require 'net/http' require 'stringio' require 'time' require 'uri' require 'rubygems' ## # RemoteFetcher handles the details of fetching gems and gem information from # a remote source. class Gem::RemoteFetcher include Gem::UserInteraction ## # A FetchError exception wraps up the various possible IO and HTTP failures # that could happen while downloading from the internet. class FetchError < Gem::Exception ## # The URI which was being accessed when the exception happened. attr_accessor :uri def initialize(message, uri) super message @uri = uri end def to_s # :nodoc: "#{super} (#{uri})" end end @fetcher = nil ## # Cached RemoteFetcher instance. def self.fetcher @fetcher ||= Gem.configuration[:http_proxy] end ## # Initialize a remote fetcher using the source URI and possible proxy # information. # # +proxy+ # * [String]: explicit specification of proxy; overrides any environment # variable setting # * nil: respect environment variables (HTTP_PROXY, HTTP_PROXY_USER, # HTTP_PROXY_PASS) # * :no_proxy: ignore environment variables and _don't_ use a proxy def initialize(proxy = nil) Socket.do_not_reverse_lookup = true @connections = {} @requests = 0 @proxy_uri = case proxy when :no_proxy then nil when nil then get_proxy_from_env when URI::HTTP then proxy else URI.parse(proxy) end end ## # Moves the gem +spec+ from +source_uri+ to the cache dir unless it is # already there. If the source_uri is local the gem cache dir copy is # always replaced. def download(spec, source_uri, install_dir = Gem.dir) if File.writable?(install_dir) cache_dir = File.join install_dir, 'cache' else cache_dir = File.join(Gem.user_dir, 'cache') end gem_file_name = spec.file_name local_gem_path = File.join cache_dir, gem_file_name FileUtils.mkdir_p cache_dir rescue nil unless File.exist? cache_dir # Always escape URI's to deal with potential spaces and such unless URI::Generic === source_uri source_uri = URI.parse(URI.const_defined?(:DEFAULT_PARSER) ? URI::DEFAULT_PARSER.escape(source_uri) : URI.escape(source_uri)) end scheme = source_uri.scheme # URI.parse gets confused by MS Windows paths with forward slashes. scheme = nil if scheme =~ /^[a-z]$/i case scheme when 'http', 'https' then unless File.exist? local_gem_path then begin say "Downloading gem #{gem_file_name}" if Gem.configuration.really_verbose remote_gem_path = source_uri + "gems/#{gem_file_name}" gem = self.fetch_path remote_gem_path rescue Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError raise if spec.original_platform == spec.platform alternate_name = "#{spec.original_name}.gem" say "Failed, downloading gem #{alternate_name}" if Gem.configuration.really_verbose remote_gem_path = source_uri + "gems/#{alternate_name}" gem = self.fetch_path remote_gem_path end local_gem_path, 'wb' do |fp| fp.write gem end end when 'file' then begin path = source_uri.path path = File.dirname(path) if File.extname(path) == '.gem' remote_gem_path = File.join(path, 'gems', gem_file_name) FileUtils.cp(remote_gem_path, local_gem_path) rescue Errno::EACCES local_gem_path = source_uri.to_s end say "Using local gem #{local_gem_path}" if Gem.configuration.really_verbose when nil then # TODO test for local overriding cache source_path = if Gem.win_platform? && source_uri.scheme && !source_uri.path.include?(':') then "#{source_uri.scheme}:#{source_uri.path}" else source_uri.path end source_path = URI.unescape source_path begin FileUtils.cp source_path, local_gem_path unless File.expand_path(source_path) == File.expand_path(local_gem_path) rescue Errno::EACCES local_gem_path = source_uri.to_s end say "Using local gem #{local_gem_path}" if Gem.configuration.really_verbose else raise Gem::InstallError, "unsupported URI scheme #{source_uri.scheme}" end local_gem_path end ## # Downloads +uri+ and returns it as a String. def fetch_path(uri, mtime = nil, head = false) data = open_uri_or_path uri, mtime, head data = Gem.gunzip data if data and not head and uri.to_s =~ /gz$/ data rescue FetchError raise rescue Timeout::Error raise'timed out', uri) rescue IOError, SocketError, SystemCallError => e raise"#{e.class}: #{e}", uri) end ## # Returns the size of +uri+ in bytes. def fetch_size(uri) # TODO: phase this out response = fetch_path(uri, nil, true) response['content-length'].to_i end def escape(str) return unless str URI.escape(str) end def unescape(str) return unless str URI.unescape(str) end ## # Returns an HTTP proxy URI if one is set in the environment variables. def get_proxy_from_env env_proxy = ENV['http_proxy'] || ENV['HTTP_PROXY'] return nil if env_proxy.nil? or env_proxy.empty? uri = URI.parse(normalize_uri(env_proxy)) if uri and uri.user.nil? and uri.password.nil? then # Probably we have http_proxy_* variables? uri.user = escape(ENV['http_proxy_user'] || ENV['HTTP_PROXY_USER']) uri.password = escape(ENV['http_proxy_pass'] || ENV['HTTP_PROXY_PASS']) end uri end ## # Normalize the URI by adding "http://" if it is missing. def normalize_uri(uri) (uri =~ /^(https?