## # A Document containing lists, headings, paragraphs, etc. class RDoc::Markup::Document ## # The parts of the Document attr_reader :parts ## # Creates a new Document with +parts+ def initialize *parts @parts = [] @parts.push(*parts) end ## # Appends +part+ to the document def << part case part when RDoc::Markup::Document then unless part.empty? then parts.push(*part.parts) parts << RDoc::Markup::BlankLine.new end when String then raise ArgumentError, "expected RDoc::Markup::Document and friends, got String" unless part.empty? else parts << part end end def == other # :nodoc: self.class == other.class and @parts == other.parts end ## # Runs this document and all its #items through +visitor+ def accept visitor visitor.start_accepting @parts.each do |item| item.accept visitor end visitor.end_accepting end ## # Does this document have no parts? def empty? @parts.empty? end def pretty_print q # :nodoc: q.group 2, '[doc: ', ']' do q.seplist @parts do |part| q.pp part end end end ## # Appends +parts+ to the document def push *parts self.parts.push(*parts) end end