=begin = net/http.rb version 1.2.0 Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto written & maintained by Minero Aoki This file is derived from "http-access.rb". This program is free software. You can re-distribute and/or modify this program under the same terms as Ruby itself, GNU General Public License or Ruby License. Japanese version of this document is in "net" full package. You can get it from RAA (Ruby Application Archive). RAA is: http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/raa.html == class Net::HTTP === Class Methods : new( address = 'localhost', port = 80, proxy_addr = nil, proxy_port = nil ) creates a new Net::HTTP object. If proxy_addr is given, this method is equals to Net::HTTP::Proxy(proxy_addr,proxy_port). : start( address = 'localhost', port = 80, proxy_addr = nil, proxy_port = nil ) : start( address = 'localhost', port = 80, proxy_addr = nil, proxy_port = nil ) {|http| .... } is equals to Net::HTTP.new( address, port, proxy_addr, proxy_port ).start(&block) : get( address, path, port = 80 ) gets entity body from path and returns it. return value is a String. : get_print( address, path, port = 80 ) gets entity body from path and print it. return value is an entity body (a String). : Proxy( address, port ) creates a HTTP proxy class. Arguments are address/port of proxy host. You can replace HTTP class by this proxy class. # example proxy_http = HTTP::Proxy( 'proxy.foo.org', 8080 ) : proxy_http.start( 'www.ruby-lang.org' ) do |http| # connecting proxy.foo.org:8080 : end : proxy_class? If self is HTTP, false. If self is a class which was created by HTTP::Proxy(), true. : port HTTP default port (80). === Instance Methods : start : start {|http| .... } creates a new Net::HTTP object and starts HTTP session. When this method is called with block, gives HTTP object to block and close HTTP session after block call finished. : proxy? true if self is a HTTP proxy class : proxy_address address of proxy host. If self is not a proxy, nil. : proxy_port port number of proxy host. If self is not a proxy, nil. : get( path, header = nil, dest = '' ) : get( path, header = nil ) {|str| .... } gets data from "path" on connecting host. "header" must be a Hash like { 'Accept' => '*/*', ... }. Response body is written into "dest" by using "<<" method. This method returns Net::HTTPResponse object. # example response = http.get( '/index.html' ) If called with block, give a part String of entity body. : head( path, header = nil ) gets only header from "path" on connecting host. "header" is a Hash like { 'Accept' => '*/*', ... }. This method returns a Net::HTTPResponse object. You can http header from this object like: response['content-length'] #-> '2554' response['content-type'] #-> 'text/html' response['Content-Type'] #-> 'text/html' response['CoNtEnT-tYpe'] #-> 'text/html' : post( path, data, header = nil, dest = '' ) : post( path, data, header = nil ) {|str| .... } posts "data" (must be String) to "path". If the body exists, also gets entity body. Response body is written into "dest" by using "<<" method. "header" must be a Hash like { 'Accept' => '*/*', ... }. This method returns Net::HTTPResponse object. If called with block, gives a part of entity body string. : request( request, [src] ) : request( request, [src] ) {|response| .... } sends REQUEST to (remote) http server. This method also writes string from SRC before it if REQUEST is a post/put request. (giving SRC for get/head request causes ArgumentError.) If called with block, gives a HTTP response object to the block. == class Net::HTTP::Get, Head, Post HTTP request classes. These classes wraps request header and entity path. All arguments named "key" is case-insensitive. === Class Methods : new creats HTTP request object. === Methods : self[ key ] returns the header field corresponding to the case-insensitive key. For example, a key of "Content-Type" might return "text/html" : self[ key ] = val sets the header field corresponding to the case-insensitive key. == class Net::HTTPResponse HTTP response class. This class wraps response header and entity. All arguments named KEY is case-insensitive. === Methods : self[ key ] returns the header field corresponding to the case-insensitive key. For example, a key of "Content-Type" might return "text/html". A key of "Content-Length" might do "2045". More than one fields which has same names are joined with ','. : self[ key ] = val sets the header field corresponding to the case-insensitive key. : key?