## # Represents a possible Specification object returned from IndexSet. Used to # delay needed to download full Specification objects when only the +name+ # and +version+ are needed. class Gem::DependencyResolver::IndexSpecification < Gem::DependencyResolver::Specification ## # An IndexSpecification is created from the index format described in `gem # help generate_index`. # # The +set+ contains other specifications for this (URL) +source+. # # The +name+, +version+ and +platform+ are the name, version and platform of # the gem. def initialize set, name, version, source, platform super() @set = set @name = name @version = version @source = source @platform = platform.to_s @spec = nil end ## # The dependencies of the gem for this specification def dependencies spec.dependencies end def inspect # :nodoc: '#<%s %s source %s>' % [self.class, full_name, @source] end def pretty_print q # :nodoc: q.group 2, '[Index specification', ']' do q.breakable q.text full_name unless Gem::Platform::RUBY == @platform then q.breakable q.text @platform.to_s end q.breakable q.text 'source ' q.pp @source end end ## # Fetches a Gem::Specification for this IndexSpecification from the #source. def spec # :nodoc: @spec ||= begin tuple = Gem::NameTuple.new @name, @version, @platform @source.fetch_spec tuple end end end