#-- # Copyright 2006 by Chad Fowler, Rich Kilmer, Jim Weirich and others. # All rights reserved. # See LICENSE.txt for permissions. #++ require 'rubygems/user_interaction' require 'thread' class Gem::Ext::Builder include Gem::UserInteraction ## # The builder shells-out to run various commands after changing the # directory. This means multiple installations cannot be allowed to build # extensions in parallel as they may change each other's directories leading # to broken extensions or failed installations. CHDIR_MUTEX = Mutex.new # :nodoc: attr_accessor :build_args # :nodoc: def self.class_name name =~ /Ext::(.*)Builder/ $1.downcase end def self.make(dest_path, results) unless File.exist? 'Makefile' then raise Gem::InstallError, "Makefile not found:\n\n#{results.join "\n"}" end # try to find make program from Ruby configure arguments first RbConfig::CONFIG['configure_args'] =~ /with-make-prog\=(\w+)/ make_program = ENV['MAKE'] || ENV['make'] || $1 unless make_program then make_program = (/mswin/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM) ? 'nmake' : 'make' end destdir = '"DESTDIR=%s"' % ENV['DESTDIR'] if RUBY_VERSION > '2.0' ['', 'install'].each do |target| # Pass DESTDIR via command line to override what's in MAKEFLAGS cmd = [ make_program, destdir, target ].join(' ').rstrip run(cmd, results, "make #{target}".rstrip) end end def self.redirector '2>&1' end def self.run(command, results, command_name = nil) verbose = Gem.configuration.really_verbose begin # TODO use Process.spawn when ruby 1.8 support is dropped. rubygems_gemdeps, ENV['RUBYGEMS_GEMDEPS'] = ENV['RUBYGEMS_GEMDEPS'], nil if verbose puts(command) system(command) else results << command results << `#{command} #{redirector}` end ensure ENV['RUBYGEMS_GEMDEPS'] = rubygems_gemdeps end unless $?.success? then results << "Building has failed. See above output for more information on the failure." if verbose raise Gem::InstallError, "#{command_name || class_name} failed:\n\n#{results.join "\n"}" end end ## # Creates a new extension builder for +spec+ using the given +build_args+. # The gem for +spec+ is unpacked in +gem_dir+. def initialize spec, build_args @spec = spec @build_args = build_args @gem_dir = spec.gem_dir @ran_rake = nil end ## # Chooses the extension builder class for +extension+ def builder_for extension # :nodoc: case extension when /extconf/ then Gem::Ext::ExtConfBuilder when /configure/ then Gem::Ext::ConfigureBuilder when /rakefile/i, /mkrf_conf/i then @ran_rake = true Gem::Ext::RakeBuilder when /CMakeLists.txt/ then Gem::Ext::CmakeBuilder else extension_dir = File.join @gem_dir, File.dirname(extension) message = "No builder for extension '#{extension}'" build_error extension_dir, message end end ## # Logs the build +output+ in +build_dir+, then raises ExtensionBuildError. def build_error build_dir, output, backtrace = nil # :nodoc: gem_make_out = File.join build_dir, 'gem_make.out' open gem_make_out, 'wb' do |io| io.puts output end message = <<-EOF ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. #{output} Gem files will remain installed in #{@gem_dir} for inspection. Results logged to #{gem_make_out} EOF raise Gem::Installer::ExtensionBuildError, message, backtrace end def build_extension extension, dest_path # :nodoc: results = [] extension ||= '' # I wish I knew why this line existed extension_dir = File.join @gem_dir, File.dirname(extension) builder = builder_for extension begin FileUtils.mkdir_p dest_path CHDIR_MUTEX.synchronize do Dir.chdir extension_dir do results = builder.build(extension, @gem_dir, dest_path, results, @build_args) say results.join("\n") if Gem.configuration.really_verbose end end rescue build_error extension_dir, results.join("\n"), $@ end end ## # Builds extensions. Valid types of extensions are extconf.rb files, # configure scripts and rakefiles or mkrf_conf files. def build_extensions return if @spec.extensions.empty? if @build_args.empty? say "Building native extensions. This could take a while..." else say "Building native extensions with: '#{@build_args.join ' '}'" say "This could take a while..." end dest_path = File.join @gem_dir, @spec.require_paths.first @ran_rake = false # only run rake once @spec.extensions.each do |extension| break if @ran_rake build_extension extension, dest_path end end end