bundle-plugin(1) -- Manage Bundler plugins ========================================== ## SYNOPSIS `bundle plugin` install PLUGINS [--source=] [--version=] [--git|--local_git=] [--branch=|--ref=]
`bundle plugin` uninstall PLUGINS
`bundle plugin` list
`bundle plugin` help [COMMAND] ## DESCRIPTION You can install, uninstall, and list plugin(s) with this command to extend functionalities of Bundler. ## SUB-COMMANDS ### install Install the given plugin(s). * `bundle plugin install bundler-graph`: Install bundler-graph gem from RubyGems.org. The global source, specified in source in Gemfile is ignored. * `bundle plugin install bundler-graph --source https://example.com`: Install bundler-graph gem from example.com. The global source, specified in source in Gemfile is not considered. * `bundle plugin install bundler-graph --version 0.2.1`: You can specify the version of the gem via `--version`. * `bundle plugin install bundler-graph --git https://github.com/rubygems/bundler-graph`: Install bundler-graph gem from Git repository. `--git` can be replaced with `--local-git`. You cannot use both `--git` and `--local-git`. You can use standard Git URLs like: * `ssh://[user@]host.xz[:port]/path/to/repo.git` * `http[s]://host.xz[:port]/path/to/repo.git` * `/path/to/repo` * `file:///path/to/repo` When you specify `--git`/`--local-git`, you can use `--branch` or `--ref` to specify any branch, tag, or commit hash (revision) to use. When you specify both, only the latter is used. ### uninstall Uninstall the plugin(s) specified in PLUGINS. ### list List the installed plugins and available commands. No options. ### help Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand. No options. ## SEE ALSO * [How to write a Bundler plugin](https://bundler.io/guides/bundler_plugins.html)