if $SAFE > 0 STDERR.print "-r debug.rb is not available in safe mode\n" exit 1 end SCRIPT_LINES__ = {} unless defined? SCRIPT_LINES__ class DEBUGGER__ class Mutex def initialize @locker = nil @waiting = [] @locked = false; end def locked? @locked end def lock return if @locker == Thread.current while (Thread.critical = true; @locked) @waiting.push Thread.current Thread.stop end @locked = true @locker = Thread.current Thread.critical = false self end def unlock return unless @locked unless @locker == Thread.current raise RuntimeError, "unlocked by other" end Thread.critical = true t = @waiting.shift @locked = false @locker = nil Thread.critical = false t.run if t self end end MUTEX = Mutex.new class Context DEBUG_LAST_CMD = [] begin require 'readline' def readline(prompt, hist) Readline::readline(prompt, hist) end rescue LoadError def readline(prompt, hist) STDOUT.print prompt STDOUT.flush line = STDIN.gets exit unless line line.chomp! line end USE_READLINE = false end def initialize if Thread.current == Thread.main @stop_next = 1 else @stop_next = 0 end @last_file = nil @last = [nil, nil] @file = nil @line = nil @no_step = nil @frames = [] @finish_pos = 0 end def stop_next(n=1) @stop_next = n end def stdout DEBUGGER__.stdout end def break_points DEBUGGER__.break_points end def display DEBUGGER__.display end def debug_eval(str, binding) begin val = eval(str, binding) val rescue StandardError, ScriptError at = eval("caller(0)", binding) stdout.printf "%s:%s\n", at.shift, $!.to_s.sub(/\(eval\):1:(in `.*?':)?/, '') #` for i in at stdout.printf "\tfrom %s\n", i end throw :debug_error end end def var_list(ary, binding) ary.sort! if false # ary.size < 0 f = open("|less", "w") for v in ary f.printf " %s => %s\n", v, eval(v, binding).inspect end f.close else for v in ary stdout.printf " %s => %s\n", v, eval(v, binding).inspect end end end def debug_variable_info(input, binding) case input when /^\s*g(?:lobal)?$/ var_list(global_variables, binding) when /^\s*l(?:ocal)?$/ var_list(eval("local_variables", binding), binding) when /^\s*i(?:nstance)?\s+/ obj = debug_eval($', binding) var_list(obj.instance_variables, binding) when /^\s*c(?:onst(?:ant)?)?\s+/ obj = debug_eval($', binding) unless obj.kind_of? Module stdout.print "should be Class/Module: ", $', "\n" else var_list(obj.constants, obj.module_eval{binding()}) end end end def debug_method_info(input, binding) case input when /^i(:?nstance)?\s+/ obj = debug_eval($', binding) len = 0 for v in obj.methods.sort len += v.size + 1 if len > 70 len = v.size + 1 stdout.print "\n" end stdout.print v, " " end stdout.print "\n" else obj = debug_eval(input, binding) unless obj.kind_of? Module stdout.print "should be Class/Module: ", input, "\n" else len = 0 for v in obj.instance_methods.sort len += v.size + 1 if len > 70 len = v.size + 1 stdout.print "\n" end stdout.print v, " " end stdout.print "\n" end end end def thnum num = DEBUGGER__.instance_eval{@thread_list[Thread.current]} unless num DEBUGGER__.make_thread_list num = DEBUGGER__.instance_eval{@thread_list[Thread.current]} end num end def debug_command(file, line, id, binding) MUTEX.lock DEBUGGER__.set_last_thread(Thread.current) frame_pos = 0 binding_file = file binding_line = line previous_line = nil if (ENV['EMACS'] == 't') stdout.printf "\032\032%s:%d:\n", binding_file, binding_line else stdout.printf "%s:%d:%s", binding_file, binding_line, line_at(binding_file, binding_line) end @frames[0] = [binding, file, line, id] display_expressions(binding) while input = readline("(rdb:%d) "%thnum(), true) catch (:debug_error) do if input == "" input = DEBUG_LAST_CMD[0] stdout.print input, "\n" else DEBUG_LAST_CMD[0] = input end case input when /^\s*b(?:reak)?