#-- # Copyright 2006 by Chad Fowler, Rich Kilmer, Jim Weirich and others. # All rights reserved. # See LICENSE.txt for permissions. #++ require 'rubygems/command_manager' require 'rubygems/config_file' require 'rubygems/doc_manager' module Gem #################################################################### # Run an instance of the gem program. # class GemRunner def initialize(options={}) @command_manager_class = options[:command_manager] || Gem::CommandManager @config_file_class = options[:config_file] || Gem::ConfigFile @doc_manager_class = options[:doc_manager] || Gem::DocManager end # Run the gem command with the following arguments. def run(args) start_time = Time.now do_configuration(args) cmd = @command_manager_class.instance cmd.command_names.each do |command_name| config_args = Gem.configuration[command_name] config_args = case config_args when String config_args.split ' ' else Array(config_args) end Command.add_specific_extra_args command_name, config_args end cmd.run(Gem.configuration.args) end_time = Time.now if Gem.configuration.benchmark printf "\nExecution time: %0.2f seconds.\n", end_time-start_time puts "Press Enter to finish" STDIN.gets end end private def do_configuration(args) Gem.configuration = @config_file_class.new(args) Gem.use_paths(Gem.configuration[:gemhome], Gem.configuration[:gempath]) Gem::Command.extra_args = Gem.configuration[:gem] @doc_manager_class.configured_args = Gem.configuration[:rdoc] end end # class end # module