( key ) true if key exists. KEY is case insensitive. : each {|name,value| .... } iterates for each field name and value pair. : canonical_each {|name,value| .... } iterates for each canonical field name and value pair. : code HTTP result code string. For example, '302'. : message HTTP result message. For example, 'Not Found'. : read_body( dest = '' ) gets response body and write it into DEST using "<<" method. If this method is called twice or more, nothing will be done and returns first DEST. : read_body {|str| .... } gets response body little by little and pass it to block. : body response body. If #read_body has been called, this method returns arg of #read_body, DEST. Else gets body as String and returns it. == Switching Net::HTTP versions You can use Net::HTTP 1.1 features by calling HTTP.version_1_1 . And calling Net::HTTP.version_1_2 allows you to use 1.2 features again. # example HTTP.start {|http1| ...(http1 has 1.2 features)... } HTTP.version_1_1 HTTP.start {|http2| ...(http2 has 1.1 features)... } HTTP.version_1_2 HTTP.start {|http3| ...(http3 has 1.2 features)... } =end require 'net/protocol' module Net class HTTPBadResponse < StandardError; end class HTTPHeaderSyntaxError < StandardError; end class HTTP < Protocol HTTPVersion = '1.1' # # connection # protocol_param :port, '80' def initialize( addr = nil, port = nil ) super @proxy_address = nil @proxy_port = nil @curr_http_version = HTTPVersion @seems_1_0_server = false end private def conn_command( sock ) end def do_finish end # # proxy # public class << self def Proxy( p_addr, p_port = nil ) ProxyMod.create_proxy_class( p_addr, p_port || self.port ) end alias orig_new new def new( address = nil, port = nil, p_addr = nil, p_port = nil ) c = p_addr ? self::Proxy(p_addr, p_port) : self i = c.orig_new( address, port ) setvar i i end def start( address = nil, port = nil, p_addr = nil, p_port = nil, &block ) new( address, port, p_addr, p_port ).start( &block ) end def proxy_class? false end def proxy_address nil end def proxy_port nil end end def proxy? false end def proxy_address nil end def proxy_port nil end def edit_path( path ) path end module ProxyMod class << self def create_proxy_class( p_addr, p_port ) mod = self klass = Class.new( HTTP ) klass.module_eval { include mod @proxy_address = p_addr @proxy_port = p_port } def klass.proxy_class? true end def klass.proxy_address @proxy_address end def klass.proxy_port @proxy_port end klass end end def initialize( addr, port ) super @proxy_address = type.proxy_address @proxy_port = type.proxy_port end attr_reader :proxy_address, :proxy_port alias proxyaddr proxy_address alias proxyport proxy_port def proxy? true end private def conn_socket( addr, port ) super @proxy_address, @proxy_port end def edit_path( path ) 'http://' + addr_port + path end end # module ProxyMod # # for backward compatibility # @@newimpl = true class << self def version_1_2 @@newimpl = true end def version_1_1 @@newimpl = false end private def setvar( obj ) f = @@newimpl obj.instance_eval { @newimpl = f } end end # # http operations # public def self.def_http_method( nm, hasdest, hasdata ) name = nm.id2name.downcase cname = nm.id2name lineno = __LINE__ + 2 src = <<" ----" def #{name}( path, #{hasdata ? 'data,' : ''} u_header = nil #{hasdest ? ',dest = nil, &block' : ''} ) resp = nil request( #{cname}.new( path, u_header ) #{hasdata ? ',data' : ''} ) do |resp| resp.read_body( #{hasdest ? 'dest, &block' : ''} ) end if @newimpl then resp else resp.value #{hasdest ? 'return resp, resp.body' : 'resp'} end end def #{name}2( path, #{hasdata ? 'data,' : ''} u_header = nil, &block ) request( #{cname}.new(path, u_header), #{hasdata ? 'data,' : ''} &block ) end ---- module_eval src, __FILE__, lineno end def_http_method :Get, true, false def_http_method :Head, false, false def_http_method :Post, true, true def_http_method :Put, false, true def request( req, *args ) common_oper( req ) { req.