|ftp|file):/) ? uri : "http://#{uri}" end ## # Creates or an HTTP connection based on +uri+, or retrieves an existing # connection, using a proxy if needed. def connection_for(uri) net_http_args = [, uri.port] if @proxy_uri then net_http_args += [, @proxy_uri.port, @proxy_uri.user, @proxy_uri.password ] end connection_id = net_http_args.join ':' @connections[connection_id] ||=*net_http_args) connection = @connections[connection_id] if uri.scheme == 'https' and not connection.started? then configure_connection_for_https(connection) end connection.start unless connection.started? connection rescue OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError, Errno::EHOSTDOWN => e raise, uri) end def configure_connection_for_https(connection) require 'net/https' connection.use_ssl = true connection.verify_mode = Gem.configuration.ssl_verify_mode || OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER store = if Gem.configuration.ssl_ca_cert if Gem.configuration.ssl_ca_cert store.add_path Gem.configuration.ssl_ca_cert else store.add_file Gem.configuration.ssl_ca_cert end else store.set_default_paths add_rubygems_trusted_certs(store) end connection.cert_store = store end def add_rubygems_trusted_certs(store) pattern = File.expand_path("./ssl_certs/*.pem", File.dirname(__FILE__)) Dir.glob(pattern).each do |ssl_cert_file| store.add_file ssl_cert_file end end ## # Read the data from the (source based) URI, but if it is a file:// URI, # read from the filesystem instead. def open_uri_or_path(uri, last_modified = nil, head = false, depth = 0) raise "block is dead" if block_given? uri = URI.parse uri unless URI::Generic === uri # This check is redundant unless Gem::RemoteFetcher is likely # to be used directly, since the scheme is checked elsewhere. # - Daniel Berger unless ['http', 'https', 'file'].include?(uri.scheme) raise ArgumentError, 'uri scheme is invalid' end if uri.scheme == 'file' path = uri.path # Deal with leading slash on Windows paths if path[0].chr == '/' && path[1].chr =~ /[a-zA-Z]/ && path[2].chr == ':' path = path[1..-1] end return Gem.read_binary(path) end fetch_type = head ? Net::HTTP::Head : Net::HTTP::Get response = request uri, fetch_type, last_modified case response when Net::HTTPOK, Net::HTTPNotModified then head ? response : response.body when Net::HTTPMovedPermanently, Net::HTTPFound, Net::HTTPSeeOther, Net::HTTPTemporaryRedirect then raise'too many redirects', uri) if depth > 10 location = URI.parse response['Location'] if https?(uri) && !https?(location) raise"redirecting to non-https resource: #{location}", uri) end open_uri_or_path(response['Location'], last_modified, head, depth + 1) else raise"bad response #{response.message} #{response.code}", uri) end end ## # Performs a Net::HTTP request of type +request_class+ on +uri+ returning # a Net::HTTP response object. request maintains a table of persistent # connections to reduce connect overhead. def request(uri, request_class, last_modified = nil) request = uri.request_uri unless uri.nil? || uri.user.nil? || uri.user.empty? then request.basic_auth uri.user, uri.password end ua = "RubyGems/#{Gem::VERSION} #{Gem::Platform.local}" ua << " Ruby/#{RUBY_VERSION} (#{RUBY_RELEASE_DATE}" ua << " patchlevel #{RUBY_PATCHLEVEL}" if defined? RUBY_PATCHLEVEL ua << ")" request.add_field 'User-Agent', ua request.add_field 'Connection', 'keep-alive' request.add_field 'Keep-Alive', '30' if last_modified then last_modified = last_modified.utc request.add_field 'If-Modified-Since', last_modified.rfc2822 end yield request if block_given? connection = connection_for uri retried = false bad_response = false begin @requests[connection.object_id] += 1 say "#{request.method} #{uri}" if Gem.configuration.really_verbose response = connection.request request say "#{response.code} #{response.message}" if Gem.configuration.really_verbose rescue Net::HTTPBadResponse say "bad response" if Gem.configuration.really_verbose reset connection raise'too many bad responses', uri) if bad_response bad_response = true retry # HACK work around EOFError bug in Net::HTTP # NOTE Errno::ECONNABORTED raised a lot on Windows, and make impossible # to install gems. rescue EOFError, Timeout::Error, Errno::ECONNABORTED, Errno::ECONNRESET, Errno::EPIPE requests = @requests[connection.object_id] say "connection reset after #{requests} requests, retrying" if Gem.configuration.really_verbose raise'too many connection resets', uri) if retried reset connection retried = true retry end response end ## # Resets HTTP connection +connection+. def reset(connection) @requests.delete connection.object_id connection.finish connection.start end def https?(uri) uri.scheme.downcase == 'https' end end