec == @spec raise Gem::Exception, "Unable to download '#{spec.full_name}'" end def pretty_print q # :nodoc: 2, '[Local:', ']' do q.breakable q.text @path end end ## # Orders this source against +other+. # # If +other+ is a SpecificFile from a different gem name +nil+ is returned. # # If +other+ is a SpecificFile from the same gem name the versions are # compared using Gem::Version#<=> # # Otherwise Gem::Source#<=> is used. def <=> other case other when Gem::Source::SpecificFile then return nil if != @spec.version <=> other.spec.version else super end end end