# # Get CGI String # # EXAMPLE: # require "cgi-lib.rb" # foo = CGI.new # foo['field'] <== value of 'field' # foo.keys <== array of fields # and foo has Hash class methods # # foo.cookie['name'] <== cookie value of 'name' # foo.cookie.keys <== all cookie names # and foo.cookie has Hash class methods # # make raw cookie string # cookie1 = CGI.cookie({'name' => 'name', # 'value' => 'value', # 'path' => 'path', # optional # 'domain' => 'domain', # optional # 'expires' => Time.now, # optional # 'secure' => true # optional # }) # # print CGI.header("Content-Type: text/html", cookie1, cookie2) # # print CGI.header("HTTP/1.0 200 OK", "Content-Type: text/html") # print CGI.header # == print CGI.header("Content-Type: text/html") # # make HTML tag string # CGI.tag("element", {"attribute_name"=>"attribute_value"}){"content"} # # print CGI.tag("HTML"){ # CGI.tag("HEAD"){ CGI.tag("TITLE"){"TITLE"} } + # CGI.tag("BODY"){ # CGI.tag("FORM", {"ACTION"=>"test.rb", "METHOD"=>"POST"}){ # CGI.tag("INPUT", {"TYPE"=>"submit", "VALUE"=>"submit"}) # } + # CGI.tag("HR") # } # } # if running on Windows(IIS or PWS) then change cwd. if ENV['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] =~ /^Microsoft-/ then Dir.chdir ENV['PATH_TRANSLATED'].sub(/[^\\]+$/, '') end require "delegate" class CGI < SimpleDelegator CR = "\015" LF = "\012" EOL = CR + LF attr("inputs") attr("cookie") # original is CGI.pm def read_from_cmdline require "shellwords.rb" words = Shellwords.shellwords(if not ARGV.empty? then ARGV.join(' ') else STDERR.print "(offline mode: enter name=value pairs on standard input)\n" if STDIN.tty? readlines.join(' ').gsub(/\n/, '') end.gsub(/\\=/, '%3D').gsub(/\\&/, '%26')) if words.find{|x| x =~ /=/} then words.join('&') else words.join('+') end end # escape url encode def escape(str) str.gsub!(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-.]/n){ sprintf("%%%02X", $&.unpack("C")[0]) } str end # unescape url encoded def unescape(str) str.gsub!(/\+/, ' ') str.gsub!(/%([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/){ [$1.hex].pack("c") } str end # escape HTML def escapeHTML(str) str.gsub(/&/, "&").gsub(/\"/, """).gsub(/>/, ">").gsub(/" + (iterator? ? yield.to_s + "" : "") end def CGI.message(msg, title = "", header = ["Content-Type: text/html"]) print CGI.header(*header) print "" print title print "\n" print msg print "\n" TRUE end def CGI.error m = $!.to_s.dup m.gsub!(/&/, '&') m.gsub!(//, '>') msgs = ["
ERROR: #{m}"]
    msgs << $@
    msgs << "
" CGI.message(msgs.join("\n"), "ERROR") exit end end