require 'optparse' require 'yaml' require 'rdoc/ri' require 'rdoc/ri/paths' require 'rdoc/ri/formatter' require 'rdoc/ri/display' require 'fileutils' require 'rdoc/markup' require 'rdoc/markup/to_flow' class RDoc::RI::Driver # # This class offers both Hash and OpenStruct functionality. # We convert from the Core Hash to this before calling any of # the display methods, in order to give the display methods # a cleaner API for accessing the data. # class OpenStructHash < Hash # # This method converts from a Hash to an OpenStructHash. # def self.convert(object) case object when Hash then new_hash = new # Convert Hash -> OpenStructHash object.each do |key, value| new_hash[key] = convert(value) end new_hash when Array then do |element| convert(element) end else object end end def merge_enums(other) other.each do |k, v| if self[k] then case v when Array then # HACK dunno if String === self[k] and self[k].empty? then self[k] = v else self[k] += v end when Hash then self[k].update v else # do nothing end else self[k] = v end end end def method_missing method, *args self[method.to_s] end end class Error < RDoc::RI::Error; end class NotFoundError < Error def message "Nothing known about #{super}" end end attr_accessor :homepath # :nodoc: def self.default_options options = {} options[:use_stdout] = !$stdout.tty? options[:width] = 72 options[:formatter] = RDoc::RI::Formatter.for 'plain' options[:interactive] = false options[:use_cache] = true # By default all standard paths are used. options[:use_system] = true options[:use_site] = true options[:use_home] = true options[:use_gems] = true options[:extra_doc_dirs] = [] return options end def self.process_args(argv) options = default_options opts = do |opt| opt.program_name = File.basename $0 opt.version = RDoc::VERSION opt.release = nil opt.summary_indent = ' ' * 4 directories = [ RDoc::RI::Paths::SYSDIR, RDoc::RI::Paths::SITEDIR, RDoc::RI::Paths::HOMEDIR ] if RDoc::RI::Paths::GEMDIRS then Gem.path.each do |dir| directories << "#{dir}/doc/*/ri" end end opt.banner = <<-EOT Usage: #{opt.program_name} [options] [names...] Where name can be: Class | Class::method | Class#method | Class.method | method All class names may be abbreviated to their minimum unambiguous form. If a name is ambiguous, all valid options will be listed. The form '.' method matches either class or instance methods, while #method matches only instance and ::method matches only class methods. For example: #{opt.program_name} Fil #{opt.program_name} File #{opt.program_name} #{opt.program_name} zip Note that shell quoting may be required for method names containing punctuation: #{opt.program_name} 'Array.[]' #{opt.program_name} compact\\! By default ri searches for documentation in the following directories: #{directories.join "\n "} Specifying the --system, --site, --home, --gems or --doc-dir options will limit ri to searching only the specified directories. Options may also be set in the 'RI' environment variable. EOT opt.separator nil opt.separator "Options:" opt.separator nil opt.on("--fmt=FORMAT", "--format=FORMAT", "-f", RDoc::RI::Formatter::FORMATTERS.keys, "Format to use when displaying output:", " #{RDoc::RI::Formatter.list}", "Use 'bs' (backspace) with most pager", "programs. To use ANSI, either disable the", "pager or tell the pager to allow control", "characters.") do |value| options[:formatter] = RDoc::RI::Formatter.for value end opt.separator nil opt.on("--doc-dir=DIRNAME", "-d", Array, "List of directories from which to source", "documentation in addition to the standard", "directories. May be repeated.") do |value| value.each do |dir| unless dir then raise OptionParser::InvalidArgument, "#{dir} is not a directory" end options[:extra_doc_dirs] << File.expand_path(dir) end end opt.separator nil opt.on("--[no-]use-cache", "Whether or not to use ri's cache.", "True by default.") do |value| options[:use_cache] = value end opt.separator nil opt.on("--no-standard-docs", "Do not include documentation from", "the Ruby standard library, site_lib,", "installed gems, or ~/.rdoc.", "Equivalent to specifying", "the options --no-system, --no-site, --no-gems,", "and --no-home") do options[:use_system] = false options[:use_site] = false options[:use_gems] = false options[:use_home] = false end opt.separator nil opt.on("--[no-]system", "Include documentation from Ruby's standard", "library. Defaults to true.") do |value| options[:use_system] = value end opt.separator nil opt.on("--[no-]site", "Include documentation from libraries", "installed in site_lib.", "Defaults to true.") do |value| options[:use_site] = value end opt.separator nil opt.on("--[no-]gems", "Include documentation from RubyGems.", "Defaults to