# # = ping.rb: Check a host for upness # # Author:: Yukihiro Matsumoto # Documentation:: Konrad Meyer # # Performs the function of the basic network testing tool, ping. # See: Ping. # require 'timeout' require "socket" # # Ping contains routines to test for the reachability of remote hosts. # Currently the only routine implemented is pingecho(). # # Ping.pingecho uses a TCP echo (not an ICMP echo) to determine if the # remote host is reachable. This is usually adequate to tell that a remote # host is available to telnet, ftp, or ssh to. # # Warning: Ping.pingecho may block for a long time if DNS resolution is # slow. Requiring 'resolv-replace' allows non-blocking name resolution. # # Usage: # # require 'ping' # # puts "'jimmy' is alive and kicking" if Ping.pingecho('jimmy', 10) # module Ping # # Return true if we can open a connection to the hostname or IP address # +host+ on port +service+ (which defaults to the "echo" port) waiting up # to +timeout+ seconds. # # Example: # # require 'ping' # # Ping.pingecho "google.com", 10, 80 # def pingecho(host, timeout=5, service="echo") begin timeout(timeout) do s = TCPSocket.new(host, service) s.close end rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED return true rescue Timeout::Error, StandardError return false end return true end module_function :pingecho end if $0 == __FILE__ host = ARGV[0] host ||= "localhost" printf("%s alive? - %s\n", host, Ping::pingecho(host, 5)) end