require 'rubygems' # Available list of platforms for targeting Gem installations. # class Gem::Platform @local = nil attr_accessor :cpu attr_accessor :os attr_accessor :version def self.local arch = Config::CONFIG['arch'] arch = "#{arch}_60" if arch =~ /mswin32$/ @local ||= new(arch) end def self.match(platform) Gem.platforms.any? do |local_platform| platform.nil? or local_platform == platform or (local_platform != Gem::Platform::RUBY and local_platform =~ platform) end end def # :nodoc: case arch when Gem::Platform::RUBY, nil then Gem::Platform::RUBY else super end end def initialize(arch) case arch when Array then @cpu, @os, @version = arch when String then arch = arch.split '-' if arch.length > 2 and arch.last !~ /\d/ then # reassemble x86-linux-gnu extra = arch.pop arch.last << "-#{extra}" end cpu = arch.shift @cpu = case cpu when /i\d86/ then 'x86' else cpu end if arch.length == 2 and arch.last =~ /^\d+$/ then # for command-line @os, @version = arch return end os, = arch @cpu, os = nil, cpu if os.nil? # legacy jruby @os, @version = case os when /aix(\d+)/ then [ 'aix', $1 ] when /cygwin/ then [ 'cygwin', nil ] when /darwin(\d+)?/ then [ 'darwin', $1 ] when /freebsd(\d+)/ then [ 'freebsd', $1 ] when /hpux(\d+)/ then [ 'hpux', $1 ] when /^java$/, /^jruby$/ then [ 'java', nil ] when /^java([\d.]*)/ then [ 'java', $1 ] when /linux/ then [ 'linux', $1 ] when /mingw32/ then [ 'mingw32', nil ] when /(mswin\d+)(\_(\d+))?/ then [ $1, $3 ] when /netbsdelf/ then [ 'netbsdelf', nil ] when /openbsd(\d+\.\d+)/ then [ 'openbsd', $1 ] when /solaris(\d+\.\d+)/ then [ 'solaris', $1 ] # test when /^(\w+_platform)(\d+)/ then [ $1, $2 ] else [ 'unknown', nil ] end when Gem::Platform then @cpu = arch.cpu @os = arch.os @version = arch.version else raise ArgumentError, "invalid argument #{arch.inspect}" end end def inspect "#<%s:0x%x @cpu=%p, @os=%p, @version=%p>" % [self.class, object_id, *to_a] end def to_a [@cpu, @os, @version] end def to_s to_a.compact.join '-' end def ==(other) self.class === other and @cpu == other.cpu and @os == other.os and @version == other.version end def ===(other) return nil unless Gem::Platform === other # cpu (@cpu == 'universal' or other.cpu == 'universal' or @cpu == other.cpu) and # os @os == other.os and # version (@version.nil? or other.version.nil? or @version == other.version) end def =~(other) case other when Gem::Platform then # nop when String then # This data is from on 19 Aug 2007 other = case other when /^i686-darwin(\d)/ then ['x86', 'darwin', $1] when /^i\d86-linux/ then ['x86', 'linux', nil] when 'java', 'jruby' then [nil, 'java', nil] when /mswin32(\_(\d+))?/ then ['x86', 'mswin32', $2] when 'powerpc-darwin' then ['powerpc', 'darwin', nil] when /powerpc-darwin(\d)/ then ['powerpc', 'darwin', $1] when /sparc-solaris2.8/ then ['sparc', 'solaris', '2.8'] when /universal-darwin(\d)/ then ['universal', 'darwin', $1] else other end other = other else return nil end self === other end ## # A pure-ruby gem that may use Gem::Specification#extensions to build # binary files. RUBY = 'ruby' ## # A platform-specific gem that is built for the packaging ruby's platform. # This will be replaced with Gem::Platform::local. CURRENT = 'current' ## # A One Click Installer-compatible gem, built with VC6 for 32 bit Windows. # # CURRENT is preferred over this constant, avoid its use at all costs. MSWIN32 = new ['x86', 'mswin32', '60'] ## # An x86 Linux-compatible gem # # CURRENT is preferred over this constant, avoid its use at all costs. X86_LINUX = new ['x86', 'linux', nil] ## # A PowerPC Darwin-compatible gem # # CURRENT is preferred over this constant, avoid its use at all costs. PPC_DARWIN = new ['ppc', 'darwin', nil] # :stopdoc: # Here lie legacy constants. These are deprecated. WIN32 = 'mswin32' LINUX_586 = 'i586-linux' DARWIN = 'powerpc-darwin' # :startdoc: end