__send__( :exec, @socket, @curr_http_version, edit_path(req.path), *args ) yield req.response if block_given? } req.response end private def common_oper( req ) req['connection'] ||= 'keep-alive' if not @socket then start req['connection'] = 'close' elsif @socket.closed? then re_connect end if not req.body_exist? or @seems_1_0_server then req['connection'] = 'close' end req['host'] = addr_port yield req req.response.__send__ :terminate @curr_http_version = req.response.http_version if not req.response.body then @socket.close elsif keep_alive? req, req.response then D 'Conn keep-alive' if @socket.closed? then # (only) read stream had been closed D 'Conn (but seems 1.0 server)' @seems_1_0_server = true @socket.close end else D 'Conn close' @socket.close end req.response end def keep_alive?( req, res ) /close/i === req['connection'].to_s and return false @seems_1_0_server and return false /keep-alive/i === res['connection'].to_s and return true /close/i === res['connection'].to_s and return false /keep-alive/i === res['proxy-connection'].to_s and return true /close/i === res['proxy-connection'].to_s and return false @curr_http_version == '1.1' and return true false end # # utils # public def self.get( addr, path, port = nil ) req = Get.new( path ) resp = nil new( addr, port || HTTP.port ).start {|http| resp = http.request( req ) } resp.body end def self.get_print( addr, path, port = nil ) new( addr, port || HTTP.port ).start {|http| http.get path, nil, $stdout } nil end private def addr_port address + (port == HTTP.port ? '' : ":#{port}") end def D( msg ) if @dout then @dout << msg @dout << "\n" end end end HTTPSession = HTTP class Code def http_mkchild( bodyexist = nil ) c = mkchild(nil) be = if bodyexist.nil? then @body_exist else bodyexist end c.instance_eval { @body_exist = be } c end def body_exist? @body_exist end end HTTPInformationCode = InformationCode.http_mkchild( false ) HTTPSuccessCode = SuccessCode .http_mkchild( true ) HTTPRedirectionCode = RetriableCode .http_mkchild( true ) HTTPRetriableCode = HTTPRedirectionCode HTTPClientErrorCode = FatalErrorCode .http_mkchild( true ) HTTPFatalErrorCode = HTTPClientErrorCode HTTPServerErrorCode = ServerErrorCode.http_mkchild( true ) HTTPSwitchProtocol = HTTPInformationCode.http_mkchild HTTPOK = HTTPSuccessCode.http_mkchild HTTPCreated = HTTPSuccessCode.http_mkchild HTTPAccepted = HTTPSuccessCode.http_mkchild HTTPNonAuthoritativeInformation = HTTPSuccessCode.http_mkchild HTTPNoContent = HTTPSuccessCode.http_mkchild( false ) HTTPResetContent = HTTPSuccessCode.http_mkchild( false ) HTTPPartialContent = HTTPSuccessCode.http_mkchild HTTPMultipleChoice = HTTPRedirectionCode.http_mkchild HTTPMovedPermanently = HTTPRedirectionCode.http_mkchild HTTPMovedTemporarily = HTTPRedirectionCode.http_mkchild HTTPNotModified = HTTPRedirectionCode.http_mkchild( false ) HTTPUseProxy = HTTPRedirectionCode.http_mkchild( false ) HTTPBadRequest = HTTPClientErrorCode.http_mkchild HTTPUnauthorized = HTTPClientErrorCode.http_mkchild HTTPPaymentRequired = HTTPClientErrorCode.http_mkchild HTTPForbidden = HTTPClientErrorCode.http_mkchild HTTPNotFound = HTTPClientErrorCode.http_mkchild HTTPMethodNotAllowed = HTTPClientErrorCode.http_mkchild HTTPNotAcceptable = HTTPClientErrorCode.http_mkchild HTTPProxyAuthenticationRequired = HTTPClientErrorCode.http_mkchild HTTPRequestTimeOut = HTTPClientErrorCode.http_mkchild HTTPConflict = HTTPClientErrorCode.http_mkchild HTTPGone = HTTPClientErrorCode.http_mkchild HTTPLengthRequired = HTTPClientErrorCode.http_mkchild HTTPPreconditionFailed = HTTPClientErrorCode.http_mkchild HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge = HTTPClientErrorCode.http_mkchild HTTPRequestURITooLarge = HTTPClientErrorCode.http_mkchild HTTPUnsupportedMediaType = HTTPClientErrorCode.http_mkchild HTTPNotImplemented = HTTPServerErrorCode.http_mkchild HTTPBadGateway = HTTPServerErrorCode.http_mkchild HTTPServiceUnavailable = HTTPServerErrorCode.http_mkchild HTTPGatewayTimeOut = HTTPServerErrorCode.http_mkchild HTTPVersionNotSupported = HTTPServerErrorCode.http_mkchild ### ### header ### net_private { module HTTPHeader def size @header.size end alias length size def []( key ) @header[ key.downcase ] end def []=( key, val ) @header[ key.downcase ] = val end def each( &block ) @header.each( &block ) end def each_key( &block ) @header.each_key( &block ) end def each_value( &block ) @header.each_value( &block ) end def delete( key ) @header.delete key.downcase end def key?