=begin = net/http.rb maintained by Minero Aoki This file is derived from "http-access.rb". This library is distributed under the terms of the Ruby license. You can freely distribute/modify this library. =end require 'net/protocol' module Net class HTTPBadResponse < StandardError; end =begin = class HTTP == Class Methods : new( address, port = 80 ) create new HTTP object. : port returns HTTP default port, 80 : command_type returns Command class, HTTPCommand == Methods : get( path, header = nil, dest = '' ) : get( path, header = nil ) {|str| .... } get data from "path" on connecting host. "header" must be a Hash like { 'Accept' => '*/*', ... }. Data is written to "dest" by using "<<" method. This method returns Net::HTTPResponse object and "dest". If called as iterator, give a part String of entity body. : head( path, header = nil ) get only header from "path" on connecting host. "header" is a Hash like { 'Accept' => '*/*', ... }. This method returns Net::HTTPResponse object. You can http header from this object like: response['content-length'] #-> '2554' response['content-type'] #-> 'text/html' response['Content-Type'] #-> 'text/html' response['CoNtEnT-tYpe'] #-> 'text/html' : post( path, data, header = nil, dest = '' ) : post( path, data, header = nil ) {|str| .... } post "data"(must be String now) to "path". If body exists, also get entity body. It is written to "dest" by using "<<" method. "header" must be a Hash like { 'Accept' => '*/*', ... }. This method returns Net::HTTPResponse object and "dest". If called as iterator, gives a part String of entity body. : get2( path, header = nil ) {|writer| .... } send GET request for "path". "header" must be a Hash like { 'Accept' => '*/*', ... }. This method gives HTTPReadAdapter object to block. : post2( path, data, header = nil ) {|writer| .... } post "data"(must be String now) to "path". "header" must be a Hash like { 'Accept' => '*/*', ... }. This method gives HTTPReadAdapter object to block. = class HTTPResponse == Methods HTTP response object. All "key" is case-insensitive. : code HTTP result code. ex. '302' : message HTTP result message. ex. 'Not Found' : self[ key ] returns header field for "key". for HTTP, value is a string like 'text/plain'(for Content-Type), '2045'(for Content-Length), 'bytes 0-1024/10024'(for Content-Range). Multiple header had be joined by HTTP1.1 scheme. : self[ key ] = val set field value for "key". : key?( key ) true if key is exist = class HTTPReadAdapter == Methods : header : response Net::HTTPResponse object : entity( dest = '' ) : body( dest = '' ) entity body : entity {|str| ... } get entity body by using iterator. If this method is called twice, block is not called. =end class HTTP < Protocol protocol_param :port, '80' protocol_param :command_type, '::Net::HTTPCommand' def HTTP.procdest( dest, block ) if block then return ReadAdapter.new( block ), nil else dest ||= '' return dest, dest end end def get( path, u_header = nil, dest = nil, &block ) u_header = procheader( u_header ) dest, ret = HTTP.procdest( dest, block ) resp = nil connecting( u_header ) { @command.get edit_path(path), u_header resp = @command.get_response @command.get_body( resp, dest ) } return resp, ret end def get2( path, u_header = nil ) u_header = procheader( u_header ) connecting( u_header ) { @command.get edit_path(path), u_header tmp = HTTPReadAdapter.new( @command ) yield tmp tmp.off } end def head( path, u_header = nil ) u_header = procheader( u_header ) resp = nil connecting( u_header ) { @command.head( edit_path(path), u_header ) resp = @command.get_response_no_body } resp end def post( path, data, u_header = nil, dest = nil, &block ) u_header = procheader( u_header ) dest, ret = HTTP.procdest( dest, block ) resp = nil connecting( u_header ) { @command.post edit_path(path), u_header, data resp = @command.get_response @command.get_body( resp, dest ) } return resp, ret end def post2( path, data, u_header = nil ) u_header = procheader( u_header ) connecting( u_header ) { @command.post edit_path(path), u_header, data tmp = HTTPReadAdapter.new( @command ) yield tmp tmp.off } end # not tested because I could not setup apache (__;;; def put( path, src, u_header = nil ) u_header = procheader( u_header ) ret = '' resp = nil connecting( u_header ) { @command.put path, u_header, src, dest resp = @comman.get_response @command.get_body( resp, ret ) } return resp, ret end private # called when connecting def do_finish unless @socket.closed? then begin @command.head '/', { 'Connection' => 'Close' } rescue EOFError end end end def connecting( u_header ) if not @socket then u_header['Connection'] = 'Close' start elsif @socket.closed? then @socket.reopen end if iterator? then ret = yield ensure_termination u_header ret end end def ensure_termination( u_header ) unless keep_alive? u_header and not @socket.closed? then @socket.close end @u_header = @response = nil end def keep_alive?