# frozen_string_literal: true require "ripper" module Prism # This class is meant to provide a compatibility layer between prism and # Ripper. It functions by parsing the entire tree first and then walking it # and executing each of the Ripper callbacks as it goes. # # This class is going to necessarily be slower than the native Ripper API. It # is meant as a stopgap until developers migrate to using prism. It is also # meant as a test harness for the prism parser. class RipperCompat # This class mirrors the ::Ripper::SexpBuilder subclass of ::Ripper that # returns the arrays of [type, *children]. class SexpBuilder < RipperCompat private Ripper::PARSER_EVENTS.each do |event| define_method(:"on_#{event}") do |*args| [event, *args] end end Ripper::SCANNER_EVENTS.each do |event| define_method(:"on_#{event}") do |value| [:"@#{event}", value, [lineno, column]] end end end # This class mirrors the ::Ripper::SexpBuilderPP subclass of ::Ripper that # returns the same values as ::Ripper::SexpBuilder except with a couple of # niceties that flatten linked lists into arrays. class SexpBuilderPP < SexpBuilder private def _dispatch_event_new # :nodoc: [] end def _dispatch_event_push(list, item) # :nodoc: list << item list end Ripper::PARSER_EVENT_TABLE.each do |event, arity| case event when /_new\z/ alias_method :"on_#{event}", :_dispatch_event_new if arity == 0 when /_add\z/ alias_method :"on_#{event}", :_dispatch_event_push end end end # The source that is being parsed. attr_reader :source # The current line number of the parser. attr_reader :lineno # The current column number of the parser. attr_reader :column # Create a new RipperCompat object with the given source. def initialize(source) @source = source @result = nil @lineno = nil @column = nil end ############################################################################ # Public interface ############################################################################ # True if the parser encountered an error during parsing. def error? result.errors.any? end # Parse the source and return the result. def parse result.value.accept(self) unless error? end ############################################################################ # Visitor methods ############################################################################ # This method is responsible for dispatching to the correct visitor method # based on the type of the node. def visit(node) node&.accept(self) end # Visit a CallNode node. def visit_call_node(node) if !node.opening_loc && node.arguments.arguments.length == 1 bounds(node.receiver.location) left = visit(node.receiver) bounds(node.arguments.arguments.first.location) right = visit(node.arguments.arguments.first) on_binary(left, source[node.message_loc.start_offset...node.message_loc.end_offset].to_sym, right) else raise NotImplementedError end end # Visit an IntegerNode node. def visit_integer_node(node) bounds(node.location) on_int(source[node.location.start_offset...node.location.end_offset]) end # Visit a StatementsNode node. def visit_statements_node(node) bounds(node.location) node.body.inject(on_stmts_new) do |stmts, stmt| on_stmts_add(stmts, visit(stmt)) end end # Visit a token found during parsing. def visit_token(node) bounds(node.location) case node.type when :MINUS on_op(node.value) when :PLUS on_op(node.value) else raise NotImplementedError, "Unknown token: #{node.type}" end end # Visit a ProgramNode node. def visit_program_node(node) bounds(node.location) on_program(visit(node.statements)) end ############################################################################ # Entrypoints for subclasses ############################################################################ # This is a convenience method that runs the SexpBuilder subclass parser. def self.sexp_raw(source) SexpBuilder.new(source).parse end # This is a convenience method that runs the SexpBuilderPP subclass parser. def self.sexp(source) SexpBuilderPP.new(source).parse end private # This method is responsible for updating lineno and column information # to reflect the current node. # # This method could be drastically improved with some caching on the start # of every line, but for now it's good enough. def bounds(location) start_offset = location.start_offset @lineno = source[0..start_offset].count("\n") + 1 @column = start_offset - (source.rindex("\n", start_offset) || 0) end # Lazily initialize the parse result. def result @result ||= Prism.parse(source) end def _dispatch0; end # :nodoc: def _dispatch1(_); end # :nodoc: def _dispatch2(_, _); end # :nodoc: def _dispatch3(_, _, _); end # :nodoc: def _dispatch4(_, _, _, _); end # :nodoc: def _dispatch5(_, _, _, _, _); end # :nodoc: def _dispatch7(_, _, _, _, _, _, _); end # :nodoc: (Ripper::SCANNER_EVENT_TABLE.merge(Ripper::PARSER_EVENT_TABLE)).each do |event, arity| alias_method :"on_#{event}", :"_dispatch#{arity}" end end end