true.") do |value| options[:use_gems] = value end opt.separator nil opt.on("--[no-]home", "Include documentation stored in ~/.rdoc.", "Defaults to true.") do |value| options[:use_home] = value end opt.separator nil opt.on("--list-doc-dirs", "List the directories from which ri will", "source documentation on stdout and exit.") do options[:list_doc_dirs] = true end opt.separator nil opt.on("--no-pager", "-T", "Send output directly to stdout,", "rather than to a pager.") do options[:use_stdout] = true end opt.on("--interactive", "-i", "This makes ri go into interactive mode.", "When ri is in interactive mode it will", "allow the user to disambiguate lists of", "methods in case multiple methods match", "against a method search string. It also", "will allow the user to enter in a method", "name (with auto-completion, if readline", "is supported) when viewing a class.") do options[:interactive] = true end opt.separator nil opt.on("--width=WIDTH", "-w", OptionParser::DecimalInteger, "Set the width of the output.") do |value| options[:width] = value end end argv = ENV['RI'].to_s.split.concat argv opts.parse! argv options[:names] = argv options[:formatter] ||= RDoc::RI::Formatter.for('plain') options[:use_stdout] ||= !$stdout.tty? options[:use_stdout] ||= options[:interactive] options[:width] ||= 72 options rescue OptionParser::InvalidArgument, OptionParser::InvalidOption => e puts opts puts puts e exit 1 end def = ARGV) options = process_args argv ri = new options end def initialize(initial_options={}) options = self.class.default_options.update(initial_options) @names = options[:names] @class_cache_name = 'classes' @doc_dirs = RDoc::RI::Paths.path(options[:use_system], options[:use_site], options[:use_home], options[:use_gems], options[:extra_doc_dirs]) @homepath = RDoc::RI::Paths.raw_path(false, false, true, false).first @homepath = @homepath.sub(/\.rdoc/, '.ri') @sys_dir = RDoc::RI::Paths.raw_path(true, false, false, false).first @list_doc_dirs = options[:list_doc_dirs] FileUtils.mkdir_p cache_file_path unless cache_file_path @cache_doc_dirs_path = File.join cache_file_path, ".doc_dirs" @use_cache = options[:use_cache] @class_cache = nil @interactive = options[:interactive] @display =[:formatter], options[:width], options[:use_stdout]) end def class_cache return @class_cache if @class_cache # Get the documentation directories used to make the cache in order to see # whether the cache is valid for the current ri instantiation. if(File.readable?(@cache_doc_dirs_path)) cache_doc_dirs ="\n") else cache_doc_dirs = [] end newest = map_dirs('created.rid') do |f| File.mtime f if test ?f, f end.max # An up to date cache file must have been created more recently than # the last modification of any of the documentation directories. It also # must have been created with the same documentation directories # as those from which ri currently is sourcing documentation. up_to_date = (File.exist?(class_cache_file_path) and newest and newest < File.mtime(class_cache_file_path) and (cache_doc_dirs == @doc_dirs)) if up_to_date and @use_cache then open class_cache_file_path, 'rb' do |fp| begin @class_cache = Marshal.load rescue # # This shouldn't be necessary, since the up_to_date logic above # should force the cache to be recreated when a new version of # rdoc is installed. This seems like a worthwhile enhancement # to ri's robustness, however. # $stderr.puts "Error reading the class cache; recreating the class cache!" @class_cache = create_class_cache end end else @class_cache = create_class_cache end @class_cache end def create_class_cache class_cache = if(@use_cache) # Dump the documentation directories to a file in the cache, so that # we only will use the cache for future instantiations with identical # documentation directories. @cache_doc_dirs_path, "wb" do |fp| fp << @doc_dirs.join("\n") end end classes = map_dirs('**/cdesc*.yaml') { |f| Dir[f] } warn "Updating class cache with #{classes.size} classes..." populate_class_cache class_cache, classes write_cache class_cache, class_cache_file_path class_cache end def populate_class_cache(class_cache, classes, extension = false) classes.each do |cdesc| desc = read_yaml cdesc klassname = desc["full_name"] unless class_cache.has_key? klassname then desc["display_name"] = "Class" desc["sources"] = [cdesc] desc["instance_method_extensions"] = [] desc["class_method_extensions"] = [] class_cache[klassname] = desc else klass = class_cache[klassname] if extension then desc["instance_method_extensions"] = desc.delete "instance_methods" desc["class_method_extensions"] = desc.delete "class_methods" end klass.merge_enums desc klass["sources"] << cdesc end end end def class_cache_file_path File.join