( header ) if header.key? 'connection' then if /\A\s*keep-alive/i === header['connection'] then return true end else if @command.http_version == '1.1' then return true end end false end def procheader( h ) return( {} ) unless h new = {} h.each do |k,v| arr = k.split('-') arr.each{|i| i.capitalize! } new[ arr.join('-') ] = v end end def edit_path( path ) path end class << self def Proxy( p_addr, p_port ) klass = super klass.module_eval %- def edit_path( path ) 'http://' + address + (@port == #{self.port} ? '' : ':' + @port.to_s) + path end - klass end end end HTTPSession = HTTP class HTTPReadAdapter def initialize( command ) @command = command @header = @body = nil end def header unless @header then @header = @command.get_response end @header end alias response header def body( dest = nil, &block ) dest, ret = HTTP.procdest( dest, block ) unless @body then @body = @command.get_body( response, dest ) end @body end alias entity body def off body @command = nil end end class HTTPResponse < Response def initialize( code_type, code, msg ) super @data = {} @http_body_exist = true end attr_accessor :http_body_exist def []( key ) @data[ key.downcase ] end def []=( key, val ) @data[ key.downcase ] = val end def each( &block ) @data.each( &block ) end def each_key( &block ) @data.each_key( &block ) end def each_value( &block ) @data.each_value( &block ) end def delete( key ) @data.delete key.downcase end def key?( key ) @data.key? key.downcase end def to_hash @data.dup end end HTTPSuccessCode = SuccessCode.mkchild HTTPRetriableCode = RetriableCode.mkchild HTTPFatalErrorCode = FatalErrorCode.mkchild HTTPSwitchProtocol = HTTPSuccessCode.mkchild HTTPOK = HTTPSuccessCode.mkchild HTTPCreated = HTTPSuccessCode.mkchild HTTPAccepted = HTTPSuccessCode.mkchild HTTPNonAuthoritativeInformation = HTTPSuccessCode.mkchild HTTPNoContent = HTTPSuccessCode.mkchild HTTPResetContent = HTTPSuccessCode.mkchild HTTPPartialContent = HTTPSuccessCode.mkchild HTTPMultipleChoice = HTTPRetriableCode.mkchild HTTPMovedPermanently = HTTPRetriableCode.mkchild HTTPMovedTemporarily = HTTPRetriableCode.mkchild HTTPNotModified = HTTPRetriableCode.mkchild HTTPUseProxy = HTTPRetriableCode.mkchild HTTPBadRequest = HTTPRetriableCode.mkchild HTTPUnauthorized = HTTPRetriableCode.mkchild HTTPPaymentRequired = HTTPRetriableCode.mkchild HTTPForbidden = HTTPFatalErrorCode.mkchild HTTPNotFound = HTTPFatalErrorCode.mkchild HTTPMethodNotAllowed = HTTPFatalErrorCode.mkchild HTTPNotAcceptable = HTTPFatalErrorCode.mkchild HTTPProxyAuthenticationRequired = HTTPRetriableCode.mkchild HTTPRequestTimeOut = HTTPFatalErrorCode.mkchild HTTPConflict = HTTPFatalErrorCode.mkchild HTTPGone = HTTPFatalErrorCode.mkchild HTTPLengthRequired = HTTPFatalErrorCode.mkchild HTTPPreconditionFailed = HTTPFatalErrorCode.mkchild HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge = HTTPFatalErrorCode.mkchild HTTPRequestURITooLarge = HTTPFatalErrorCode.mkchild HTTPUnsupportedMediaType = HTTPFatalErrorCode.mkchild HTTPNotImplemented = HTTPFatalErrorCode.mkchild HTTPBadGateway = HTTPFatalErrorCode.mkchild HTTPServiceUnavailable = HTTPFatalErrorCode.mkchild HTTPGatewayTimeOut = HTTPFatalErrorCode.mkchild HTTPVersionNotSupported = HTTPFatalErrorCode.mkchild class HTTPCommand < Command HTTPVersion = '1.1' def initialize( sock ) @http_version = HTTPVersion @in_header = {} @in_header[ 'Host' ] = sock.addr @in_header[ 'Connection' ] = 'Keep-Alive' @in_header[ 'Accept' ] = '*/*' super sock end attr_reader :http_version def get( path, u_header ) return unless begin_critical request sprintf('GET %s HTTP/%s', path, HTTPVersion), u_header end def head( path, u_header ) return unless begin_critical request sprintf('HEAD %s HTTP/%s', path, HTTPVersion), u_header end def post( path, u_header, data ) return unless begin_critical request sprintf('POST %s HTTP/%s', path, HTTPVersion), u_header @socket.write data end def put( path, u_header, src ) return unless begin_critical request sprintf('PUT %s HTTP/%s', path, HTTPVersion), u_header @socket.write_bin src end # def delete # def trace # def options def quit end def get_response resp = get_reply resp = get_reply while ContinueCode === resp while true do line = @socket.readline break if line.empty? m = /\A([^:]+):\s*(.