## # Used Internally. Wraps a Dependency object to also track which spec # contained the Dependency. class Gem::Resolver::DependencyRequest ## # The wrapped Gem::Dependency attr_reader :dependency ## # The request for this dependency. attr_reader :requester ## # Creates a new DependencyRequest for +dependency+ from +requester+. # +requester may be nil if the request came from a user. def initialize dependency, requester @dependency = dependency @requester = requester end def == other # :nodoc: case other when Gem::Dependency @dependency == other when Gem::Resolver::DependencyRequest @dependency == other.dependency && @requester == other.requester else false end end ## # Is this dependency a development dependency? def development? @dependency.type == :development end ## # Does this dependency request match +spec+? # # NOTE: #match? only matches prerelease versions when #dependency is a # prerelease dependency. def match? spec, allow_prerelease = false @dependency.match? spec, nil, allow_prerelease end ## # Does this dependency request match +spec+? # # NOTE: #matches_spec? matches prerelease versions. See also #match? def matches_spec?(spec) @dependency.matches_spec? spec end ## # The name of the gem this dependency request is requesting. def name @dependency.name end ## # Indicate that the request is for a gem explicitly requested by the user def explicit? @requester.nil? end ## # Indicate that the request is for a gem requested as a dependency of # another gem def implicit? !explicit? end ## # Return a String indicating who caused this request to be added (only # valid for implicit requests) def request_context @requester ? @requester.request : "(unknown)" end def pretty_print q # :nodoc: q.group 2, '[Dependency request ', ']' do q.breakable q.text @dependency.to_s q.breakable q.text ' requested by ' q.pp @requester end end ## # The version requirement for this dependency request def requirement @dependency.requirement end def to_s # :nodoc: @dependency.to_s end end