( key ) @header.key? key.downcase end def to_hash @header.dup end def canonical_each @header.each do |k,v| yield canonical(k), v end end def canonical( k ) k.split('-').collect {|i| i.capitalize }.join('-') end def range s = @header['range'] s or return nil arr = [] s.split(',').each do |spec| m = /bytes\s*=\s*(\d+)?\s*-\s*(\d+)?/i.match( spec ) m or raise HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, "wrong Range: #{spec}" d1 = m[1].to_i d2 = m[2].to_i if m[1] and m[2] then arr.push (d1 .. d2) elsif m[1] then arr.push (d1 .. -1) elsif m[2] then arr.push (-d2 .. -1) else raise HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, 'range is not specified' end end return *arr end def range=( r, fin = nil ) if fin then r = r ... r+fin end case r when Numeric s = r > 0 ? "0-#{r - 1}" : "-#{-r}" when Range first = r.first last = r.last if r.exclude_end? then last -= 1 end if last == -1 then s = first > 0 ? "#{first}-" : "-#{-first}" else first >= 0 or raise HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, 'range.first is negative' last > 0 or raise HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, 'range.last is negative' first < last or raise HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, 'must be .first < .last' s = "#{first}-#{last}" end else raise TypeError, 'Range/Integer is required' end @header['range'] = "bytes=#{s}" r end alias set_range range= def content_length s = @header['content-length'] s or return nil m = /\d+/.match(s) m or raise HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, 'wrong Content-Length format' m[0].to_i end def chunked? s = @header['transfer-encoding'] (s and /(?:\A|[^\-\w])chunked(?:[^\-\w]|\z)/i === s) ? true : false end def content_range s = @header['content-range'] s or return nil m = %ri.match( s ) m or raise HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, 'wrong Content-Range format' m[1].to_i .. m[2].to_i + 1 end def range_length r = content_range r and r.length end def basic_auth( acc, pass ) @header['authorization'] = 'Basic ' + ["#{acc}:#{pass}"].pack('m').strip end end } ### ### request ### net_private { class HTTPRequest include ::Net::NetPrivate::HTTPHeader def initialize( path, uhead = nil ) @path = path @header = tmp = {} return unless uhead uhead.each do |k,v| key = k.downcase if tmp.key? key then $stderr.puts "WARNING: duplicated HTTP header: #{k}" if $VERBOSE end tmp[ key ] = v.strip end tmp['accept'] ||= '*/*' @socket = nil @response = nil end attr_reader :path attr_reader :response def inspect "\#<#{type}>" end def body_exist? type::HAS_BODY end private # # write # def exec( sock, ver, path ) ready( sock ) { request ver, path } @response end def ready( sock ) @response = nil @socket = sock yield @response = get_response @socket = nil end def request( ver, path ) @socket.writeline sprintf('%s %s HTTP/%s', type::METHOD, path, ver) canonical_each do |k,v| @socket.writeline k + ': ' + v end @socket.writeline '' end # # read # def get_response begin resp = read_response end while ContinueCode === resp resp end def read_response resp = get_resline while true do line = @socket.readuntil( "\n", true ) # ignore EOF line.sub!( /\s+\z/, '' ) # don't use chop! break if line.empty? m = /\A([^:]+):\s*/.match( line ) m or raise HTTPBadResponse, 'wrong header line format' nm = m[1] line = m.post_match if resp.key? nm then resp[nm] << ', ' << line else resp[nm] = line end end resp end def get_resline str = @socket.readline m = /\AHTTP(?:\/(\d+\.\d+))?\s+(\d\d\d)\s*(.