# # complex.rb - # $Release Version: 0.5 $ # $Revision: 1.3 $ # $Date: 1998/07/08 10:05:28 $ # by Keiju ISHITSUKA(SHL Japan Inc.) # # -- # Usage: # class Complex < Numeric # # Complex(x, y) --> x + yi # y.im --> 0 + yi # # Complex::polar # # Complex::+ # Complex::- # Complex::* # Complex::/ # Complex::** # Complex::% # Complex::divmod -- obsolete # Complex::abs # Complex::abs2 # Complex::arg # Complex::polar # Complex::conjugate # Complex::<=> # Complex::== # Complex::to_i # Complex::to_f # Complex::to_r # Complex::to_s # # Complex::I # # Numeric::im # # Math.sqrt # Math.exp # Math.cos # Math.sin # Math.tan # Math.log # Math.log10 # Math.atan2 # # def Complex(a, b = 0) if a.kind_of?(Complex) and b == 0 a elsif b.kind_of?(Complex) if a.kind_of?(Complex) Complex(a.real-b.image, a.image + b.real) else Complex(a-b.image, b.real) end elsif b == 0 and defined? Complex::Unify a else Complex.new(a, b) end end class Complex < Numeric @RCS_ID='-$Id: complex.rb,v 1.3 1998/07/08 10:05:28 keiju Exp keiju $-' def Complex.generic?(other) other.kind_of?(Integer) or other.kind_of?(Float) or (defined?(Rational) and other.kind_of?(Rational)) end def Complex.polar(r, theta) Complex(r*Math.cos(theta), r*Math.sin(theta)) end def initialize(a, b = 0) raise "non numeric 1st arg `#{a.inspect}'" if !a.kind_of? Numeric raise "non numeric 2nd arg `#{b.inspect}'" if !b.kind_of? Numeric @real = a @image = b end def + (other) if other.kind_of?(Complex) re = @real + other.real im = @image + other.image Complex(re, im) elsif Complex.generic?(other) Complex(@real + other, @image) else x , y = other.coerce(self) x + y end end def - (other) if other.kind_of?(Complex) re = @real - other.real im = @image - other.image Complex(re, im) elsif Complex.generic?(other) Complex(@real - other, @image) else x , y = other.coerce(self) x - y end end def * (other) if other.kind_of?(Complex) re = @real*other.real - @image*other.image im = @real*other.image + @image*other.real Complex(re, im) elsif Complex.generic?(other) Complex(@real * other, @image * other) else x , y = other.coerce(self) x * y end end def / (other) if other.kind_of?(Complex) self*other.conjugate/other.abs2 elsif Complex.generic?(other) Complex(@real/other, @image/other) else x, y = other.coerce(self) x/y end end def ** (other) if other == 0 return Complex(1) end if other.kind_of?(Complex) r, theta = polar ore = other.real oim = other.image nr = Math.exp!(ore*Math.log!(r) - oim * theta) ntheta = theta*ore + oim*Math.log!(r) Complex.polar(nr, ntheta) elsif other.kind_of?(Integer) if other > 0 x = self z = x n = other - 1 while n != 0 while (div, mod = n.divmod(2) mod == 0) x = Complex(x.real*x.real - x.image*x.image, 2*x.real*x.image) n = div end z *= x n -= 1 end z else if defined? Rational (Rational(1) / self) ** -other else self ** Float(other) end end elsif Complex.generic?(other) r, theta = polar Complex.polar(r.power!(other), theta * other) else x, y = other.coerce(self) x/y end end def % (other) if other.kind_of?(Complex) Complex(@real % other.real, @image % other.image) elsif Complex.generic?(other) Complex(@real % other, @image % other) else x , y = other.coerce(self) x % y end end # def divmod(other) # if other.kind_of?(Complex) # rdiv, rmod = @real.divmod(other.real) # idiv, imod = @image.divmod(other.image) # return Complex(rdiv, idiv), Complex(rmod, rmod) # elsif Complex.generic?(other) # Complex(@real.divmod(other), @image.divmod(other)) # else # x , y = other.coerce(self) # x.divmod(y) # end # end def abs Math.sqrt!((@real*@real + @image*@image).to_f) end def abs2 @real*@real + @image*@image end def arg Math.atan2(@image.to_f, @real.to_f) end def polar return abs, arg end def conjugate Complex(@real, -@image) end def <=> (other) self.abs <=> other.abs end def == (other) if other.kind_of?