\s+((?:.*?+:)?.+)$/ pos = $1 if pos.index(":") file, pos = pos.split(":") end file = File.basename(file) if pos =~ /^\d+$/ pname = pos pos = pos.to_i else pname = pos = pos.intern.id2name end break_points.push [true, 0, file, pos] stdout.printf "Set breakpoint %d at %s:%s\n", break_points.size, file, pname when /^\s*wat(?:ch)?\s+(.+)$/ exp = $1 break_points.push [true, 1, exp] stdout.printf "Set watchpoint %d\n", break_points.size, exp when /^\s*b(?:reak)?$/ if break_points.find{|b| b[1] == 0} n = 1 stdout.print "breakpoints:\n" for b in break_points if b[0] and b[1] == 0 stdout.printf " %d %s:%s\n", n, b[2], b[3] end n += 1 end end if break_points.find{|b| b[1] == 1} n = 1 stdout.print "\n" stdout.print "watchpoints:\n" for b in break_points if b[0] and b[1] == 1 stdout.printf " %d %s\n", n, b[2] end n += 1 end end if break_points.size == 0 stdout.print "no breakpoints\n" else stdout.print "\n" end when /^\s*del(?:ete)?(?:\s+(\d+))?$/ pos = $1 unless pos input = readline("clear all breakpoints? (y/n) ", false) if input == "y" for b in break_points b[0] = false end end else pos = pos.to_i if break_points[pos-1] break_points[pos-1][0] = false else stdout.printf "Breakpoint %d is not defined\n", pos end end when /^\s*disp(?:lay)?\s+(.+)$/ exp = $1 display.push.push [true, exp] stdout.printf " %d: %s = %s\n", display.size, exp, eval(exp, binding) rescue "--" when /^\s*disp(?:lay)?$/ display_expressions(binding) when /^\s*undisp(?:lay)?(?:\s+(\d+))?$/ pos = $1 unless pos input = readline("clear all expressions? (y/n) ", false) if input == "y" for d in display d[0] = false end end else pos = pos.to_i if display[pos-1] display[pos-1][0] = false else stdout.printf "display expression %d is not defined\n", pos end end when /^\s*c(?:ont)?$/ MUTEX.unlock return when /^\s*s(?:tep)?(?:\s+(\d+))?$/ if $1 lev = $1.to_i else lev = 1 end @stop_next = lev return when /^\s*n(?:ext)?(?:\s+(\d+))?$/ if $1 lev = $1.to_i else lev = 1 end @stop_next = lev @no_step = @frames.size - frame_pos return when /^\s*w(?:here)?$/, /^\s*f(?:rame)?$/ display_frames(frame_pos) when /^\s*l(?:ist)?(?:\s+(.+))?$/ if not $1 b = previous_line ? previous_line + 10 : binding_line - 5 e = b + 9 elsif $1 == '-' b = previous_line ? previous_line - 10 : binding_line - 5 e = b + 9 else b, e = $1.split(/[-,]/) if e b = b.to_i e = e.to_i else b = b.to_i - 5 e = b + 9 end end previous_line = b display_list(b, e, binding_file, binding_line) when /^\s*up(?:\s+(\d+))?$/ previous_line = nil if $1 lev = $1.to_i else lev = 1 end frame_pos += lev if frame_pos >= @frames.size frame_pos = @frames.size - 1 stdout.print "at toplevel\n" end binding, binding_file, binding_line = @frames[frame_pos] stdout.printf "#%d %s:%s\n", frame_pos, binding_file, binding_line when /^\s*down(?:\s+(\d+))?$/ previous_line = nil if $1 lev = $1.to_i else lev = 1 end frame_pos -= lev if frame_pos < 0 frame_pos = 0 stdout.print "at stack bottom\n" end binding, binding_file, binding_line = @frames[frame_pos] stdout.printf "#%d %s:%s\n", frame_pos, binding_file, binding_line when /^\s*fi(?:nish)?$/ if frame_pos == 0 stdout.print "\"finish\" not meaningful in the outermost frame.\n" else @finish_pos = @frames.size - frame_pos frame_pos = 0 return end when /^\s*q(?:uit)?