# module to create Makefile for extension modules # invoke like: ruby -r mkmf extconf.rb require 'rbconfig' require 'find' include Config $found = false; $lib_cache = {} $lib_found = {} $func_cache = {} $func_found = {} $hdr_cache = {} $hdr_found = {} $config_cache = CONFIG["compile_dir"]+"/ext/config.cache" if File.exist?($config_cache) then f = open($config_cache, "r") while f.gets case $_ when /^lib: (.+) (yes|no)/ $lib_cache[$1] = $2 when /^func: ([\w_]+) (yes|no)/ $func_cache[$1] = $2 when /^hdr: (.+) (yes|no)/ $hdr_cache[$1] = $2 end end f.close end $srcdir = CONFIG["srcdir"] $libdir = CONFIG["libdir"]+"/ruby/"+CONFIG["MAJOR"]+"."+CONFIG["MINOR"] $archdir = $libdir+"/"+CONFIG["arch"] $install = CONFIG["INSTALL_PROGRAM"] $install_dllib = CONFIG["INSTALL_DLLIB"] $install_data = CONFIG["INSTALL_DATA"] if $install =~ %r!^[^\s/]+/! then $install = CONFIG["compile_dir"]+"/"+$install $install_dllib = CONFIG["compile_dir"]+"/"+$install_dllib $install_data = CONFIG["compile_dir"]+"/"+$install_data end if File.exist? $archdir + "/ruby.h" $hdrdir = $archdir elsif File.exist? $srcdir + "/ruby.h" $hdrdir = $srcdir else STDERR.print "can't find header files for ruby.\n" exit 1 end CFLAGS = CONFIG["CFLAGS"] if PLATFORM == "m68k-human" CFLAGS.gsub!(/-c..-stack=[0-9]+ */, '') elsif PLATFORM =~ /-nextstep|-rhapsody/ CFLAGS.gsub!( /-arch\s\w*/, '' ); end if /win32|djgpp|mingw32|m68k-human|i386-os2_emx/i =~ PLATFORM $null = open("nul", "w") else $null = open("/dev/null", "w") end LINK = "#{CONFIG['CC']} -o conftest -I#{$hdrdir} -I#{CONFIG['includedir']} #{CFLAGS} %s #{CONFIG['LDFLAGS']} %s conftest.c %s %s #{CONFIG['LIBS']}" CPP = "#{CONFIG['CPP']} -E -I#{$hdrdir} -I#{CONFIG['includedir']} #{CFLAGS} %s %s conftest.c" $orgerr = $stderr.dup $orgout = $stdout.dup def xsystem command if $DEBUG print command, "\n" return system(command) end $stderr.reopen($null) $stdout.reopen($null) r = system(command) $stderr.reopen($orgerr) $stdout.reopen($orgout) return r end def try_link0(src, opt="") cfile = open("conftest.c", "w") cfile.print src cfile.close xsystem(format(LINK, $CFLAGS, $LDFLAGS, opt, $LOCAL_LIBS)) end def try_link(src, opt="") begin try_link0(src, opt) ensure system "rm -f conftest*" end end def try_cpp(src, opt="") cfile = open("conftest.c", "w") cfile.print src cfile.close begin xsystem(format(CPP, $CFLAGS, opt)) ensure system "rm -f conftest*" end end def egrep_cpp(pat, src, opt="") cfile = open("conftest.c", "w") cfile.print src cfile.close begin xsystem(format(CPP+"|egrep #{pat}", $CFLAGS, opt)) ensure system "rm -f conftest*" end end def try_run(src, opt="") begin if try_link0(src, opt) if xsystem("./conftest") true else false end else nil end ensure system "rm -f conftest*" end end def install_rb(mfile) path = [] dir = [] Find.find("lib") do |f| next unless /\.rb$/ =~ f f = f[4..