# $Id$ =begin = PrettyPrint The class implements pretty printing algorithm. It finds line breaks and nice indentations for grouped structure. By default, the class assumes that primitive elements are strings and each byte in the strings have single column in width. But it can be used for other situasions by giving suitable arguments for some methods: newline object and space generation block for (({PrettyPrint.new})), optional width argument for (({PrettyPrint#text})), (({PrettyPrint#breakable})), etc. There are several candidates to use them: text formatting using proportional fonts, multibyte characters which has columns diffrent to number of bytes, non-string formatting, etc. == class methods --- PrettyPrint.new([newline]) [{|width| ...}] creates a buffer for pretty printing. ((|newline|)) is used for line breaks. (({"\n"})) is used if it is not specified. The block is used to generate spaces. (({{|width| ' ' * width}})) is used if it is not given. == methods --- text(obj[, width]) adds ((|obj|)) as a text of ((|width|)) columns in width. If ((|width|)) is not specified, (({((|obj|)).length})) is used. --- breakable([sep[, width]]) tells "you can break a line here if necessary", and a ((|width|))-column text ((|sep|)) is inserted if a line is not broken at the point. If ((|sep|)) is not specified, (({" "})) is used. If ((|width|)) is not specified, (({((|sep|)).length})) is used. You will have to specify this when ((|sep|)) is a multibyte character, for example. --- nest(indent) {...} increases left margin after newline with ((|indent|)) for line breaks added in the block. --- group {...} groups line break hints added in the block. --- format(out[, width]) outputs buffered data to ((|out|)). It tries to restrict the line length to ((|width|)) but it may overflow. If ((|width|)) is not specified, 79 is assumed. ((|out|)) must have a method named (({<<})) which accepts a first argument ((|obj|)) of (({PrettyPrint#text})), a first argument ((|sep|)) of (({PrettyPrint#breakable})), a first argument ((|newline|)) of (({PrettyPrint.new})), and a result of a given block for (({PrettyPrint.new})). == Bugs * Line breaks in a group is constrained to whether all line break hints are to be breaked or not. Maybe, non-constrained version of PrettyPrint#group should be provided to filling multi lines. * Box based formatting? == References Strictly Pretty, Christian Lindig, March 2000, (()) A prettier printer, Philip Wadler, March 1998, (()) =end class PrettyPrint def initialize(newline="\n", &genspace) @newline = newline @genspace = genspace || lambda {|n| ' ' * n} @buf = Group.new @nest = [0] @stack = [] end def text(obj, width=obj.length) @buf << Text.new(obj, width) end def breakable(sep=' ', width=sep.length) @buf << Breakable.new(sep, width, @nest.last, @newline, @genspace) end def nest(indent) nest_enter(indent) begin yield ensure nest_leave end end def nest_enter(indent) @nest << @nest.last + indent end def nest_leave @nest.pop end def group group_enter begin yield ensure group_leave end end def group_enter g = Group.new @buf << g @stack << @buf @buf = g end def group_leave @buf = @stack.pop end def format(out, width=79) tails = [[-1, 0]] @buf.update_tails(tails, 0) @buf.multiline_output(out, 0, 0, width) end class Text def initialize(text, width) @text = text @width = width end def update_tails(tails, group) tails[-1][1] += @width end def singleline_width return @width end def singleline_output(out) out << @text end def multiline_output(out, group, margin, width) singleline_output(out) return margin + singleline_width end end class Breakable def initialize(sep, width, indent, newline, genspace) @sep = sep @width = width @indent = indent @newline = newline @genspace = genspace end def update_tails(tails, group) if group == tails[-1][0] tails[-2][1] += @width + tails[-1][1] tails[-1][1] = 0 else tails[-1][1] += @width tails << [group, 0] end end def singleline_width return @width end def singleline_output(out) out << @sep end def multiline_output(out, group, margin, width) out << @newline out << @genspace.call(@indent) return @indent end end class Group def initialize @buf = [] @singleline_width = nil end def <<(obj) @buf << obj end def update_tails(tails, group) @tail = tails.empty? ? 