(Complex) @real == other.real and @image == other.image elsif Complex.generic?(other) @real == other and @image == 0 else x , y = other.coerce(self) x == y end end def coerce(other) if Complex.generic?(other) return Complex.new(other), self else super end end def to_i Complex(@real.to_i, @image.to_i) end def to_f Complex(@real.to_f, @image.to_f) end def to_r Complex(@real.to_r, @image.to_r) end def denominator @real.denominator.lcm(@image.denominator) end def numerator cd = denominator Complex(@real.numerator*(cd/@real.denominator), @image.numerator*(cd/@image.denominator)) end def to_s if @real != 0 if defined?(Rational) and @image.kind_of?(Rational) and @image.denominator != 1 if @image >= 0 @real.to_s+"+("+@image.to_s+")i" else @real.to_s+"-("+(-@image).to_s+")i" end else if @image >= 0 @real.to_s+"+"+@image.to_s+"i" else @real.to_s+"-"+(-@image).to_s+"i" end end else if defined?(Rational) and @image.kind_of?(Rational) and @image.denominator != 1 "("+@image.to_s+")i" else @image.to_s+"i" end end end def hash @real.hash ^ @image.hash end def inspect sprintf("Complex(%s, %s)", @real.inspect, @image.inspect) end I = Complex(0,1) attr :real attr :image end class Numeric def im Complex(0, self) end def real self end def image 0 end def arg if self >= 0 return 0 else return Math.atan2(1,1)*4 end end def polar return abs, arg end def conjugate self end end class Fixnum if not defined? Rational alias power! ** end def ** (other) if self < 0 Complex.new(self) ** other else if defined? Rational if other >= 0 self.power!(other) else Rational.new!(self,1)**other end else self.power!(other) end end end end class Bignum if not defined? Rational alias power! ** end end class Float alias power! ** end module Math alias sqrt! sqrt alias exp! exp alias cos! cos alias sin! sin alias tan! tan alias log! log alias log10! log10 alias atan2! atan2 def sqrt(z) if Complex.generic?(z) if z >= 0 sqrt!(z) else Complex(0,sqrt!(-z)) end else z**Rational(1,2) end end def exp(z) if Complex.generic?(z) exp!(z) else Complex(exp!(z.real) * cos!(z.image), exp!(z.real) * sin!(z.image)) end end def cosh!(x) (exp!(x) + exp!(-x))/2.0 end def sinh!(x) (exp!(x) - exp!(-x))/2.0 end def cos(z) if Complex.generic?(z) cos!(z) else Complex(cos!(z.real)*cosh!(z.image), -sin!(z.real)*sinh!(z.image)) end end def sin(z) if Complex.generic?(z) sin!(z) else Complex(sin!(z.real)*cosh!(z.image), cos!(z.real)*sinh!(z.image)) end end def tan(z) if Complex.generic?(z) tan!(z) else sin(z)/cos(z) end end def log(z) if Complex.generic?(z) and z >= 0 log!(z) else r, theta = z.polar Complex(log!(r.abs), theta) end end def log10(z) if Complex.generic?(z) log10!(z) else log(z)/log!(10) end end def atan2(x, y) if Complex.generic?(x) and Complex.generic?(y) atan2!(x, y) else fail "Not yet implemented." end end def atanh!(x) log((1.0 + x.to_f) / ( 1.0 - x.to_f)) / 2.0 end def atan(z) if Complex.generic?(z) atan2!(z, 1) elsif z.image == 0 atan2(z.real,1) else a = z.real b = z.image c = (a*a + b*b - 1.0) d = (a*a + b*b + 1.0) Complex(atan2!((c + sqrt(c*c + 4.0*a*a)), 2.0*a), atanh!((-d + sqrt(d*d - 4.0*b*b))/(2.0*b))) end end module_function :sqrt module_function :sqrt! module_function :exp! module_function :exp module_function :cosh! module_function :cos! module_function :cos module_function :sinh! module_function :sin! module_function :sin module_function :tan! module_function :tan module_function :log! module_function :log module_function :log10! module_function :log module_function :atan2! module_function :atan2 # module_function :atan! module_function :atan module_function :atanh! end