*)\z/i.match( str ) m or raise HTTPBadResponse, "wrong status line: #{str}" httpver = m[1] status = m[2] discrip = m[3] ::Net::NetPrivate::HTTPResponse.new( status, discrip, @socket, type::HAS_BODY, httpver ) end end class HTTPRequestWithBody < HTTPRequest private def exec( sock, ver, path, str = nil ) check_arg str, block_given? if block_given? then ac = Accumulator.new yield ac # must be yield, DO NOT USE block.call data = ac.terminate else data = str end @header['content-length'] = data.size.to_s @header.delete 'transfer-encoding' ready( sock ) { request ver, path @socket.write data } @response end def check_arg( data, blkp ) if data and blkp then raise ArgumentError, 'both of data and block given' end unless data or blkp then raise ArgumentError, 'str or block required' end end end class Accumulator def initialize @buf = '' end def write( s ) @buf.concat s end alias << write def terminate ret = @buf @buf = nil ret end end } class HTTP class Get < ::Net::NetPrivate::HTTPRequest HAS_BODY = true METHOD = 'GET' end class Head < ::Net::NetPrivate::HTTPRequest HAS_BODY = false METHOD = 'HEAD' end class Post < ::Net::NetPrivate::HTTPRequestWithBody HAS_BODY = true METHOD = 'POST' end class Put < ::Net::NetPrivate::HTTPRequestWithBody HAS_BODY = true METHOD = 'PUT' end end ### ### response ### net_private { class HTTPResponse < Response include ::Net::NetPrivate::HTTPHeader CODE_CLASS_TO_OBJ = { '1' => HTTPInformationCode, '2' => HTTPSuccessCode, '3' => HTTPRedirectionCode, '4' => HTTPClientErrorCode, '5' => HTTPServerErrorCode } CODE_TO_OBJ = { '100' => ContinueCode, '101' => HTTPSwitchProtocol, '200' => HTTPOK, '201' => HTTPCreated, '202' => HTTPAccepted, '203' => HTTPNonAuthoritativeInformation, '204' => HTTPNoContent, '205' => HTTPResetContent, '206' => HTTPPartialContent, '300' => HTTPMultipleChoice, '301' => HTTPMovedPermanently, '302' => HTTPMovedTemporarily, '303' => HTTPMovedPermanently, '304' => HTTPNotModified, '305' => HTTPUseProxy, '400' => HTTPBadRequest, '401' => HTTPUnauthorized, '402' => HTTPPaymentRequired, '403' => HTTPForbidden, '404' => HTTPNotFound, '405' => HTTPMethodNotAllowed, '406' => HTTPNotAcceptable, '407' => HTTPProxyAuthenticationRequired, '408' => HTTPRequestTimeOut, '409' => HTTPConflict, '410' => HTTPGone, '411' => HTTPFatalErrorCode, '412' => HTTPPreconditionFailed, '413' => HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge, '414' => HTTPRequestURITooLarge, '415' => HTTPUnsupportedMediaType, '500' => HTTPFatalErrorCode, '501' => HTTPNotImplemented, '502' => HTTPBadGateway, '503' => HTTPServiceUnavailable, '504' => HTTPGatewayTimeOut, '505' => HTTPVersionNotSupported } def initialize( stat, msg, sock, be, hv ) code = CODE_TO_OBJ[stat] || CODE_CLASS_TO_OBJ[stat[0,1]] || UnknownCode super code, stat, msg @socket = sock @body_exist = be @http_version = hv @header = {} @body = nil @read = false end attr_reader :http_version def inspect "#<#{type} #{code}>" end def value SuccessCode === self or error! self end # # header (for backward compatibility) # def response self end alias header response alias read_header response # # body # def read_body( dest = nil, &block ) if @read and (dest or block) then raise IOError, "#{type}\#read_body called twice with argument" end unless @read then to = procdest( dest, block ) stream_check if @body_exist and code_type.body_exist? then read_body_0 to @body = to else @body = nil end @read = true end @body end alias body read_body alias entity read_body private def terminate read_body end def read_body_0( dest ) if chunked? then read_chunked dest else clen = content_length if clen then @socket.read clen, dest, true # ignore EOF else clen = range_length if clen then @socket.read clen, dest else @socket.read_all dest end end end end def read_chunked( dest ) len = nil total = 0 while true do line = @socket.readline m = /[0-9a-fA-F]+/.match( line ) m or raise HTTPBadResponse, "wrong chunk size line: #{line}" len = m[0].hex break if len == 0 @socket.read( len, dest ); total += len @socket.read 2 # \r\n end until @socket.readline.empty? do ; end end def stream_check @socket.closed? and raise IOError, 'try to read body out of block' end def procdest( dest, block ) if dest and block then raise ArgumentError, 'both of arg and block are given for HTTP method' end if block then ::Net::NetPrivate::ReadAdapter.new block else dest || '' end end end } end # module Net