0 : tails[-1][1] len = 0 @buf.reverse_each {|obj| obj.update_tails(tails, group + 1) len += obj.singleline_width } @singleline_width = len while !tails.empty? && group <= tails[-1][0] tails[-2][1] += tails[-1][1] tails.pop end end def singleline_width return @singleline_width end def singleline_output(out) @buf.each {|obj| obj.singleline_output(out)} end def multiline_output(out, group, margin, width) if margin + singleline_width + @tail <= width singleline_output(out) margin += singleline_width else @buf.each {|obj| margin = obj.multiline_output(out, group + 1, margin, width) } end return margin end end end if __FILE__ == $0 require 'runit/testcase' require 'runit/cui/testrunner' class WadlerExample < RUNIT::TestCase def setup @hello = PrettyPrint.new @hello.group { @hello.group { @hello.group { @hello.group { @hello.text 'hello'; @hello.breakable; @hello.text 'a' } @hello.breakable; @hello.text 'b' } @hello.breakable; @hello.text 'c' } @hello.breakable; @hello.text 'd' } @tree = Tree.new("aaaa", Tree.new("bbbbb", Tree.new("ccc"), Tree.new("dd")), Tree.new("eee"), Tree.new("ffff", Tree.new("gg"), Tree.new("hhh"), Tree.new("ii"))) end def test_hello_00_06 expected = <<'End'.chomp hello a b c d End @hello.format(out='', 0); assert_equal(expected, out) @hello.format(out='', 6); assert_equal(expected, out) end def test_hello_07_08 expected = <<'End'.chomp hello a b c d End @hello.format(out='', 7); assert_equal(expected, out) @hello.format(out='', 8); assert_equal(expected, out) end def test_hello_09_10 expected = <<'End'.chomp hello a b c d End @hello.format(out='', 9); assert_equal(expected, out) @hello.format(out='', 10); assert_equal(expected, out) end def test_hello_11_12 expected = <<'End'.chomp hello a b c d End @hello.format(out='', 11); assert_equal(expected, out) @hello.format(out='', 12); assert_equal(expected, out) end def test_hello_13 expected = <<'End'.chomp hello a b c d End @hello.format(out='', 13); assert_equal(expected, out) end def test_tree_00_19 pp = PrettyPrint.new @tree.show(pp) expected = <<'End'.chomp aaaa[bbbbb[ccc, dd], eee, ffff[gg, hhh, ii]] End pp.format(out='', 0); assert_equal(expected, out) pp.format(out='', 19); assert_equal(expected, out) end def test_tree_20_22 pp = PrettyPrint.new @tree.show(pp) expected = <<'End'.chomp aaaa[bbbbb[ccc, dd], eee, ffff[gg, hhh, ii]] End pp.format(out='', 20); assert_equal(expected, out) pp.format(out='', 22); assert_equal(expected, out) end def test_tree_23_43 pp = PrettyPrint.new @tree.show(pp) expected = <<'End'.chomp aaaa[bbbbb[ccc, dd], eee, ffff[gg, hhh, ii]] End pp.format(out='', 23); assert_equal(expected, out) pp.format(out='', 43); assert_equal(expected, out) end def test_tree_44 pp = PrettyPrint.new @tree.show(pp) pp.format(out='', 44) assert_equal(<<'End'.chomp, out) aaaa[bbbbb[ccc, dd], eee, ffff[gg, hhh, ii]] End end def test_tree_alt_00_18 pp = PrettyPrint.new @tree.altshow(pp) expected = <<'End'.chomp aaaa[ bbbbb[ ccc, dd ], eee, ffff[ gg, hhh, ii ] ] End pp.format(out='', 0); assert_equal(expected, out) pp.format(out='', 18); assert_equal(expected, out) end def test_tree_alt_19_20 pp = PrettyPrint.new @tree.altshow(pp) expected = <<'End'.chomp aaaa[ bbbbb[ ccc, dd ], eee, ffff[ gg, hhh, ii ] ] End pp.format(out='', 19); assert_equal(expected, out) pp.format(out='', 