module ParseDate MONTHS = { 'jan' => 1, 'feb' => 2, 'mar' => 3, 'apr' => 4, 'may' => 5, 'jun' => 6, 'jul' => 7, 'aug' => 8, 'sep' => 9, 'oct' =>10, 'nov' =>11, 'dec' =>12 } MONTHPAT = MONTHS.keys.join('|') DAYS = { 'sun' => 0, 'mon' => 1, 'tue' => 2, 'wed' => 3, 'thu' => 4, 'fri' => 5, 'sat' => 6 } DAYPAT = DAYS.keys.join('|') def parsedate(date, guess=false) # part of ISO 8601 # yyyy-mm-dd | yyyy-mm | yyyy # date hh:mm:ss | date Thh:mm:ss if date =~ /^(\d\d\d\d)-?(?:(\d\d)-?(\d\d)?)? *T?(?:(\d\d):?(\d\d):?(\d\d)?)?$/ return $1.to_i, if $2 then $2.to_i else 1 end, if $3 then $3.to_i else 1 end, if $4 then $4.to_i end, if $5 then $5.to_i end, if $6 then $6.to_i end, nil, nil end date = date.dup if date.sub!(/(#{DAYPAT})[a-z]*,?/i, ' ') wday = DAYS[$1.downcase] end if date.sub!(/(\d+):(\d+)(?::(\d+))?(?:\s*(am|pm))?(?:\s+([a-z]{1,4}(?:\s+[a-z]{1,4}|[-+]\d{4})?|[-+]\d{4}))?/i, ' ') hour = $1.to_i min = $2.to_i if $3 sec = $3.to_i end if $4 == 'pm' hour += 12 end if $5 zone = $5 end end if date.sub!(/(\d+)\S*\s+(#{MONTHPAT})\S*(?:\s+(\d+))?/i, ' ') mday = $1.to_i mon = MONTHS[$2.downcase] if $3 year = $3.to_i end elsif date.sub!(/(#{MONTHPAT})\S*\s+(\d+)\S*,?(?:\s+(\d+))?/i, ' ') mon = MONTHS[$1.downcase] mday = $2.to_i if $3 year = $3.to_i end elsif date.sub!(/(\d+)\/(\d+)(?:\/(\d+))/, ' ') mon = $1.to_i mday = $2.to_i if $3 year = $3.to_i end elsif date.sub!(/(\d+)-(#{MONTHPAT})-(\d+)/i, ' ') mday = $1.to_i mon = MONTHS[$2.downcase] year = $3.to_i elsif date.sub!(/(\d+)-(#{MONTHPAT})-(\d+)/i, ' ') mday = $1.to_i mon = MONTHS[$2.downcase] year = $3.to_i end if !year && date.sub!(/\d{4}/i, ' ') year = $&.to_i elsif !year && date.sub!(/\d\d/i, ' ') year = $&.to_i end if guess and year if year < 100 if year >= 69 year += 1900 else year += 2000 end end end return year, mon, mday, hour, min, sec, zone, wday end module_function :parsedate end if __FILE__ == $0 p p ParseDate.parsedate( end