-1] path.push f dir |= File.dirname(f) end for f in dir next if f == "." mfile.printf "\t@test -d $(libdir)/%s || mkdir $(libdir)/%s\n", f, f end for f in path mfile.printf "\t$(INSTALL_DATA) lib/%s $(libdir)/%s\n", f, f end end def have_library(lib, func="main") printf "checking for %s() in -l%s... ", func, lib STDOUT.flush if $lib_cache[lib] if $lib_cache[lib] == "yes" if $libs $libs = "-l" + lib + " " + $libs else $libs = "-l" + lib end print "(cached) yes\n" return TRUE else print "(cached) no\n" return FALSE end end if func && func != "" cfile = open("conftest.c", "w") cfile.printf "\ int main() { return 0; } int t() { %s(); return 0; } ", func cfile.close if $libs libs = "-l" + lib + " " + $libs else libs = "-l" + lib end unless try_link(<<"SRC", libs) int main() { return 0; } int t() { #{func}(); return 0; } SRC $lib_cache[lib] = 'no' $cache_mod = TRUE print "no\n" return FALSE end else if $libs libs = "-l" + lib + " " + $libs else libs = "-l" + lib end end $libs = libs $lib_cache[lib] = 'yes' $cache_mod = TRUE print "yes\n" return TRUE end def have_func(func) printf "checking for %s()... ", func STDOUT.flush if $func_cache[func] if $func_cache[func] == "yes" $defs.push(format("-DHAVE_%s", func.upcase)) print "(cached) yes\n" return TRUE else print "(cached) no\n" return FALSE end end libs = $libs libs = "" if libs == nil unless try_link(<<"SRC", libs) char #{func}(); int main() { return 0; } int t() { #{func}(); return 0; } SRC $func_found[func] = 'no' $found = TRUE print "no\n" return FALSE end $defs.push(format("-DHAVE_%s", func.upcase)) $func_found[func] = 'yes' $found = TRUE print "yes\n" return TRUE end def have_header(header) printf "checking for %s... ", header STDOUT.flush if $hdr_cache[header] if $hdr_cache[header] == "yes" header.tr!("a-z./\055", "A-Z___") $defs.push(format("-DHAVE_%s", header)) print "(cached) yes\n" return TRUE else print "(cached) no\n" return FALSE end end unless try_cpp(<<"SRC") #include <#{header}> SRC $hdr_found[header] = 'no' $found = TRUE print "no\n" return FALSE end $hdr_found[header] = 'yes' header.tr!("a-z./\055", "A-Z___") $defs.push(format("-DHAVE_%s", header)) $found = TRUE print "yes\n" return TRUE end def arg_config(config, default=nil) return default if /mswin32/i =~ PLATFORM unless defined? $configure_args $configure_args = {} for arg in CONFIG["configure_args"].split + ARGV next unless /^--/ =~ arg if /=/ =~ arg $configure_args[$`] = $' else $configure_args[arg] = true end end end $configure_args.fetch(config, default) end def with_config(config, default=nil) unless /^--with-/ =~ config config = '--with-' + config end arg_config(config, default) end def enable_config(config, default=nil) if arg_config("--enable-"+config, default) true elsif arg_config("--disable-"+config, false) false else default end end def create_header() print "creating extconf.h\n" STDOUT.flush if $defs.length > 0 hfile = open("extconf.h", "w") for line in $defs line =~ /^-D(.*)/ hfile.printf "#define %s 1\n", $1 end hfile.close end end def create_makefile(target) print "creating Makefile\n" system "rm -f conftest*" STDOUT.flush if $libs and CONFIG["DLEXT"] == "o" libs = $libs.split for lib in libs lib.sub!(/-l(.*)/, '"lib\1.a"') end $defs.push(format("-DEXTLIB='%s'", libs.join(","))) end $libs = "" unless $libs $DLDFLAGS = CONFIG["DLDFLAGS"] if PLATFORM =~ /beos/ $libs = $libs + " -lruby" $DLDFLAGS = $DLDFLAGS + " -L" + CONFIG["prefix"] + "/lib" end unless $objs then $objs = Dir["*.{c,cc,m}"] for f in $objs f.sub!(/\.(c|cc|m)$/, ".o") end end $objs = $objs.join(" ") mfile = open("Makefile", "w") mfile.print <