module RubyVM::RJIT class JITState < :iseq, # @param `RubyVM::RJIT::CPointer::Struct_rb_iseq_t` :pc, # @param [Integer] The JIT target PC :cfp, # @param `RubyVM::RJIT::CPointer::Struct_rb_control_frame_t` The JIT source CFP (before RJIT is called) :block, # @param [RubyVM::RJIT::Block] :side_exits, # @param [Hash{ Integer => Integer }] { PC => address } :record_boundary_patch_point, # @param [TrueClass,FalseClass] ) def initialize(side_exits: {}, record_boundary_patch_point: false, **) = super def insn Compiler.decode_insn(*) end def operand(index, signed: false, ruby: false) addr = pc + (index + 1) * Fiddle::SIZEOF_VOIDP value =[0, Fiddle::SIZEOF_VOIDP].unpack(signed ? 'q' : 'Q')[0] if ruby value = C.to_ruby(value) end value end def at_current_insn? pc == cfp.pc.to_i end def peek_at_stack(depth_from_top) raise 'not at current insn' unless at_current_insn? offset = -(1 + depth_from_top) # rb_rjit_branch_stub_hit updates SP, so you don't need to worry about sp_offset value = (cfp.sp + offset).* C.to_ruby(value) end def peek_at_self C.to_ruby(cfp.self) end def peek_at_block_handler(level) ep = ep_at_level(cfp, level:) ep[C::VM_ENV_DATA_INDEX_SPECVAL] end private def ep_at_level(cfp, level:) ep = cfp.ep level.times do # VM_ENV_PREV_EP ep =[C::VM_ENV_DATA_INDEX_SPECVAL] & ~0x03) end ep end end end