require "rss/parser" module RSS module RSS09 NSPOOL = {} ELEMENTS = [] def self.append_features(klass) super klass.install_must_call_validator('', nil) end end class Rss < Element include RSS09 include RootElementMixin include XMLStyleSheetMixin [ ["channel", nil], ].each do |tag, occurs| install_model(tag, occurs) end %w(channel).each do |x| install_have_child_element(x) end attr_accessor :rss_version, :version, :encoding, :standalone def initialize(rss_version, version=nil, encoding=nil, standalone=nil) super end def items if @channel @channel.items else [] end end def image if @channel @channel.image else nil end end def textinput if @channel @channel.textInput else nil end end def to_s(convert=true, indent=calc_indent) rv = tag(indent, ns_declarations) do |next_indent| [ channel_element(false, next_indent), other_element(false, next_indent), ] end rv = @converter.convert(rv) if convert and @converter rv end private def children [@channel] end def _tags [ [nil, 'channel'], ].delete_if {|x| send(x[1]).nil?} end def _attrs [ ["version", true, "rss_version"], ] end class Channel < Element include RSS09 [ ["title", nil], ["link", nil], ["description", nil], ["language", nil], ["copyright", "?"], ["managingEditor", "?"], ["webMaster", "?"], ["rating", "?"], ["docs", "?"], ].each do |x, occurs| install_text_element(x) install_model(x, occurs) end [ ["pubDate", "?"], ["lastBuildDate", "?"], ].each do |x, occurs| install_date_element(x, 'rfc822') install_model(x, occurs) end [ ["skipDays", "?"], ["skipHours", "?"], ["image", nil], ["textInput", "?"], ].each do |x, occurs| install_have_child_element(x) install_model(x, occurs) end [ ["cloud", "?"] ].each do |x, occurs| install_have_attribute_element(x) install_model(x, occurs) end [ ["item", "*"] ].each do |x, occurs| install_have_children_element(x) install_model(x, occurs) end def initialize() super() end def to_s(convert=true, indent=calc_indent) rv = tag(indent) do |next_indent| [ title_element(false, next_indent), link_element(false, next_indent), description_element(false, next_indent), language_element(false, next_indent), copyright_element(false, next_indent), managingEditor_element(false, next_indent), webMaster_element(false, next_indent), rating_element(false, next_indent), pubDate_element(false, next_indent), lastBuildDate_element(false, next_indent), docs_element(false, next_indent), cloud_element(false, next_indent), skipDays_element(false, next_indent), skipHours_element(false, next_indent), image_element(false, next_indent), item_elements(false, next_indent), textInput_element(false, next_indent), other_element(false, next_indent), ] end rv = @converter.convert(rv) if convert and @converter rv end private def children [@skipDays, @skipHours, @image, @textInput, @cloud, *@item] end def _tags rv = [ "title", "link", "description", "language", "copyright", "managingEditor", "webMaster", "rating", "docs", "skipDays", "skipHours", "image", "textInput", "cloud", ].delete_if do |x| send(x).nil? end.collect do |elem| [nil, elem] end @item.each do rv << [nil, "item"] end rv end def maker_target(maker) end def setup_maker_elements(channel) super [ [skipDays, "day"], [skipHours, "hour"], ].each do |skip, key| if skip skip.__send__("#{key}s").each do |val| target_skips = channel.__send__("skip#{key.capitalize}s") new_target = target_skips.__send__("new_#{key}") new_target.content = val.content end end end end class SkipDays < Element include RSS09 [ ["day", "*"] ].each do |x, occurs| install_have_children_element(x) install_model(x, occurs) end def to_s(convert=true, indent=calc_indent) rv = tag(indent) do |next_indent| [ day_elements(false, next_indent) ] end rv = @converter.convert(rv) if convert and @converter rv end private def children @day end def _tags @day.compact.collect do [nil, "day"] end end class Day < Element include RSS09 content_setup def initialize(content=nil) super() @content = content end end end class SkipHours < Element include RSS09 [ ["hour", "*"] ].each do |x, occurs| install_have_children_element(x) install_model(x, occurs) end def to_s(convert=true, indent=calc_indent) rv = tag(indent) do |next_indent| [ hour_elements(false, next_indent) ] end rv = @converter.convert(rv) if convert and @converter rv end private def children @hour end def _tags @hour.compact.collect do [nil, "hour"] end end class Hour < Element include RSS09 content_setup def initialize(content=nil) super() @content = content end remove_method :content= def content=(value) @content = value.to_i end end end class Image < Element include RSS09 %w(url title link).each do |x| install_text_element(x) install_model(x, nil) end %w(width height description).each do |x| install_text_element(x) install_model(x, "?") end def to_s(convert=true, indent=calc_indent) rv = tag(indent) do |next_indent| [ url_element(false, next_indent), title_element(false, next_indent), link_element(false, next_indent), width_element(false, next_indent), height_element(false, next_indent), description_element(false, next_indent), other_element(false, next_indent), ] end rv = @converter.convert(rv) if convert and @converter rv end private def _tags %w(url title link width height description).delete_if do |x| send(x).nil? end.collect do |elem| [nil, elem] end end def maker_target(maker) maker.image end end class Cloud < Element include RSS09 [ ["domain", nil, true], ["port", nil, true], ["path", nil, true], ["registerProcedure", nil, true], ["protocol", nil ,true], ].each do |name, uri, required| install_get_attribute(name, uri, required) end def initialize(domain=nil, port=nil, path=nil, rp=nil, protocol=nil) super() @domain = domain @port = port @path = path @registerProcedure = rp @protocol = protocol end def to_s(convert=true, indent=calc_indent) rv = tag(indent) rv = @converter.convert(rv) if convert and @converter rv end private def _attrs %w(domain port path registerProcedure protocol).collect do |attr| [attr, true] end end end class Item < Element include RSS09 %w(title link description).each do |x| install_text_element(x) end %w(source enclosure).each do |x| install_have_child_element(x) end [ %w(category categories), ].each do |name, plural_name| install_have_children_element(name, plural_name) end [ ["title", '?'], ["link", '?'], ["description", '?'], ["category", '*'], ["source", '?'], ["enclosure", '?'], ].each do |tag, occurs| install_model(tag, occurs) end def to_s(convert=true, indent=calc_indent) rv = tag(indent) do |next_indent| [ title_element(false, next_indent), link_element(false, next_indent), description_element(false, next_indent), category_elements(false, next_indent), source_element(false, next_indent), enclosure_element(false, next_indent), other_element(false, next_indent), ] end rv = @converter.convert(rv) if convert and @converter rv end private def children [@source, @enclosure, *@category].compact end def _tags rv = %w(title link description author comments source enclosure).delete_if do |x| send(x).nil? end.collect do |x| [nil, x] end @category.each do rv << [nil, "category"] end rv end def maker_target(maker) maker.items.new_item end def setup_maker_element(item) super @enclosure.setup_maker(item) if @enclosure @source.setup_maker(item) if @source end class Source < Element include RSS09 [ ["url", nil, true] ].each do |name, uri, required| install_get_attribute(name, uri, required) end content_setup def initialize(url=nil, content=nil) super() @url = url @content = content end private def _tags [] end def _attrs [ ["url", true] ] end def maker_target(item) item.source end def setup_maker_attributes(source) source.url = url source.content = content end end class Enclosure < Element include RSS09 [ ["url", nil, true], ["length", nil, true], ["type", nil, true], ].each do |name, uri, required| install_get_attribute(name, uri, required) end def initialize(url=nil, length=nil, type=nil) super() @url = url @length = length @type = type end def to_s(convert=true, indent=calc_indent) rv = tag(indent) rv = @converter.convert(rv) if convert and @converter rv end private def _attrs [ ["url", true], ["length", true], ["type", true], ] end def maker_target(item) item.enclosure end def setup_maker_attributes(enclosure) enclosure.url = url enclosure.length = length enclosure.type = type end end class Category < Element include RSS09 [ ["domain", nil, true] ].each do |name, uri, required| install_get_attribute(name, uri, required) end content_setup def initialize(domain=nil, content=nil) super() @domain = domain @content = content end private def _attrs [ ["domain", true] ] end def maker_target(item) item.new_category end def setup_maker_attributes(category) category.domain = domain category.content = content end end end class TextInput < Element include RSS09 %w(title description name link).each do |x| install_text_element(x) install_model(x, nil) end def to_s(convert=true, indent=calc_indent) rv = tag(indent) do |next_indent| [ title_element(false, next_indent), description_element(false, next_indent), name_element(false, next_indent), link_element(false, next_indent), other_element(false, next_indent), ] end rv = @converter.convert(rv) if convert and @converter rv end private def _tags %w(title description name link).each do |x| send(x).nil? end.collect do |elem| [nil, elem] end end def maker_target(maker) maker.textinput end end end end RSS09::ELEMENTS.each do |x| BaseListener.install_get_text_element(x, nil, "#{x}=") end module ListenerMixin private def start_rss(tag_name, prefix, attrs, ns) check_ns(tag_name, prefix, ns, nil) @rss =['version'], @version, @encoding, @standalone) @rss.do_validate = @do_validate @rss.xml_stylesheets = @xml_stylesheets @last_element = @rss @proc_stack.push { |text, tags| @rss.validate_for_stream(tags) if @do_validate } end end end