# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative '../command' require_relative '../local_remote_options' require_relative '../gemcutter_utilities' require_relative '../text' class Gem::Commands::OwnerCommand < Gem::Command include Gem::Text include Gem::LocalRemoteOptions include Gem::GemcutterUtilities def description # :nodoc: <<-EOF The owner command lets you add and remove owners of a gem on a push server (the default is https://rubygems.org). The owner of a gem has the permission to push new versions, yank existing versions or edit the HTML page of the gem. Be careful of who you give push permission to. EOF end def arguments # :nodoc: "GEM gem to manage owners for" end def usage # :nodoc: "#{program_name} GEM" end def initialize super 'owner', 'Manage gem owners of a gem on the push server' add_proxy_option add_key_option add_otp_option defaults.merge! :add => [], :remove => [] add_option '-a', '--add EMAIL', 'Add an owner' do |value, options| options[:add] << value end add_option '-r', '--remove EMAIL', 'Remove an owner' do |value, options| options[:remove] << value end add_option '-h', '--host HOST', 'Use another gemcutter-compatible host', ' (e.g. https://rubygems.org)' do |value, options| options[:host] = value end end def execute @host = options[:host] sign_in(scope: get_owner_scope) name = get_one_gem_name add_owners name, options[:add] remove_owners name, options[:remove] show_owners name end def show_owners(name) Gem.load_yaml response = rubygems_api_request :get, "api/v1/gems/#{name}/owners.yaml" do |request| request.add_field "Authorization", api_key end with_response response do |resp| owners = Gem::SafeYAML.load clean_text(resp.body) say "Owners for gem: #{name}" owners.each do |owner| say "- #{owner['email'] || owner['handle'] || owner['id']}" end end end def add_owners(name, owners) manage_owners :post, name, owners end def remove_owners(name, owners) manage_owners :delete, name, owners end def manage_owners(method, name, owners) owners.each do |owner| begin response = send_owner_request(method, name, owner) action = method == :delete ? "Removing" : "Adding" with_response response, "#{action} #{owner}" rescue # ignore end end end private def send_owner_request(method, name, owner) rubygems_api_request method, "api/v1/gems/#{name}/owners", scope: get_owner_scope(method: method) do |request| request.set_form_data 'email' => owner request.add_field "Authorization", api_key end end def get_owner_scope(method: nil) if method == :post || options.any? && options[:add].any? :add_owner elsif method == :delete || options.any? && options[:remove].any? :remove_owner end end end