# frozen_string_literal: false require_relative "child" require_relative "source" module REXML # Represents an XML Instruction; IE, # TODO: Add parent arg (3rd arg) to constructor class Instruction < Child START = '<\?' STOP = '\?>' # target is the "name" of the Instruction; IE, the "tag" in # content is everything else. attr_accessor :target, :content # Constructs a new Instruction # @param target can be one of a number of things. If String, then # the target of this instruction is set to this. If an Instruction, # then the Instruction is shallowly cloned (target and content are # copied). If a Source, then the source is scanned and parsed for # an Instruction declaration. # @param content Must be either a String, or a Parent. Can only # be a Parent if the target argument is a Source. Otherwise, this # String is set as the content of this instruction. def initialize(target, content=nil) if target.kind_of? String super() @target = target @content = content elsif target.kind_of? Instruction super(content) @target = target.target @content = target.content end @content.strip! if @content end def clone Instruction.new self end # == DEPRECATED # See the rexml/formatters package # def write writer, indent=-1, transitive=false, ie_hack=false Kernel.warn( "#{self.class.name}.write is deprecated", uplevel: 1) indent(writer, indent) writer << START.sub(/\\/u, '') writer << @target writer << ' ' writer << @content writer << STOP.sub(/\\/u, '') end # @return true if other is an Instruction, and the content and target # of the other matches the target and content of this object. def ==( other ) other.kind_of? Instruction and other.target == @target and other.content == @content end def node_type :processing_instruction end def inspect "" end end end