$/ input = readline("really quit? (y/n) ", false) exit if input == "y" when /^\s*v(?:ar)?\s+/ debug_variable_info($', binding) when /^\s*m(?:ethod)?\s+/ debug_method_info($', binding) when /^\s*th(?:read)?\s+/ if DEBUGGER__.debug_thread_info($', binding) == :cont MUTEX.unlock return end when /^\s*p\s+/ p debug_eval($', binding) else v = debug_eval(input, binding) p v unless (v == nil) end end end end def display_expressions(binding) n = 1 for d in display if d[0] stdout.printf "%d: %s = %s\n", n, d[1], debug_eval(d[1], binding).to_s end n += 1 end end def frame_set_pos(file, line) if @frames[0] @frames[0][1] = file @frames[0][2] = line end end def display_frames(pos) pos += 1 n = 0 at = @frames for bind, file, line, id in at n += 1 break unless bind if pos == n stdout.printf "--> #%d %s:%s%s\n", n, file, line, id != 0 ? ":in `#{id.id2name}'":"" else stdout.printf " #%d %s:%s%s\n", n, file, line, id != 0 ? ":in `#{id.id2name}'":"" end end end def display_list(b, e, file, line) stdout.printf "[%d, %d] in %s\n", b, e, file if lines = SCRIPT_LINES__[file] and lines != true n = 0 b.upto(e) do |n| if n > 0 && lines[n-1] if n == line stdout.printf "=> %d %s\n", n, lines[n-1].chomp else stdout.printf " %d %s\n", n, lines[n-1].chomp end end end else stdout.printf "no sourcefile available for %s\n", file end end def line_at(file, line) lines = SCRIPT_LINES__[file] if lines return "\n" if lines == true line = lines[line-1] return "\n" unless line return line end return "\n" end def debug_funcname(id) if id == 0 "toplevel" else id.id2name end end def check_break_points(file, pos, binding, id) file = File.basename(file) n = 1 for b in break_points if b[0] if b[1] == 0 and b[2] == file and b[3] == pos MUTEX.lock stdout.printf "breakpoint %d, %s at %s:%s\n", n, debug_funcname(id), file, pos return true elsif b[1] == 1 and debug_eval(b[2], binding) MUTEX.lock stdout.printf "watchpoint %d, %s at %s:%s\n", n, debug_funcname(id), file, pos return true end end n += 1 end return false end def excn_handle(file, line, id, binding) if $!.type <= SystemExit set_trace_func nil exit end MUTEX.lock fs = @frames.size tb = caller(0)[-fs..-1] stdout.printf "%s\n", $! if tb for i in tb stdout.printf "\tfrom %s\n", i end end debug_command(file, line, id, binding) end def trace_func(event, file, line, id, binding, klass) @file = file @line = line case event when 'line' frame_set_pos(file, line) if !@no_step or @frames.size == @no_step @stop_next -= 1 elsif @frames.size < @no_step @stop_next = 0 # break here before leaving... else # nothing to do. skipped. end if @stop_next == 0 or check_break_points(file, line, binding, id) if [file, line] == @last @stop_next = 1 else @no_step = nil debug_command(file, line, id, binding) @last = [file, line] end end when 'call' @frames.unshift [binding, file, line, id] if check_break_points(file, id.id2name, binding, id) or check_break_points(klass.to_s, id.id2name, binding, id) debug_command(file, line, id, binding) end when 'c-call' frame_set_pos(file, line) when 'class' @frames.unshift [binding, file, line, id] when 'return', 'end' @frames.shift if @frames.size == @finish_pos @stop_next = 1 end when 'end' @frames.shift when 'raise' excn_handle(file, line, id, binding) end @last_file = file end end trap("INT") { DEBUGGER__.interrupt } # $DEBUG = true @last_thread = Thread::main @max_thread = 1 @thread_list = {Thread::main => 1} @break_points = [] @display = [] @stdout = STDOUT class <