cache_file_path, @class_cache_name end def cache_file_for(klassname) File.join cache_file_path, klassname.gsub(/:+/, "-") end def cache_file_path File.join @homepath, 'cache' end def display_class(name) klass = class_cache[name] @display.display_class_info klass end def display_method(method) @display.display_method_info method end def get_info_for(arg) @names = [arg] run end def load_cache_for(klassname) path = cache_file_for klassname cache = nil if File.exist? path and File.mtime(path) >= File.mtime(class_cache_file_path) and @use_cache then open path, 'rb' do |fp| begin cache = Marshal.load rescue # # The cache somehow is bad. Recreate the cache. # $stderr.puts "Error reading the cache for #{klassname}; recreating the cache!" cache = create_cache_for klassname, path end end else cache = create_cache_for klassname, path end cache end def create_cache_for(klassname, path) klass = class_cache[klassname] return nil unless klass method_files = klass["sources"] cache = method_files.each do |f| system_file = f.index(@sys_dir) == 0 Dir[File.join(File.dirname(f), "*")].each do |yaml| next unless yaml =~ /yaml$/ next if yaml =~ /cdesc-[^\/]+yaml$/ method = read_yaml yaml if system_file then method["source_path"] = "Ruby #{RDoc::RI::Paths::VERSION}" else if(f =~ %r%gems/[\d.]+/doc/([^/]+)%) then ext_path = "gem #{$1}" else ext_path = f end method["source_path"] = ext_path end name = method["full_name"] cache[name] = method end end write_cache cache, path end ## # Finds the next ancestor of +orig_klass+ after +klass+. def lookup_ancestor(klass, orig_klass) # This is a bit hacky, but ri will go into an infinite # loop otherwise, since Object has an Object ancestor # for some reason. Depending on the documentation state, I've seen # Kernel as an ancestor of Object and not as an ancestor of Object. if ((orig_klass == "Object") && ((klass == "Kernel") || (klass == "Object"))) return nil end cache = class_cache[orig_klass] return nil unless cache ancestors = [orig_klass] ancestors.push(* { |inc| inc['name'] }) ancestors << cache.superclass ancestor_index = ancestors.index(klass) if ancestor_index ancestor = ancestors[ancestors.index(klass) + 1] return ancestor if ancestor end lookup_ancestor klass, cache.superclass end ## # Finds the method def lookup_method(name, klass) cache = load_cache_for klass return nil unless cache method = cache[name.gsub('.', '#')] method = cache[name.gsub('.', '::')] unless method method end def map_dirs(file_name) { |dir| yield File.join(dir, file_name) }.flatten.compact end ## # Extract the class and method name parts from +name+ like Foo::Bar#baz def parse_name(name) parts = name.split(/(::|\#|\.)/) if parts[-2] != '::' or parts.last !~ /^[A-Z]/ then meth = parts.pop parts.pop end klass = parts.join [klass, meth] end def read_yaml(path) data = path # Necessary to be backward-compatible with documentation generated # by earliar RDoc versions. data = data.gsub(/ \!ruby\/(object|struct):(RDoc::RI|RI).*/, '') data = data.gsub(/ \!ruby\/(object|struct):SM::(\S+)/, ' !ruby/\1:RDoc::Markup::\2') OpenStructHash.convert(YAML.load(data)) end def run if(@list_doc_dirs) puts @doc_dirs.join("\n") elsif @names.empty? then @display.list_known_classes class_cache.keys.sort else @names.each do |name| if class_cache.key? name then method_map = display_class name if(@interactive) method_name = @display.get_class_method_choice(method_map) if(method_name != nil) method = lookup_method "#{name}#{method_name}", name display_method method end end elsif name =~ /::|\#|\./ then klass, = parse_name name orig_klass = klass orig_name = name loop do method = lookup_method name, klass break method if method ancestor = lookup_ancestor klass, orig_klass break unless ancestor name = name.sub klass, ancestor klass = ancestor end raise NotFoundError, orig_name unless method display_method method else methods = select_methods(/#{name}/) if methods.size == 0 raise NotFoundError, name elsif methods.size == 1 display_method methods[0] else if(@interactive) @display.display_method_list_choice methods else @display.display_method_list methods end end end end end rescue NotFoundError => e abort e.message end def select_methods(pattern) methods = [] class_cache.keys.sort.each do |klass| class_cache[klass]["instance_methods"].map{|h|h["name"]}.grep(pattern) do |name| method = load_cache_for(klass)[klass+'#'+name] methods << method if method end class_cache[klass]["class_methods"].map{|h|h["name"]}.grep(pattern) do |name| method = load_cache_for(klass)[klass+'::'+name] methods << method if method end end methods end def write_cache(cache, path) if(@use_cache) path, "wb" do |cache_file| Marshal.dump cache, cache_file end end cache end end