20); assert_equal(expected, out) end def test_tree_alt_20_49 pp = PrettyPrint.new @tree.altshow(pp) expected = <<'End'.chomp aaaa[ bbbbb[ ccc, dd ], eee, ffff[ gg, hhh, ii ] ] End pp.format(out='', 21); assert_equal(expected, out) pp.format(out='', 49); assert_equal(expected, out) end def test_tree_alt_50 pp = PrettyPrint.new @tree.altshow(pp) expected = <<'End'.chomp aaaa[ bbbbb[ ccc, dd ], eee, ffff[ gg, hhh, ii ] ] End pp.format(out='', 50); assert_equal(expected, out) end class Tree def initialize(string, *children) @string = string @children = children end def show(pp) pp.group { pp.text @string pp.nest(@string.length) { unless @children.empty? pp.text '[' pp.nest(1) { first = true @children.each {|t| if first first = false else pp.text ',' pp.breakable end t.show(pp) } } pp.text ']' end } } end def altshow(pp) pp.group { pp.text @string unless @children.empty? pp.text '[' pp.nest(2) { pp.breakable first = true @children.each {|t| if first first = false else pp.text ',' pp.breakable end t.altshow(pp) } } pp.breakable pp.text ']' end } end end end class StrictPrettyExample < RUNIT::TestCase def setup @pp = PrettyPrint.new @pp.group { @pp.group {@pp.nest(2) { @pp.text "if"; @pp.breakable; @pp.group { @pp.nest(2) { @pp.group {@pp.text "a"; @pp.breakable; @pp.text "=="} @pp.breakable; @pp.text "b"}}}} @pp.breakable @pp.group {@pp.nest(2) { @pp.text "then"; @pp.breakable; @pp.group { @pp.nest(2) { @pp.group {@pp.text "a"; @pp.breakable; @pp.text "<<"} @pp.breakable; @pp.text "2"}}}} @pp.breakable @pp.group {@pp.nest(2) { @pp.text "else"; @pp.breakable; @pp.group { @pp.nest(2) { @pp.group {@pp.text "a"; @pp.breakable; @pp.text "+"} @pp.breakable; @pp.text "b"}}}}} end def test_00_04 expected = <<'End'.chomp if a == b then a << 2 else a + b End @pp.format(out='', 0); assert_equal(expected, out) @pp.format(out='', 4); assert_equal(expected, out) end def test_05 expected = <<'End'.chomp if a == b then a << 2 else a + b End @pp.format(out='', 5); assert_equal(expected, out) end def test_06 expected = <<'End'.chomp if a == b then a << 2 else a + b End @pp.format(out='', 6); assert_equal(expected, out) end def test_07 expected = <<'End'.chomp if a == b then a << 2 else a + b End @pp.format(out='', 7); assert_equal(expected, out) end def test_08 expected = <<'End'.chomp if a == b then a << 2 else a + b End @pp.format(out='', 8); assert_equal(expected, out) end def test_09 expected = <<'End'.chomp if a == b then a << 2 else a + b End @pp.format(out='', 9); assert_equal(expected, out) end def test_10 expected = <<'End'.chomp if a == b then a << 2 else a + b End @pp.format(out='', 10); assert_equal(expected, out) end def test_11_31 expected = <<'End'.chomp if a == b then a << 2 else a + b End @pp.format(out='', 11); assert_equal(expected, out) @pp.format(out='', 15); assert_equal(expected, out) @pp.format(out='', 31); assert_equal(expected, out) end def test_32 expected = <<'End'.chomp if a == b then a << 2 else a + b End @pp.format(out='', 32); assert_equal(expected, out) end end class TailGroup < RUNIT::TestCase def test_1 pp = PrettyPrint.new pp.group { pp.group { pp.text "abc" pp.breakable pp.text "def" } pp.group { pp.text "ghi" pp.breakable pp.text "jkl" } } pp.format(out='', 10) assert_equal("abc\ndefghi jkl", out) end end class NonString < RUNIT::TestCase def setup @pp = PrettyPrint.new('newline') {|n| "#{n} spaces"} @pp.text(3, 3) @pp.breakable(1, 1) @pp.text(3, 3) end def test_6 @pp.format(out=[], 6) assert_equal([3, "newline", "0 spaces", 3], out) end def test_7 @pp.format(out=[], 7) assert_equal([3, 1, 3], out) end end RUNIT::CUI::TestRunner.run(WadlerExample.suite) RUNIT::CUI::TestRunner.run(StrictPrettyExample.suite) RUNIT::CUI::TestRunner.run(TailGroup.suite) RUNIT::CUI::TestRunner.run(NonString.suite) end