# # How to use: # # db = PStore.new("/tmp/foo") # db.transaction do # p db.roots # ary = db["root"] = [1,2,3,4] # ary[0] = [1,1.5] # end # db.transaction do # p db["root"] # end require "marshal" require "ftools" class PStore class Error < StandardError end def initialize(file) dir = File::dirname(file) unless File::directory? dir raise PStore::Error, format("directory %s does not exist", dir) end unless File::writable? dir raise PStore::Error, format("directory %s not writable", dir) end if File::exist? file and not File::readable? file raise PStore::Error, format("file %s not readable", file) end @transaction = false @filename = file @abort = false end def in_transaction raise PStore::Error, "not in transaction" unless @transaction end private :in_transaction def [](name) in_transaction value = @table[name] if value == nil raise PStore::Error, format("undefined root name `%s'", name) end value end def []=(name, value) in_transaction @table[name] = value end def delete(name) in_transaction @table.delete name end def roots in_transaction @table.keys end def root?(name) in_transaction @table.key? name end def path @filename end def commit @abort = false throw :pstore_abort_transaction end def abort @abort = true throw :pstore_abort_transaction end def transaction raise PStore::Error, "nested transaction" if @transaction begin @transaction = true value = nil backup = @filename+"~" if File::exist?(@filename) file = File::open(@filename, "r+") orig = true else @table = {} file = File::open(@filename, "w+") Marshal::dump(@table, file) end file.flock(File::LOCK_EX) if orig File::copy @filename, backup @table = Marshal::load(file) end begin catch(:pstore_abort_transaction) do value = yield(self) end rescue Exception @abort = true raise ensure unless @abort begin file.rewind Marshal::dump(@table, file) rescue File::rename backup, @filename if File::exist?(backup) raise end end @abort = false end ensure @table = nil @transaction = false file.close if file end value end end if __FILE__ == $0 db = PStore.new("/tmp/foo") db.transaction do p db.roots ary = db["root"] = [1,2,3,4] ary[1] = [1,1.5] end 1000.times do db.transaction do db["root"][0] += 1 p db["root"][0] end end end