module Gem if defined? ::Psych::Visitors class NoAliasYAMLTree < Psych::Visitors::YAMLTree def visit_String(str) return super unless str == '=' # or whatever you want quote = Psych::Nodes::Scalar::SINGLE_QUOTED @emitter.scalar str, nil, nil, false, true, quote end # Noop this out so there are no anchors def register(target, obj) end # This is ported over from the yaml_tree in 1.9.3 def format_time time if time.utc? time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%9N Z") else time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%9N %:z") end end private :format_time end end end module Gem if defined? ::Psych::Visitors class NoAliasYAMLTree < Psych::Visitors::YAMLTree def visit_String(str) return super unless str == '=' # or whatever you want quote = Psych::Nodes::Scalar::SINGLE_QUOTED @emitter.scalar str, nil, nil, false, true, quote end # Noop this out so there are no anchors def register(target, obj) end # This is ported over from the yaml_tree in 1.9.3 def format_time time if time.utc? time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%9N Z") else time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%9N %:z") end end private :format_time end end end