# frozen_string_literal: true require 'thread' class Gem::Request::ConnectionPools # :nodoc: @client = Net::HTTP class << self attr_accessor :client end def initialize proxy_uri, cert_files @proxy_uri = proxy_uri @cert_files = cert_files @pools = {} @pool_mutex = Mutex.new end def pool_for uri http_args = net_http_args(uri, @proxy_uri) key = http_args + [https?(uri)] @pool_mutex.synchronize do @pools[key] ||= if https? uri then Gem::Request::HTTPSPool.new(http_args, @cert_files, @proxy_uri) else Gem::Request::HTTPPool.new(http_args, @cert_files, @proxy_uri) end end end def close_all @pools.each_value {|pool| pool.close_all} end private ## # Returns list of no_proxy entries (if any) from the environment def get_no_proxy_from_env env_no_proxy = ENV['no_proxy'] || ENV['NO_PROXY'] return [] if env_no_proxy.nil? or env_no_proxy.empty? env_no_proxy.split(/\s*,\s*/) end def https? uri uri.scheme.downcase == 'https' end def no_proxy? host, env_no_proxy host = host.downcase env_no_proxy.any? do |pattern| pattern = pattern.downcase host[-pattern.length, pattern.length] == pattern or (pattern.start_with? '.' and pattern[1..-1] == host) end end def net_http_args uri, proxy_uri # URI::Generic#hostname was added in ruby 1.9.3, use it if exists, otherwise # don't support IPv6 literals and use host. hostname = uri.respond_to?(:hostname) ? uri.hostname : uri.host net_http_args = [hostname, uri.port] no_proxy = get_no_proxy_from_env if proxy_uri and not no_proxy?(hostname, no_proxy) then proxy_hostname = proxy_uri.respond_to?(:hostname) ? proxy_uri.hostname : proxy_uri.host net_http_args + [ proxy_hostname, proxy_uri.port, Gem::UriFormatter.new(proxy_uri.user).unescape, Gem::UriFormatter.new(proxy_uri.password).unescape, ] elsif no_proxy? hostname, no_proxy then net_http_args + [nil, nil] else net_http_args end end end