# # irb/extend-command.rb - irb extend command # $Release Version: 0.9.6$ # $Revision$ # by Keiju ISHITSUKA(keiju@ruby-lang.org) # # -- # # # module IRB # # IRB extended command # module ExtendCommandBundle EXCB = ExtendCommandBundle NO_OVERRIDE = 0 OVERRIDE_PRIVATE_ONLY = 0x01 OVERRIDE_ALL = 0x02 def irb_exit(ret = 0) irb_context.exit(ret) end def irb_context IRB.CurrentContext end @ALIASES = [ [:context, :irb_context, NO_OVERRIDE], [:conf, :irb_context, NO_OVERRIDE], [:irb_quit, :irb_exit, OVERRIDE_PRIVATE_ONLY], [:exit, :irb_exit, OVERRIDE_PRIVATE_ONLY], [:quit, :irb_exit, OVERRIDE_PRIVATE_ONLY], ] @EXTEND_COMMANDS = [ [:irb_current_working_workspace, :CurrentWorkingWorkspace, "irb/cmd/chws", [:irb_print_working_workspace, OVERRIDE_ALL], [:irb_cwws, OVERRIDE_ALL], [:irb_pwws, OVERRIDE_ALL], # [:irb_cww, OVERRIDE_ALL], # [:irb_pww, OVERRIDE_ALL], [:cwws, NO_OVERRIDE], [:pwws, NO_OVERRIDE], # [:cww, NO_OVERRIDE], # [:pww, NO_OVERRIDE], [:irb_current_working_binding, OVERRIDE_ALL], [:irb_print_working_binding, OVERRIDE_ALL], [:irb_cwb, OVERRIDE_ALL], [:irb_pwb, OVERRIDE_ALL], # [:cwb, NO_OVERRIDE], # [:pwb, NO_OVERRIDE] ], [:irb_change_workspace, :ChangeWorkspace, "irb/cmd/chws", [:irb_chws, OVERRIDE_ALL], # [:irb_chw, OVERRIDE_ALL], [:irb_cws, OVERRIDE_ALL], # [:irb_cw, OVERRIDE_ALL], [:chws, NO_OVERRIDE], # [:chw, NO_OVERRIDE], [:cws, NO_OVERRIDE], # [:cw, NO_OVERRIDE], [:irb_change_binding, OVERRIDE_ALL], [:irb_cb, OVERRIDE_ALL], [:cb, NO_OVERRIDE]], [:irb_workspaces, :Workspaces, "irb/cmd/pushws", [:workspaces, NO_OVERRIDE], [:irb_bindings, OVERRIDE_ALL], [:bindings, NO_OVERRIDE]], [:irb_push_workspace, :PushWorkspace, "irb/cmd/pushws", [:irb_pushws, OVERRIDE_ALL], # [:irb_pushw, OVERRIDE_ALL], [:pushws, NO_OVERRIDE], # [:pushw, NO_OVERRIDE], [:irb_push_binding, OVERRIDE_ALL], [:irb_pushb, OVERRIDE_ALL], [:pushb, NO_OVERRIDE]], [:irb_pop_workspace, :PopWorkspace, "irb/cmd/pushws", [:irb_popws, OVERRIDE_ALL], # [:irb_popw, OVERRIDE_ALL], [:popws, NO_OVERRIDE], # [:popw, NO_OVERRIDE], [:irb_pop_binding, OVERRIDE_ALL], [:irb_popb, OVERRIDE_ALL], [:popb, NO_OVERRIDE]], [:irb_load, :Load, "irb/cmd/load"], [:irb_require, :Require, "irb/cmd/load"], [:irb_source, :Source, "irb/cmd/load", [:source, NO_OVERRIDE]], [:irb, :IrbCommand, "irb/cmd/subirb"], [:irb_jobs, :Jobs, "irb/cmd/subirb", [:jobs, NO_OVERRIDE]], [:irb_fg, :Foreground, "irb/cmd/subirb", [:fg, NO_OVERRIDE]], [:irb_kill, :Kill, "irb/cmd/subirb", [:kill, OVERRIDE_PRIVATE_ONLY]], [:irb_help, :Help, "irb/cmd/help", [:help, NO_OVERRIDE]], ] def self.install_extend_commands for args in @EXTEND_COMMANDS def_extend_command(*args) end end # aliases = [commands_alias, flag], ... def self.def_extend_command(cmd_name, cmd_class, load_file = nil, *aliases) case cmd_class when Symbol cmd_class = cmd_class.id2name when String when Class cmd_class = cmd_class.name end if load_file eval %[ def #{cmd_name}(*opts, &b) require "#{load_file}" arity = ExtendCommand::#{cmd_class}.instance_method(:execute).arity args = (1..arity.abs).map {|i| "arg" + i.to_s } args << "*opts" if arity < 0 args << "&block" args = args.join(", ") eval %[ def #{cmd_name}(\#{args}) ExtendCommand::#{cmd_class}.execute(irb_context, \#{args}) end ] send :#{cmd_name}, *opts, &b end ] else eval %[ def #{cmd_name}(*opts, &b) ExtendCommand::#{cmd_class}.execute(irb_context, *opts, &b) end ] end for ali, flag in aliases @ALIASES.push [ali, cmd_name, flag] end end # override = {NO_OVERRIDE, OVERRIDE_PRIVATE_ONLY, OVERRIDE_ALL} def install_alias_method(to, from, override = NO_OVERRIDE) to = to.id2name unless to.kind_of?(String) from = from.id2name unless from.kind_of?(String) if override == OVERRIDE_ALL or (override == OVERRIDE_PRIVATE_ONLY) && !respond_to?(to) or (override == NO_OVERRIDE) && !respond_to?(to, true) target = self (class< def new_alias_name(name, prefix = "__alias_of__", postfix = "__") base_name = "#{prefix}#{name}#{postfix}" all_methods = instance_methods(true) + private_instance_methods(true) same_methods = all_methods.grep(/^#{Regexp.quote(base_name)}[0-9]*$/) return base_name if same_methods.empty? no = same_methods.size while !same_methods.include?(alias_name = base_name + no) no += 1 end alias_name end end end _ prefix. breakpoint can be specified asakr 2008-01-03* include/ruby/oniguruma.h: Oniguruma 1.9.1 merged.matz 2007-12-21* common.mk (enc.mk): depends on $(RBCONFIG) instead of rbconfig.rb.nobu 2007-12-20* common.mk (enc.mk): depends on rbconfig.rb.nobu 2007-12-20* enc/iso_8859_{1..16}.c: renamed.nobu