# frozen_string_literal: true module Bundler class LockfileGenerator attr_reader :definition attr_reader :out # @private def initialize(definition) @definition = definition @out = String.new end def self.generate(definition) new(definition).generate! end def generate! add_sources add_platforms add_dependencies add_locked_ruby_version add_bundled_with out end private def add_sources definition.send(:sources).lock_sources.each_with_index do |source, idx| out << "\n" unless idx.zero? # Add the source header out << source.to_lock # Find all specs for this source specs = definition.resolve.select {|s| source.can_lock?(s) } add_specs(specs) end end def add_specs(specs) # This needs to be sorted by full name so that # gems with the same name, but different platform # are ordered consistently specs.sort_by(&:full_name).each do |spec| next if spec.name == "bundler".freeze out << spec.to_lock end end def add_platforms add_section("PLATFORMS", definition.platforms) end def add_dependencies out << "\nDEPENDENCIES\n" handled = [] definition.dependencies.sort_by(&:to_s).each do |dep| next if handled.include?(dep.name) out << dep.to_lock << "\n" handled << dep.name end end def add_locked_ruby_version return unless locked_ruby_version = definition.locked_ruby_version add_section("RUBY VERSION", locked_ruby_version.to_s) end def add_bundled_with add_section("BUNDLED WITH", Bundler::VERSION) end def add_section(name, value) out << "\n#{name}\n" case value when Array value.map(&:to_s).sort.each do |val| out << " #{val}\n" end when Hash value.to_a.sort_by {|k, _| k.to_s }.each do |key, val| out << " #{key}: #{val}\n" end when String out << " #{value}\n" else raise ArgumentError, "#{value.inspect} can't be serialized in a lockfile" end end end end