*)/p.match( line ) unless m then raise HTTPBadResponse, 'wrong header line format' end nm = m[1] line = m[2] if resp.key? nm then resp[nm] << ', ' << line else resp[nm] = line end end resp end def check_response( resp ) reply_must resp, SuccessCode end def get_body( resp, dest ) if resp.http_body_exist then if chunked? resp then read_chunked( dest, resp ) else clen = content_length( resp ) if clen then @socket.read clen, dest else clen = range_length( resp ) if clen then @socket.read clen, dest else tmp = resp['connection'] if tmp and /close/i === tmp then @socket.read_all dest @socket.close end end end end end end_critical reply_must resp, SuccessCode dest end def get_response_no_body resp = get_response end_critical reply_must resp, SuccessCode resp end private def request( req, u_header ) @socket.writeline req if u_header then header = @in_header.dup.update( u_header ) else header = @in_header end header.each do |n,v| @socket.writeline n + ': ' + v end @socket.writeline '' end HTTPCODE_TO_OBJ = { '100' => [ContinueCode, false], '100' => [HTTPSwitchProtocol, false], '200' => [HTTPOK, true], '201' => [HTTPCreated, true], '202' => [HTTPAccepted, true], '203' => [HTTPNonAuthoritativeInformation, true], '204' => [HTTPNoContent, false], '205' => [HTTPResetContent, false], '206' => [HTTPPartialContent, true], '300' => [HTTPMultipleChoice, true], '301' => [HTTPMovedPermanently, true], '302' => [HTTPMovedTemporarily, true], '303' => [HTTPMovedPermanently, true], '304' => [HTTPNotModified, false], '305' => [HTTPUseProxy, false], '400' => [HTTPBadRequest, true], '401' => [HTTPUnauthorized, true], '402' => [HTTPPaymentRequired, true], '403' => [HTTPForbidden, true], '404' => [HTTPNotFound, true], '405' => [HTTPMethodNotAllowed, true], '406' => [HTTPNotAcceptable, true], '407' => [HTTPProxyAuthenticationRequired, true], '408' => [HTTPRequestTimeOut, true], '409' => [HTTPConflict, true], '410' => [HTTPGone, true], '411' => [FatalErrorCode, true], '412' => [HTTPPreconditionFailed, true], '413' => [HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge, true], '414' => [HTTPRequestURITooLarge, true], '415' => [HTTPUnsupportedMediaType, true], '500' => [FatalErrorCode, true], '501' => [HTTPNotImplemented, true], '502' => [HTTPBadGateway, true], '503' => [HTTPServiceUnavailable, true], '504' => [HTTPGatewayTimeOut, true], '505' => [HTTPVersionNotSupported, true] } def get_reply str = @socket.readline m = /\AHTTP\/(\d+\.\d+)?\s+(\d\d\d)\s*(.*)\z/i.match( str ) unless m then raise HTTPBadResponse, "wrong status line format: #{str}" end @http_version = m[1] status = m[2] discrip = m[3] klass, bodyexist = HTTPCODE_TO_OBJ[status] || [UnknownCode, true] resp = HTTPResponse.new( klass, status, discrip ) resp.http_body_exist = bodyexist resp end def read_chunked( ret, header ) line = nil len = nil total = 0 while true do line = @socket.readline m = /[0-9a-hA-H]+/.match( line ) unless m then raise HTTPBadResponse, "chunk size not given" end len = m[0].hex break if len == 0 @socket.read( len, ret ); total += len @socket.read 2 # \r\n end while true do line = @socket.readline break if line.empty? end header.delete 'transfer-encoding' header[ 'content-length' ] = total.to_s end def content_length( header ) if header.key? 'content-length' then m = /\d+/.match( header['content-length'] ) unless m then raise HTTPBadResponse, 'wrong Content-Length format' end m[0].to_i else nil end end def chunked?( header ) str = header[ 'transfer-encoding' ] if str and /(\A|\s+)chunked(?:\s+|\z)/i === str then true else false end end def range_length( header ) if header.key? 'content-range' then m = %r.match( header['content-range'] ) unless m then raise HTTPBadResponse, 'wrong Content-Range format' end l = m[2].to_i u = m[1].to_i if l > u then nil else u - l end else nil end end end end # module Net